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Film Remakes
‘In this groundbreaking study, Constantine Verevis explores an aspect of
commercial film production interesting to the scholar and movie enthusi-
ast alike: remaking. Film Remakes can be profitably viewed from a number
of perspectives, and this book provides an intriguing and revealing
anatomy of the phenomenon. Verevis writes with verve and insight; an
important feature of Film Remakes is the series of individual analyses that
sparkle with revealing and intelligent comment as they clarify general
points about remaking. Though theoretically informed, this book is won-
derfully accessible to the general reader.’
R. Barton Palmer,
Calhoun Lemon Professor of Literature at Clemson University
Film Remakes
Constantine Verevis
Edinburgh University Press
© Constantine Verevis, 2006
Edinburgh University Press Ltd
22 George Square, Edinburgh
Typeset in 11/13 Ehrhardt
by Servis Filmsetting Ltd, Manchester, and
printed and bound in Great Britain by
MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 0 7486 2186 5 (hardback)
ISBN 0 7486 2187 3 (paperback)
The right of Constantine Verevis
to be identified as author of this work
has been asserted in accordance with
the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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