Burning Wheel - Burning Empires Psychology.pdf

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A psychologist is one who can read, influence and even control the
thoughts of others. The ability is born from the mental energies of
the psychologist and sharpened by intense training.
The art and science of Psychology is the province of a
gifted few. Most are those born with the Bright Mark and
trained to use their inborn talents. Rarer are mutants who
exhibit no physical manifestation of the Mark, yet have the talents
of the Psychologist.
The Bright Mark and the Mule
There are two traits which grant access to Psychology-based
power: Bright Mark and Mule. With either of these traits, the
character has access to all of the potential uses of the power.
Without one of those traits, the Psychology skill can be learned,
but only the rules under Psychology as a Skill are available for use.
The Bright Mark and Mule traits may never be granted by vote
during play. They must be purchased in character burning.
T he B urning W heel
Psychology as a Skill
First and foremost, Psychology is a skill that’s drilled into the heads
of talented individuals. The skill teaches how to read, predict and
manipulate human behavior, both en masse and individually. It is a
rigorous academic discipline.
Psychology Per
Psychologists can decipher gossamer veils of emotion,
deception, clarity and purpose. Psychology is a field of
related knowledge for Oratory, Persuasion, Command,
Falsehood, Seduction, Suasion, Rhetoric, Intimidation,
Interrogation, Etiquette, Ugly Truth and Soothing
Platitudes. It may be used to help the same skills for
another character. It may be tested in a Duel of Wits for
the Incite action and is the primary dueling skill in the
Psychic Duel mechanics. It is also used extensively in the
Infection maneuvers. Psychology may also be used to
read another character’s emotional state and to discern
his traits. Obstacles: Determining whether a subject is
alive or dead, Ob 1. Reading hidden mood, Ob 2. Seeing
a character trait, Ob 3. Reading a past lifepath, Ob 3.
Detecting Naiven within, Ob 3. Seeing a die or call-on trait, Ob 4. Sensing a
person’s intent (to deceive, for example), Ob 4. Detecting the presence of a
connection, Ob 5. Reading a reputation, the obstacle is 6 minus the reputation
dice. Reading an affiliation, obstacle is 7 minus the affiliation dice. Reading a
Belief is Ob 7.
You must declare your intent and set the obstacle for this action before rolling
the dice. The psychologist player may choose which trait his character is trying
to discover.
If the psychologist character possesses the Bright Mark or the Mule trait,
the Psychology skill presents him with more powerful options. See the
Psychologist’s Powers section.
Practice Cycle : 6 ms. Hrs/day: 3r/6d/12c
Technology : No.
A Psychologist’s Powers
A psychologist with the Bright Mark or Mule trait has access to the
following abilities: Connections, Transference, Hindrance, Locks, Barriers,
Psychological Force and Psychological Chemistry . Using these abilities he
may read a character’s innermost thoughts against the character’s will
and make alterations to the character’s Beliefs and traits.
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A psychologist who wishes to tap into his
higher-level abilities must forge a psychic
connection with the character whom he
wants to affect. A connection is the primary
vehicle through which a psychologist can read
the thoughts and manipulate the actions of
Forging a Connection
When a player wants his psychologist to
get into the mind of another player, he must
perform a little ritual. Pick up a single die and
turn and ask the target player (or the GM) , “Do
you wish to forge a connection with me?” If
yes, then the psychologist player hands the
other player a die from his connection pool. If
no, then no connection is made.
This ritual is between the players, and it has nothing to do
with the characters. The subtext for the ritual is, “If you take
this die, you will benefit, but you also open yourself to possible
attack and manipulation. Are you willing to accept the risk and possibly
pay the price?”
What’s happening in the game between the characters is a mere
glance from the psychologist as he extends his abilities toward the
other character, searching for vulnerabilities. If the player accepts, then
the psychologist has found an easy way in. If he declines, then the
psychologist will have to use other, less subtle methods.
A connection may only be offered when the two characters are
physically in the same scene together. It requires no overt action from
the psychologist.
Prince Faisal and Lord Omei are discussing their plans to unseat Prince
Aziz. Mayuran turns to Thor, “Will you accept a connection?”
Thor responds, “Hell, yes!”
The Connection Die
If the connection is accepted, the target player may use it as an
advantage die for Oratory, Persuasion, Command, Falsehood, Seduction,
Suasion, Rhetoric, Intimidation, Interrogation, Etiquette, Ugly Truth and
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T he B urning W heel
Soothing Platitudes tests. His own latent psychic powers are temporarily
enhanced via the connection. He may also broadcast his thoughts to
the psychologist and in turn accept the transmitted thoughts of the
psychologist via telepathy—from any distance. He may not read the
psychologist’s thoughts.
Mayuran hands Thor a die from his pool. Thor may keep it until Mayuran
asks for it back. The connection die acts as a special advantage die for a
whole bunch of skills. It doesn’t count as a FoRK or a wise or help.
For reasons described in Breaking the Connection, it’s best if
connection dice are distinguishable in some way—a particular
color or size. It makes them easier to keep track of.
The Pool
The psychologist’s Will acts as a pool with which he can protect
himself, build connections and help or hinder those connections. A
psychologist’s connection pool is equal to his current Will exponent.
However, each connection temporarily reduces his pool by one (not his
Will exponent). The dice in the pool are also used to grant bonuses and
cause penalties, so it is important to manage connections carefully.
Prince Faisal has a Will of 6. He has given out four connections. That
means his current pool is 2. He can give out two more connections if he
desires, or he can save those dice and keep them as his Barrier or use
them for Transference or Hindrance.
We Are Connected
When a psychologist has a connection with another character, he
is in constant communication with him, no matter the distance. He
may speak “head-to-head” with the character as if they were present
together. He can hear the words the other character is speaking, even
if they are directed at someone else. He can also read the connected
character’s surface thoughts.
Lord Omei is speaking privately with Mal Nenox, but all the while,
Mayuran is listening. Since Faisal and Omei are connected, Mayuran can
use anything in that conversation as if he were present in the scene.
Surface thoughts are not terribly informative. They typically
serve to give the psychologist a jumbled sense of place and
physical presence for the connected character. Beyond that,
the psychologist can conjure images from the surface thoughts if the
connected character is concentrating. For more information, the
psychologist must use his skill and read the character.
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Reading a Connection
A psychologist may read a character he’s connected to at any time,
so long as he isn’t otherwise engaged in a conflict or test of his own.
He may do so no matter the distance. He gains a +1D advantage in
reading a connected character. Otherwise, use the obstacles described
in the Psychology as a Skill.
Psychologist to Psychologist Connections
Psychologists must form bonds and trade dice like any other
character in order to communicate telepathically or transfer skills and
memory. However, since they already gain the FoRK die from their
own Psychology skill, they do not gain an advantage die from their
connections. All other benefits and risks stand as stated above.
Psychologist-to-psychologist connections are more of a two way
connection than other connections. The targeted psychologist
may initiate communications and read the surface thoughts of the
character who made the connection. He may also read the character,
no matter their distance.
Reading a Connected Psychologist
A psychologist player may wish to read another psychologist to whom
he’s connected. This is done via the standard reading mechanics, but
the target’s current barrier adds to the obstacle . The reading psychologist
does gain the +1D advantage die.
Dual Connections
It’s possible for a character to have connections from more than one
psychologist at a time. He only gains +1D for connections no matter
how many ghosts are in his head. However, once he’s accepted two
connections, the psychologists may attempt to dislodge one another.
Make a Psychology test, the obstacle to dislodge another connected
psychologist is equal to the target’s current barrier.
Breaking the Connection
Letting go of a connection is tricky. The psychologist player must ask
for the connection die back. The target player may willingly return it to
the psychologist’s pool, or he may keep it and say, “I think there have
been some unforeseen complications and a strange bond has formed
between us.” The connection die is then considered to be “in jeopardy.”
The player may keep the die and use it as he has been—as an advantage
for his social skills. If he uses the die in tests in conjunction with or in
relation to the psychologist, the die remains his. If he uses the die in a
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