Bench - Gardening Bench.pdf

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Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
The functional design of this sim-
ple bench provides comfortable
seating close to the ground, so you
won't have to stoop or kneel.
Besides being ideal for the garden
or patio, it's also a natural in the
bath or shower, if redwood or special-
treated wood is used.
1. After cutting all of the pieces to
size, round off the ends of the two
outside top pieces (C).
2. Cut a 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" notch on
each end of the cross brace (B) as
shown to accommodate the legs
3. Cut a 4"-diameter opening and
1-1/2" x 2" slot in the bottom of
each leg as shown.
4. Glue and nail the legs to the
cross brace. If working with red
wood, blunt the ends of the nails
before using.
5. Evenly space the top pieces on
the legs,and secure them with glue
and nails.
6. Sand and apply the water-resis
tant finish of your choice.
Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
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