Rogue Trader - Edge of the Abyss.pdf

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Lead Developer
Sam Stewart
Production Manager
Gabe Laulunen
Written and Developed By
Nathan Dowdell, Andy Hoare, Jason Marker, Rex Vogen,
Ross Watson, and Benn Williams
FFG Lead Game Designer
Corey Konieczka
FFG Lead Game Producer
Michael Hurley
Alex Davy
Christian T. Petersen
Mark Pollard
Graphic Design
Bryan Schomburg and Kevin Childress
G ames W orkshop
Licensing Manager
Owen Rees
Cover Art
Matt Bradbury
Head of Licensing
Paul Lyons
Interior Art
BlackVolta Studio, Matt Bradbury, Victor Corbella, Wayne
England, Zach Graves, David Grifith, Nikolaus Ingeneri,
Anton Kokarev, Jorge Maese, Paulo Parente, Mark Smith,
David Sondered, Chase Toole
Head of Intellectual Property
Alan Merrett
Art Direction
Zoë Robinson
Special Thanks
“You Bid Babies?!” Jordan “Milly” Millward with Keri Harthoorn,
Kyle Harthoorn-Burton, Kieren Smith, and Julia Smith. “The
Wise Guys” David Wiley Holton, Chuck Boyer, Scott Boyer,
Dana Severance, Jared McGee, and Mark Belhumeur. “Furies
for everyone!” David R. Schumpert III esq. with Pierre
Wagenseil, Martin Linde, Adam Schumpert, and David Hudock.
”Unrepentant,” Lachlan “Raith” Conley, Jordan Dixon, Nick
Maroney, and Brad Twaddell. “FFG Crew of the Golden Dawn ” Tod
Gelle, James Hata, Kyle Hough, Mack Martin, Thaadd Powell, and
Ross Watson.
Fantasy Flight Games
1975 West County Road B2
Roseville, MN 55113
Copyright © Game Workshop Limited 2010. Games Workshop, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer 40,000 Role Play, Rogue Trader,
Edge of the Abyss, the foregoing marks’ respective logos, Rogue Trader, and all associated marks, logos, places, names, creatures, races and
race insignia/devices/logos/symbols, vehicles, locations, weapons, units and unit insignia, characters, products and illustrations from the
Warhammer 40,000 universe and the Rogue Trader game setting are either ®, ™, and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2010, variably
registered in the UK and other countries around the world. This edition published under license to Fantasy Flight Publishing Inc. All
rights reserved to their respective owners. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.
ISBN: 978-1-58994-795-5 Product Code: RT05 Print ID: 852AUG10
Printed in China
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Legends, Myths and Lies ........................................................6
The Kasballica Mission .......................................................93
The Blessed Apostles of Saint Asceline .............................94
The Inquisition .....................................................................95
The Cortelax Confederacy ..................................................96
Salvatorum Laborus .............................................................97
Lucin’s Breath .......................................................................16
The Dominion of Mazes .....................................................21
The Stations of Passage .......................................................25
Naduesh ................................................................................30
The Breaking Yards at SR-651 ..........................................32
The Ragged Worlds .............................................................35
The Siren Star .......................................................................38
Somnium VIII .......................................................................40
Illisk .......................................................................................43
The Serpent’s Cradle ...........................................................46
Calligos Winterscale ..........................................................100
Aspyce Chorda ...................................................................104
Jonquin Saul ........................................................................107
Aoife Armengarde ..............................................................110
Sarvus Trask ........................................................................113
Wrath Umboldt ..................................................................115
The Setting .........................................................................118
GM’s Brief ...........................................................................118
Egaria Omega .....................................................................121
Part 1: Secrets of Egaria ....................................................122
Part 2: Into the Maze ........................................................132
Part 3: At the Heart of the Maze .....................................136
Conclusion ..........................................................................139
Rewards ...............................................................................141
Further Endeavours ............................................................141
Antagonists and NPCs .......................................................141
The Orks of Undred-Undred Teef .....................................50
The Eldar ..............................................................................58
The Kroot ..............................................................................66
The Rak’Gol .........................................................................70
The Stryxis ............................................................................75
Chaos Reavers ......................................................................80
Chaos Powers and Psykana Malifi ca .................................82
Imperial Organisations ........................................................90
The Disciples of Thule ........................................................90
House Krin ............................................................................91
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“All that you know is left at the entrance to the Maw.”
including the Eldar, the Orks of the Undred-Undred
Teef, the Stryxis, and the savage Rak’Gol. In addition,
there’s background information on the various famous (or
infamous) Rogue Traders that operate in and around the
region, including names such as Aoife Armengarde, Calligos
Winterscale, Aspyce Chorda, and more. Finally, E DGE OF THE
A BYSS rounds out and concludes with an adventure for the
Explorers to test their mettle against the myriad dangers of
the Koronus Expanse.
The Expanse lies just beyond the edge of the Imperium,
beckoning seductively to explorers and adventurers. Those
who beware the dangers and brave the unknown will either
fi nd vast wealth or immense misfortune.
–Darius Xerxes, Master Helmsman
by the scholars of the Adeptus Terra, is where hundreds,
if not thousands, of Rogue Traders fl ock like carrion fl ies
upon a bloated and rotting carcass. This is the Koronus Expanse;
the end of space, and the proverbial edge of the abyss.
For the past seven hundred years, this area of space has been
open to exploration—and exploitation—by the High Lords of
Terra, and is the subject of much speculation and rumour. It is
a place of unexplored and unmitigated danger, and treacherous
intrigues. This region of uncharted space within the Halo Stars
is home to deadly xenos races, mysterious worlds untouched
by humanity, and, perhaps, the doom or salvation of the vast
Imperium of Man. Within the Koronus Expanse lies untapped
wealth, adventure, danger, and slumbering beasts.
This is the place marked ‘Here Be Monsters.” It is a realm
of secrets man was not meant to know, but is sure to fi nd—
one way or another.
E DGE OF THE A BYSS is divided into fi ve chapters. Chapter I
provides information on the various tales and voidfarer legends
surrounding the Koronus Expanse, in the form of adventure
seeds, fi rst-hand accounts, and handouts.
Chapter II presents a detailed description of some of the
worlds within the Koronus Expanse. This section contains
information such as planetary descriptions, principle organisations
operating on these worlds, as well as opportunities for profi t and
endeavours regarding each of these detailed worlds.
Chapter III provides useful insight and information on
the various xenos races that exist within the Koronus Expanse,
and the myriad organisations operating within and vying for
control of the region. Background information and adventure
seeds are provided on these xenos races to help Game Masters
integrate this material into their own games and campaigns.
There are hundreds of Rogue Traders operating within the
Expanse, but only a few have gained the notoriety and infamy
necessary to be counted amongst the great. Chapter IV explains
and expands upon these famous (and sometimes infamous)
Rogue Traders along with their ships and areas of operation.
These famous Rogue Traders are provided as allies or rivals for a
crew of Explorers: to serve as friends, role models or bitter foes.
Chapter V presents Vaults of the Forgotten , an adventure of
survival and horror set amongst the Egarian Dominion.
E DGE OF THE A BYSS is a sourcebook designed for the R OGUE
T RADER Roleplaying Game, and is intended as resource for both
players and GMs to the area of space known as the Koronus
Expanse. It expands upon the material already presented in the
R OGUE T RADER Core Rulebook, and gives new perspective to
this unexplored, dangerous, and exciting area of space.
Within the pages of this sourcebook, readers will fi nd
background on the various legends, myths, and lies that have
been passed amongst Rogue Traders and their crews since
this area was fi rst heard of during the Angevin Crusades. It
also contains information on several worlds the Explorers can
encounter in their adventures through the region. E DGE OF
THE A BYSS also presents new material on the various xenos
races that dwell within the Expanse,
Rogue Traders along with their ships and areas of operation.
These famous Rogue Traders are provided as allies or rivals for a
crew of Explorers: to serve as friends, role models or bitter foes.
Chapter V presents Vaults of the Forgotten , an adventure of
survival and horror set amongst the Egarian Dominion.
My name is Mal lachai Stern, c onfessor and m issionary in t he God-Empe ror’s name, and these are my recordings of what I
have seen in my many tr avels of the K oronus Expan se.
T his is the ten th foray I hav e made as Co nfessor aboard this mighty vessel, the H oly Word, unde r the flag of de Kane.
She is sure and fit f or the journey , but I have le ss faith in th e crew my capt ain has brough t on during ou r resupply at Port
Wander. Are they ready fo r that which aw aits a man in side the Koron us Expanse? We’ll know soon enough, howev er. I pray to
the Emperor that t he proper supp lications to ou r mighty vess el have been he ard, and that she will bear u s home again. Faith,
amid thes e dark days, i s in short sup ply.
I look to the stars that han g in the void as we near the transition poin t that will car ry us from the space of our port to the
vast st orms guarding the entrance to the Koronus E xpanse-the ap tly-named “M aw.” May the Emperor protec t us on our jou rney
through the I mmaterium as we approach th e gates. Who k now what wonde rs-or horrors-w e may find on ce we cross int o the abyss?
T he edge of the map, the places that haven’t been fi lled in
background on the various legends, myths, and lies that have
been passed amongst Rogue Traders and their crews since
this area was fi rst heard of during the Angevin Crusades. It
also contains information on several worlds the Explorers can
encounter in their adventures through the region. E DGE OF
THE A BYSS also presents new material on the various xenos
THE A BYSS also presents new material on the various xenos
races that dwell within the Expanse,
survival and horror set amongst the Egarian Dominion.
-From the J ournals of Ma llachai Stern, 095.799.M41
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