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Action Chronicles for Maae: The Ascension
Kni~ht or Dynamism
Frustration is the fuse
The flame is hate
Tick, tick, tick,
By Phil Brucato, Aaron R.osenber~ and Lindsay Woodcock
- L7, "The Bomb"
. ~II
Prelude Story by: Kathleen Ryan
Developed by: Phil Brucato, with Ken Cliffe and Lindsay
Edited by: Ken Cliffe
Art Director: Larry Snelly
Layout and Typesetting: Aaron Voss
Art: Michael Gaydos, Drew Johnson, Toby Cypress,
Richard Clark and Paul Harmon
Front Cover Art: Michael Gaydos
Front and Back Cover Design: Aaron Voss
ip~~ Brucato, Aawn Ro"nbetg and' Lind.ay
. SUITE 128
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Talesof Magick
Chi}pterOne: Tick, Tick, Tick
Chi}pterTwo: You NeC\r Somethin~?
Chi}pterThree: Boom!
Appendix:Bits C\ndPieces
By Kathleen Ryan
Alexande! Gericault waits patiently at
~e{;Ol.!nte.r.ofas.mallpiikt)!Y. He sips strong
black caffee. from a plain white mug. and setS
it biiCkinta itsring~stained sauger. .~ '\.
The quiet rhythm .of canversation and'
cutlerY arallndhim shatters in a ca$tade of
glass and china.
A heavy, thick-haired waman at the
cash register shrieks and begins scalding the
busbay. He fires back a stream .ofcurses and
camplaints - half in broken English, half in his unrecagniz-
able native tangue - ending clearly in, "I quit!" He spits an
the flaar befare the cashier, throws dawn his apron and starms
out through the kitchen.
Gericault keeps watch steadily an the franr windaws.
Directly behindhim, ata tablefartwa, an elderly lady digs
through her handpag and pulls farth a pillbax. She fishes out
tWa pale-green tablets and places them gingerly in her mauth.
Her pink topgue .flicks briefly aver thin, cracked;red-paintecl
lips, and she takes the medicine with a glass .of water and a
grimace. She stares h:if(;llyattQe. Waitingcup, sQi.ledl'lateand
vacant chair appasiteher awn. With her right hand, she
empties the pillbox intO herhusband'scoffeei with her left she
picks up his spaan and begins stirring. Her expressiQn never
Gericault catches sight afhis subject .in the street .outside.
He pays far his caffee, tips well and rises.
As the Nephandus passes a yaung girl- a callege student
sitting alone at the table clasest ta tQe daar - she wipes a
fallen tear fram her jaurnal, staps writing paetry, and begins
camposing her suicide. nate. He smiles kindly at her and leaves
the little caffee shap.
Ge.ritault walks like a bllsTne.ssmantaday. In well-cut gr::i.Y'
slacks and a slightly rumpled wlJ,ite.oxfard sQirt, he laaks like
anyathe.r cubicle-dwelleron lunchbre.ak - he even gives the
impressian that hiscaat and tie .:lre.hl.!ng up next to his
keybaard, waiting. His face and haIr are s~lected ta match, and
entirely cammanplace.
He steps anta the sidewalk with the exact pasture .of a
man wha has warked desk and mause .one year taa many, and
nat a saullaaks at him twice. A wave .oftaurists surges past and
he adjusts his pace td'match. From the curb side, screened by
the sightseers, he scans the group ahead.
He spats the red-haired alchemist easily: A tall, gangly,
bayish man, head and shaulders abave the crowd -slauching,
then standing straight and maving well, but abviausly uncam-
fortable with himself, his height and his fellaw travelers.
Ta the yaung man's side, a teenage-girLinoveralis. She
haps alang like a broken spring, alert but easily distracted. She
see,,!!sta do mast .of the talking.
Bhe. t.urns suddenly wirhan etnphatlcrdauble-handed,
splay-fingered gestl.!re.and Qiirkssamething afthe ather man
walkiI1gbesidehe.t ~ the .oldest .of the three. He wears
sunglasses, tQough the light daes nat quite call far them, and
stalks alang like a tiger, thaugh there is1.1.need far that, either.
He tries ta play itstropg :lnd silent, but the sharp-tangued kid
beside him erodes his' compasure. His stany face breaks in
aggravatian and the twaargue.(ar a whale black.
An Asian man in his mid-JOs laaks bad:atthe fight and
threws theredheiid3 wryJ1iilf-srqJle. He clearly means it to be
reassuring, but taa much wanysh6\Vs threugh the mask. The
yaunger man trots te catchUp With' the leader and they walk
en, talking quietly. .
The Nephandus nates the drama,almest grateful thllt .
Amanda has faund these campanians. If it were .onlyher and
the [>ries. he had ta fallaw. ."
The priest drops .outof sight again, and Gericault.curses.
With effartrhe finds him- an .oldgray miin in a pale-blue
pele shift and wrinl<ledtWill trousers:He isthe slewest walker,
and says little. The stream of pedestrians winds araund him
withaut taking much Dorice, antleve~Gericault finds it hard
ta fecus en the frail, staaped figure.
Beside the faded cleric, .Amanda Janssen flaats alang the
sidewalk like a pillar .of fire. Men stare. Wamen approve or
envy. Children smile and peint at the pretty lady - and
Gericiiult knaws that nat: .one will remember her clearly after
he),:pi!!Ssing.If. they see herllgain jn ether clethes, they will
hardly rec6gnizeherj if he stops al1e'of her admirers and asks
what she loaks like, the petSOnwiH find 1.1.rearwards, only
vague cemparisens. Her features are indescribable and there-
fare as ananymaus as his awn.
The Nephandus tears his gaze fram her reluctantly. At
last he catches sight .ofhis other quarry.
Twa men walk at a peculiarly deliberate pace .one half.
black ahead .ofhim, dressed in suspiciausly bulky caats, their
eyes fastened an the backs .of Amanda and thase with her.
There's a pair who could use practice in the art of the Unseen,
thinks Gericault. He facuses his senses and takes their mea.
sure: There are minar wards protecting them, armar beneath
their clathes and weapens at their hands, but these twa are
cannan fadder against real Craft. He smiles proudly, anticipat.
ing Amanda and her knives wading through the pair's dumb
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