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Carved Fruit Bowl
here is something magical about carving bowls. Do
you know what I mean? One moment you have a
slab of wood—nothing very special, just a piece of wood
that might or might not end up on the fire—and the next
moment you have a carved bowl that is a useful part and
parcel of your life. We have this bowl that my Welsh
grandfather made. It wouldn't win prizes and it isn't so
beautiful, and it is a bit stained and has somehow been
slightly scorched on one side, but for all that, it has always
been with me. When 1 was a kid with chicken pox, the
bowl was filled with apples and placed beside the bed; it
was beside me when I was studying for my exams; it was
given to me when I got married, and no doubt I will give
it to one of my sons somewhere along the line. It has
become an heirloom, something precious!
So there you go, if you are looking to make a special
gift, one that might well see the next millennium in and
out, then perhaps this is the project for you.
Before you do anything else, you need to search out a
block of easy-to-carve wood about 4" thick, 12" wide, and
12" along the run of the grain. You could use a wood like
lime, a fruit wood, a piece of yellow pine, or whatever, as
long as it's relatively easy to carve and free from splits and
Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
Pencil label the two 12" X 12" faces, one "top rim" and
the other " foot rim." Now, with the slab set "top rim" face
uppermost, first draw crossed diagonals to establish top-
center; then use the compass or dividers to scribe out two
circles, one with a radius of 6" and one with a radius of
5 1/2". Rerun this procedure on the "foot rim" side of the
slab, only this time have the two circles at 2 3/4" radius and
2" radius. When you're happy with the way the wood has
been set out, use a band saw to cut out the blank. This
clone, move to the drill press and run a good size pilot
hole i n t o the center of the "top rim" side of the wood.
Drill down to a depth of exactly 3 1/4". 1 used a 2"-
diameter Forstner bit, but a l"-diameter would be fine.
Being mindful that the bottom of the hole marks both the
level of the inside bowl and the thickness of the base, it
is vital that you don't go deeper than 3 1/4".
With the workpiece set down on the bench so that the
"top rim" lace is uppermost, take a mallet and a straight,
shallow sweep gouge and work around the rim of the
drilled hole cutting back the waste. The working proce-
dure should go something like this: Work once around
the hole scooping out a ring of waste, work around this
initial ring scooping out another ring of waste, and so on,
all the while backing up until you reach what will become
the inside rim of the bowl. When you have cleared one
level of waste, return to the edge of the drilled hole and
start over. So you continue, clearing the waste level by
level until you begin to establish the beautiful shape of
the inside of the bowl.
Use whatever tools best do the job. For example, 1
started with the straight gouge and the mallet, then
changed to a front-bent gouge, and finally I switched to
using a small hooked knife for tidying up.
When the shape of the inside of the bowl is well estab-
lished, turn the workpiece over so that the base is upper-
most, and set to work carving and shaping in much the
same way as already described. The carving procedure for
the outside of the bowl is pretty straightforward, only this
time you need to work in two directions—from the inside
edge of the foot ring and in toward the center of the base,
and from the outside edge of the foot ring and out and
down towards the rim.
And so you resume, carving the inside of the foot ring
a little, carving the bold convex shape of the outside of
bowl profile, carving the inside of the bowl a tad more,
and so on and on, until the wall thickness ranges between
about 3/8 " at the rim to 5/8" outside the foot ring. And of
course, all along the way, you have to keep your tools
razor sharp so that each and every cut is clean, crisp and
controlled. As you get nearer to the beautiful bowl shape
that is hidden just below the surface of the wood, you
have to be more and more cautious with your cuts.
Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
It's a l l straight forward, as long as you stay with the follow-
ing guidelines:
Try to set up a work rhythm—carve for a few minutes,
then stroke the tool on the stone and strop, then stand
back and be critical, and then go back to a few minutes of
carving, and so on. You will find that this way of working
ensures that everything is controlled . . . the tools slay
sharp, you have time to assess your progress, and you
don't get tired.
As the bowl nears completion, you will find that it is
more difficult to grip and hold the bowl. The best way is
to either cradle it in your lap or nestle it on a pile of rags.
When you are carving the inside of the bowl—when
it's nearly finished—you have to be extra careful that you
don't lever on and break the relatively fragile rim. To
prevent this end, you might need to use one of the bent
gouges rather than a straight gouge. I would recommend
either a no. 5 bent gouge at about 3/4" wide, or perhaps a
no. 7 spoon gouge at about the same width. Be mindful
that the flatter the sweep (meaning the shape of the blade
in cross section) the greater the chance that the corners
of the blade will cut and tear the wood.
The swooping shape of the bent gouge lets you carve the concave
curve without levering the shaft of the tool on t h e fragile rim.
1 Having established the
center of t h e square slab
by drawing crossed di-
agonals and cutting the cir-
cular blank, use the 2" diam-
eter Forstner b i t to run a
3 1/4-deep pilot hole
down i n t o the center (top).
Work around the hole
clearing the waste (bottom
left). Clear the waste level by
level, all the while backing
up from the pilot hole
through to the r i m (bottom
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2 One of the easiest ways to bring the bowl to a good
finish is to use a hooked sloyd knife. As you are
working around the inside of the bowl, be mindful that
all along the way you will need to adjust your angle of
cut to suit the ever-changing run of the grain.
4 The beautiful concave curve shape that runs down
from the outside of the foot rim is achieved by
thrusting down with the blade and levering back with the
3 When you come to carve the inside of the foot—
meaning the inside of the base ring—use small, controlled
cuts, with one hand pushing and the other guiding and
being ready to break. Notice how in this instance you can
lever the shank of the tool on the relatively strong foot
5 All along the way you will have to make repeated
checks with the caliper. Try to aim for a section that starts
relatively thick at the base and gradually tapers up to a
thin rim.
Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
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Wood carving is a wonderfully fulfilling and exciting area
of woodworking, but only, if you choose the right wood.
When 1 first started carving, I had in mind to carve a
female torso, a Venus. I'm sure you know what I mean,
a bit like Marilyn Monroe, but more so. Though my
teacher told me to use lime, when I arrived at the wood
yard and saw the astronomical prices, 1 was swiftly talked
into buying—at a quarter of the price of lime—a massive
piece of I-don't-know-what.
Well, when 1 got my "bargain" wood back to the work-
shop, it was a nightmare. The wood was green and wet,
it was lull of iron-hard knots, it started to warp and split
the moment I started carving, it made my tools rusty, the
grain was wild and twisted—I could continue listing its
terrible qualities. Yes, I did manage to finish my carving,
but at what cost to my strength and sanity? It was truly
awful, a sort of mad mix-up between Marilyn Monroe and
a glandular Guernsey!
The moral of this sad little tale from my teenage years
is there are no shortcuts, and there are very few bargains.
You must use a piece of good wood. The following listing
will help you on your way:
Alder —A sapwood tree common in low-lying areas. A
wood traditionally used by North American Indians and
early settlers, it is especially good for bowls and general
American Whitewood Known variously as tulipwood,
basswood, canary wood, and many other names besides,
this is a soft, easy-to-carve wood.
Apple —A hard dense, close-grained fruitwood, it comes
in small sizes, carves well and takes a good polish. Apple
is traditionally used for small items of treen (wooden-
ware), and for kitchenwares.
Beech —A heavy, relatively easy-to-carve wood that has a
yellow-gold sapwood and a reddish heart. Beech is partic-
ular! good for carved furniture.
Boxwood A beautiful, pleasant-smelling, butter-smooth
wood that is extremely hard and close-grained. If you
want to carve items like jewelry, hair combs, small dishes
and boxes, then boxwood is a good choice.
Cedar Pencil Cedar is a favorite wood for carving. It
cuts to a clear pink-brown finish.
Cherry American cherry is a close-grained, hard-to-
work, reddish brown wood that comes in relatively small
widths. It carves well and can be brought to a wonderful
high-shine finish.
Hickory —Straight-grained with a white sapwood and
reddish brown heartwood, hickory is often the first choice
for large sculptural carvings.
Horse Chestnut —White if it is felled in winter, and
yellow-brown if it is felled later in the year, this wood is
especially good for carved furniture details and for dairy
and kitchenwares.
Holly —A close-grained, ivory-white wood that carves
well and takes fine details, it is a good wood for small
desktop toys, and kitchenwares.
Lime English lime is one of my favorite woods. Butter-
colored, close-grained and easy to carve, it is the tradi-
tional choice for architectural work, like mirror sur-
rounds, coats-of-arms, small sculptures and interior trim.
Though linden or basswood are often described as being
the same as lime, they are to my way of thinking quite
Maple —Soft maple is the traditional choice for general
carvers—used for making such things as furniture, do-
mestic wares and musical instruments—while rock maple
is preferred for heavier items like sports gear and some
laundry wares.
Pear A pink-brown wood that has a close-grained, sat-
iny finish. It's really good for kitchenwares.
Plum —One of my favorite woods. Though it is certainly
very difficult to carve, the color and texture are special—
especially good for small presentation pieces.
Sycamore —A hard, light-colored wood, it carves and fin-
ishes well. Sycamore is a top choice for dairy and kitchen-
wares, where it is important that the wood leave no smell
or taint.
Yellow Pine White to reddish light brown, it is good for
large sculptural carvings and interior details. It has been
used traditionally in shipbuilding and interior joinery. If
you order the wood unseen, be sure to specify "smooth
first growth." If you don't, there is a good chance that
you will be given poor-grade, coarse and knotty second
Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
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