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Lead Developer
Sam Stewart
Licensing and Development Coordinator
Deb Beck
Writing and Development
Owen Barnes
Executive Game Designer
Corey Konieczka
Editing and Proofreading
Graham Davy and David Johnson
Executive Producer
Michael Hurley
Graphic Design
Adam Taubenheim with Brian Schomburg
Christian T. Petersen
Cover Art
Matt Bradbury
G a m e s W o r k s h o p
Interior Art
Matt Bradbury, Dave Gallagher, Zach Graves, Sept13,
Florian Stitz, Kev Walker
Licensing Manager
Owen Rees
Head of Licensing
Andy Jones
Managing Art Director
Andrew Navaro
Head of Intellectual Property
Alan Merrett
Art Direction
Kyle Hough
Production Management
Eric Knight
Special Thanks to the Playtesters
“Get Off the Love Boat” Thaadd Powell with Justin Baller,
Tim Flanders, Mack Martin, Ross Watson, Deb Beck, and
Sam Stewart. “You Bid Babies?!” Jordan “Milly” Millward
with Keri Harthoorn, Kyle-Harthoorn-Burton, Kieren Smith,
and Julia Smith. Rex Vogen.
Fantasy Flight Games
1975 West County Road B2
Roseville, MN 55113
Copyright © Game Workshop Limited 2011. Games Workshop, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer 40,000 Role Play, Black Crusade,
Broken Chains, the foregoing marks’ respective logos, Black Crusade, and all associated marks, logos, places, names, creatures, races and
race insignia/devices/logos/symbols, vehicles, locations, weapons, units and unit insignia, characters, products and illustrations from the
Warhammer 40,000 universe and the Deathwatch game setting are either ®, ™, and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000–2011, variably
registered in the UK and other countries around the world. This edition published under license to Fantasy Flight Publishing Inc. All
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Product Code: BCP1 Print ID: 1033APR11
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For more information about the B l a c k c r u s a d e line, free downloads, answers
to rule queries, or just to pass on greetings, visit us online at
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It is the 41st
For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat
immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master
of mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million
worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a
rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark
Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium
for whom a thousand souls are sacriiced every day so that he
may never truly die.
Yet in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal
vigilance. Mighty battleleets cross the daemon-infested
miasma of the warp, the only route between distant stars,
their way lit by the Astronomicon, the psychic manifestation
of the Emperor’s will. Vast armies give battle in his name
on uncounted worlds, but for all their multitudes, they are
barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens,
heretics, mutants, and worse.
To be a man in such times is be one amongst untold
billions. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody regime
imaginable. Yet you are not just any individual—you are a
Heretic, a follower of forbidden gods and dangerous
schools of thought, cast out by the rulers of the
Imperium and their cursed corpse-god for the calling you
have chosen. And yet both glory and revenge can be yours
as you tread the path to greatness and take your place among
the champions of the Dark Gods themselves!
countless worlds and beyond, and as long as a Heretic draws
breath he will never be free of these most hated agents of the
God-Emperor. Despite these perils, for those who can survive
long enough, glory and power awaits and the chance to live
free from the shadow of the Imperium.
P r e -G e n e r a t e d C h a r a C t e r s
The following sample characters have been speciically
designed for the B r o k e n c h a i n s preview adventure that
begins on page 16 of this booklet. Four different characters
are provided, although this adventure can accommodate
larger player groups by adding additional Chosen or
Renegade characters.
B l a c k c r u s a d e is a roleplaying game in which
you take on the role of a renegade from the
Imperium—a follower of dark gods
or master of forbidden powers.
In your thirst for power,
revenge, or carnage you
have chosen to walk the
path to glory, beseeching
the Powers of Chaos for
their favour so that you might
rise up above those around you and
become one of their favoured few. It
is however, a path that is fraught with
peril, and for every mortal that rises high
enough to bask in the light of the gods
a million more die screaming, their lesh
twisted and their minds broken by the cruel
malevolence and pitiless indifference of the
very powers they hoped to consort with.
The gods and their ickle ways are far
from the only dangers a Heretic must
contend with, and as outcasts from the
Imperium, much of humanity counts
itself as your foe. The Inquisition is
especially relentless in its hunt for
Heretics across the Imperium’s
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Character Name: Asrodel the Fated Player Name ________________________________________
Character Type: Chaos Space Marine Archetype: Forsaken
Character History: Asrodel is a Chaos Space Marine known for both his martial pride and honour, and his thirst for victory at any
cost. He believes he is destined for greatness, and this drive to succeed left him at odds with his previous warband. During an honour
duel with his warband’s champion, Asrodel found himself losing. Rather than accept defeat, he drew his bolter and shot the champion
at point blank range. The remainder of the warband was incensed at this breach of their warrior code, and Asrodel joined a wolfpack of
pirate reavers to lee retribution. He was captured during a skirmish with Battleleet Calixis.
Pride: Martial Prowess
Failing: Betrayal
Motivation: Perfection
Weapon Skill
Ballistic Skill
(Inf )
5 0
4 3
4 9
4 7
4 2
3 1
4 6
3 9
3 2
3 0
P l a y i n G a s r o d e l t h e F a t e d
As a Forsaken, Asrodel stands apart even from other Chaos
Space Marines. However, he tolerates anyone, including
human Disciples of Chaos, who do not challenge his
martial prowess. He is not incredibly friendly, but is more
than willing to work with the other Heretics to survive.
Asrodel is at odds with his own nature. His overwhelming
desire is to become a peerless warrior, second to none with
bolter and blade. However, he also wants to win, and if it
appears he might lose, he’s more than willing to cheat.
Athletics (S)
Awareness (Per)
Dodge (Ag)
Intimidate (S)
Stealth (Ag)
Scavenged power armour, Legion bolter, 3 Legion frag grenades, Knights
of Blood combat sword. (Asrodel does not begin play with this gear)
Swift Attack: As a Half Action, Asrodel may make a melee attack
with a +0 modiier to his Weapon Skill Test. If he succeeds, he scores
one hit on the initial Degree of Success, plus one additional hit for
every two additional Degrees of Success. These hits may be allocated
to anyone in melee with Asrodel.
Unnatural Characteristics: Asrodel adds +4 to his Strength and
Toughness Bonuses due to his Space Marine implants.
Scavenged Power Armour
Armour Points: 8
Special: Grants +20 Strength
Total: 18
Current _______________
Fatigue _______________
Total: 3
Current _______________
Half Action: 4m Full Action: 8m
Charge : 12m
Run : 24m
Name: Legion bolter
Class: Basic
Damage: 1d10+9
Pen: 4
Range: 100m
RoF: S/3/–
Clip: 24 Reload: Full
Special Rules: Tearing
Name: Combat Ssword
Class: Melee
Damage: 1d10+10
Pen: 2
Special Rules: None
Name: Legion Frag Grenade
Class: Thrown
Damage: 2d10+2
Pen: 0
Range: 30m
RoF: S/–/–
Clip: 1
Special Rules: Blast (4)
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Character Name: Nina Black Player Name ________________________________________
Character Type: Human Archetype: Renegade
Character History: Nina Black began life as the third child of Merrick Black, a powerful Rogue Trader. Upon his death, the Black Warrant
went to Merrick’s eldest child, Orrik. Orrik and his brother Marcus consolidated the power of the Black Household, leaving Nina with little
more than a pittance and minor retinue of servants. Incensed, Nina made a dark pact with a powerful daemon: her soul for her brothers’ deaths.
Orrik indeed died, consumed by warp ire in his very bedchambers. However, Marcus survived the daemonic assassin, and frantically sought
aid from the Inquisition. Throne Agents captured Nina and sentenced her to interrogation and execution.
Pride: Charm
Failing: Deceit
Motivation: Vengeance
Weapon Skill
Ballistic Skill
(Inf )
3 2
3 5
4 1
3 2
4 2
3 6
3 6
3 1
5 3
4 1
Name: Bolt pistol
Class: Pistol
Athletics (S)
Awareness (Per)
Charm (Fel)
Deceive (Fel)
Dodge (Ag)
Scrutiny (Per)
Stealth (Ag)
Damage: 1d10+5
Pen: 4
Range: 30m
RoF: S/2/–
Clip: 8
Reload: Half
Special Rules: Tearing
Name: Chainsword
Class: Melee
Damage: 1d10+5
Pen: 2
Special Rules: Tearing
Desecrated House Black carapace armour, bolt pistol, chainsword.
(Nina does not begin play with this gear).
Adroit (Fellowship): Nina’s charm is legendary. She automatically
adds one Degree of Success to successful Fellowship based Tests
(either Skill or Characteristic Test).
Two Weapon Wielder: As a Full Action in melee combat, Nina may
make one Standard Attack with her pistol and one attack with her
chainsword. These attacks are made at a +0 modiier (instead of the
usual +10 for Standard Attacks).
Carapace Armour
Armour Points: 6
Total: 12
Current _______________
Fatigue _______________
Total: 4
Current _______________
Half Action: 3m Full Action: 6m
Charge : 9m
Run : 12m
P l a y i n G n i n a B l a C k
Nina Black is a charming and charismatic leader. Though skilled with
a blade, her true weapons are her words. She can motivate, persuade, or
command even the most reluctant underlings.
However, beneath her pleasant exterior lies a dangerous and calculating
woman obsessed with revenge. Nina is not above fooling her companions
as to her true motive, which is always revenge against her brother and
the Imperium that betrayed her. However, she will work with others to
accomplish her ends.
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