At the supermarket Shh no talking please!.pdf

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2009 February 4th
Page 1
At the supermarket…shhh, no talking!
Bare på beløbet tak.
Just charge me the exact amount.
(Lit: Just on the amount, thanks.)
Kan du lave den på 100 kroner over?
Can I withdraw 100 kroner extra?
(Lit: Can you make it on a 100 kroner
on top?)
Bare på beløbet?
Do you want me to charge the
exact amount?
(Lit: Just on the amount?)
Ja, det er fint.
Yes, that’s fine.
Må jeg bede om en pose/to poser?
Can I have a bag/two bags?
(Lit: Can I ask for a bag?)
Stor eller lille?
Big or small?
Undskyld, gider du tage en pose til mig?
Excuse me, could you get a bag for me?
Tak skal du have.
Thank you.
(Lit: Thanks shall you have.)
Undskyld, jeg leder efter xxx. Hvor har I det?
Excuse me, I’m looking for xxx. Where
do you keep that?
Undskyld, jeg kan ikke finde xxx.
Excuse me, I can’t find xxx.
Ved du om I har det?
Do you know if you have that?
Det er den vej.
It is that way.
Gider du vise mig det?
Could you show me?
(Lit: Will you show me it?)
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2009 February 4th
Page 2
Syltede agurker
pickled cucumber
corn flour
El pærer
light balls
Peanut smør
peanut butter
Grøn te
green tea
to bother to do something
100 = hundrede
Challenge: What was todays offer at the super?
3 packets for 35 kroner.
Pronunciation highlights
Hundre d e* = 10 ( The first ’d’ is mute. For the second ’ d ’ please see below.)
* (The ’ d ’ should sound similar to ’th’ in ’ th is’)
Conversation between
you and a supermarket employee.
For a translation of this dialogue, please listen to the podcast.
Undskyld, jeg leder efter ingefær. Hvor har I det?
Frisk ingefær? Det har vi slet ikke.
Nej, jeg mener stødt ingefær.
Nåå, okay. Det har vi måske. Hvis vi har det, så står
det på krydderihylderne. Det er den vej. Lige bag
ved mel og sukker.
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2009 February 4th
Page 3
Okay. Tak skal du have. Og så skal jeg faktisk
også bruge noget tærtedej. Du ved godt, de der
pakker hvor dejen er rullet sammen.
Ja. Hmmm. Nu skal jeg lige se. Her er de. Der er 3
pakker for 35 kroner. Normalt koster de 17 kroner
Herligt! Ved du om de kan fryses?
Nej, men jeg tror det står på pakken. Altså, det vil
jeg næsten tro de kan.
Okay, tak for hjælpen.
Selv tak. Det var så lidt.
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2009 February 4th
Page 4
Learn, remember and use it forever!
First … Create flash cards! A flash card is a piece of cardboard with Danish
on one side and English on the other. Or you can download the free software
Anki, and make electronic flash cards. The program will space your repetitions
for you according to how well you have learned each card. Download Anki:
It’s fine to make cards with single words, just make sure also to do one card for
each whole phrase. This is important.
Then …Flip through your flash cards many times a week. Preferably every
And finally …Use these expressions whenever you have the chance.
Never mind if you are having a conversation in English. Just go ahead and
speak your Danish phrases! People will love you for it!
Why do some phrases have two translations?
In the lists of phrases in these Pdf lesson notes some phrases appear with two
translations. One, that comes first. And an extra one, that appears in
In many phrases, each word takes on slightly diferent meaning, when the whole
phrase is translated to another language. Some words even dissappear and new
word occur.
You need to learn the phrase and it’s English equivalent as one vocabulary item.
Because you are learning to use Danish for real life communiation. You are NOT
learning to act as anybodys dictionary. However, if you are curious to know more, you
can check out the alternative translation, which appears in parenthesis like this:
(Lit: ’That can I unfortunately not handle.’)
But, don’t worry too much about the alternative translation in parenthesis. You need
to focus on the first translation given :
Det kan jeg desværre ikke klare.
I’m afraid that’s not possible.
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