worksheet conditional present future(2).pdf

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Put the verb into the correct form.
Examples: If I we had a faster car, we .. would be ......... (be) there on time.
I would be very disappointed if he .... didn't help ..... (not/help) her.
1. Would your parents be happy if you ................................ (become) a police officer?
2. Frank gave me his car. He................................. (be) very angry if I had an accident.
3. I don't think he will go to France. I would be very surprised if he ..................... (go).
4. What would I see if I................................ (have) x ray vision?
5. If I had a million dollar, I................................. (buy) an airplane.
6. What would happen if the earth................................. (get) 20 degrees warmer?
7. If he sold his house, he................................. (not/get) much money for it.
8. If a tiger................................. (come) through the door, I would scream.
9. What................................. (you/do) if you could read people's mind?
10. If you told him a secret, I think he................................. (not/tell) anyone.
11. If the teacher asked me to do the assignment, I.................................(not/reject) it.
12. If General Motors................................. (go) bankrupt, many people would lose their job.
13. They................................. (be) in trouble if we forgot to bring their passports and plane tickets.
14. They're expecting us. They would be disappointed if we................................. (not/come).
15. I'm sure your friend would understand if you................................ (tell) him how you feel.
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