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ETAP OKR Ę GOWY – stycze ń 2007 Henryk Krzy ż anowski
Zakre ś l wyra ź nie kó ł kiem liter ę , przy której znajduje si ę poprawne rozwi ą zanie.
1. I agree with Gaston when he says that the moment the kids __________ enough
French to understand what we say about them, we'll have to start controlling
A/ pick up B/ will have picked up C/ will be picking up D/ picked up
2. When writing your posts, remember that anything in quote marks is _________ in
the debate, at one point or another. The quote marks allow you to skirt the problem of
A/ assuming to have been said C/ assumed to be told
B/ assumed to have been said D/ assumed to have been told
3. As regards the cross on the wall, we always ask the new inmates whether they
would prefer __________ before settling in.
A/ to have it removed B/ having removed it C/ having it removed D/ removing it
4. The demand for translators was not widely publicized and not many speakers of
Arabic came __________ to help the Agency.
A/ ahead B/ down C/ forward D/ through
5. For the encores, Gabriela asks the audience for a theme, or invites someone to
come to the stage to suggest a melody on the piano that she __________
A/ can know but not necessarily so C/ may know but needn't
B/ could know but doesn't D/ may or may not know
6. Nietzsche found it characteristic __________ the Germans that the question "what
is German?" never died out among them.
A/ for B/ about C/ of D/ with
7. We covered over 1500 km on dirt roads almost without __________ to either
A/ damages B/ a damage C/ the damage D/ damage
8. The work on the dam was never free from disasters, financial strain or conflicts
with labor unions. The chief engineer ________ ahead of schedule and, incredibly,
under budget.
A/ did not, however, get it built C/ did, therefore, get to build it
B/ has, moreover, got to build it D/ did, nevertheless, get it built
9. It goes without saying that for illnesses __________ have not been fully
understood, such as cancer, diabetes, or schizophrenia, research effort should be
more intensive.
A/ what causes B/ that the causes C/ which causes D/ whose causes
10. Her dad didn't want her to go alone, and told her that __________, because it
was a rough trip. But she insisted, and he finally gave her his permission.
A/ he'd rather not go C/ he'd rather she didn't go
B/ he wished she hadn't gone D/ he'd rather she wouldn't go
11. Of course, we were all scared to death, especially because of ___________ so
after 9/11.
A/ it was B/ its being C/ there being D/ it's being
12. The curry we ordered was really dreadful; every dish flavoured with something
that tasted __________ ordinary ketchup.
A/ suspiciously like B/ suspicious like C/ suspicious of D/ suspiciously with
13. Psychologists tell parents that they shouldn't delay ________
A/ to explain basic sex issues to their kids C/ explaining their kids basic sex issues
B/ explaining basic sex issues to their kids D/ with explaining basic sex issues for their
14. Belville's serious drawback was its lack of a decent airport. If there __________
one within a 100 mile range, the city's beauty could easily have tipped the scales in its
A/ would be B/ were C/ had been D/ has been
15. Parker would never admit to his hearing problems, because he __________ fired .
Well, he was able to conceal them until his retirement.
A/ would have been B/ would be C/ ought to be D/ must have been
16. After the crash, he _________ his friends as if trying to sever all links with his
A/ shun B/ shunned C/ has shun D/ shone
17. The School Board must now have a public hearing on this issue. No date has been
set yet, but once ___________ the information will be posted in the Board's
A/ we know when it occurs, C/ we know when it will occur,
B/ we'll know when does it occur, D/ we'll know when it occurs,
Przet ł umacz na angielski. Nie nale ż y niczego zmienia ć we fragmentach ju ż
przet ł umaczonych. Tam, gdzie w nawiasie podano sposób przet ł umaczenia jakiego ś
s ł owa, nie podano, w jakiej formie ma ono wyst ą pi ć w t ł umaczeniu.
1. U szczytu popularno ś ci artysta zleca ł ko ń czenie swoich pejza ż y uczniom, z których
ż aden nie dorównywa ł {=PARALLEL} mu w rzemio ś le.
At the peak of his popularity, the artist _______________ landscapes
__________________ by ___________________
_________________________________________________________________ in
2. Czy wyt ł umaczenie, dlaczego bohater robi to, co robi, jest a ż tak istotne w komedii
slapstickowej? Nie s ą dz ę .
________ an explanation __________________________________________ crucial
in a slapstick comedy? I don't think so.
3. Podzia ł na dwie grupy nie rozwi ą zuje problemu, poniewa ż istniej ą {=EXIST}
jednostki, które nale żą równocze ś nie do obu.
The division into two groups
individuals who __________________________ simultaneously
4. Elektroniczne znakowanie dzie ł sztuki bardzo utrudni ł oby z ł odziejom ich
Electronic tagging of
___________ to sell them.
5. Mimo moich kaza ń z poprzednich dni, wi ę kszo ść moich uczniów nie mog ł a
powstrzyma ć si ę przed patrzeniem z góry na swych bu ł garskich go ś ci.
Despite my sermons of the previous days,
_______________________ their noses at their
6. Osobi ś cie nie próbowa ł bym pomaga ć Adamsowi dopóki nie zostan ą wyja ś nione
{=CLEAR} wszystkie w ą tpliwo ś ci dotycz ą ce jego zachowania w Iraku.
I personally _________________________________________________ until all
____________________ conduct
7. Oko ł o jedn ą trzeci ą zdj ęć w albumie zrobiono na Zachodnim Brzegu i w Gazie. Dla
kontrastu, reszta pokazuje Zachodni ą Jerozolim ę i najnowocze ś niejsze biurowce Tel
About ____________________________________________ in the album
_________________________________________________________ In contrast,
_________________________ show
____________ office towers.
8. Zauwa ż , ż e Sheila nie twierdzi ł a {=CLAIM), i ż na w ł asne oczy widzia ł a
{=WITNESS} to wydarzenie ani nawet, ż e s ł ysza ł a o nim bezpo ś rednio od którego ś z
uczestników. Ona tylko powtarza ł a pog ł oski.
Note that Sheila ___________________________ to
_____________________________________________________________ about it
directly from any of the participants.
______________________________ the rumour.
9. Powiedzenie Einsteina, ż e nie wszystko, co si ę liczy {=COUNT}, da si ę policzy ć , ma
bardzo g łę bokie znaczenie filozoficzne.
Einstein's saying that
_ a very deep philosophical meaning.
10. Kto mo ż e zapomnie ć tamten lipcowy wieczór w San Francisco, kiedy Barry
Goldwater powiedzia ł nam, ż e jako obywatelom USA nie wolno nam nigdy wyrzec si ę
{=GIVE UP} swojej wolno ś ci?
Who can forget
11. Prosta zasada jest taka, ż e im pot ęż niejsze staje si ę pa ń stwo, tym mniej wolni
b ę d ą czu ć si ę obywatele.
The simple rule
12. Dla my ś liciela liberalnego jest to kolejny przyk ł ad, który pokazuje, ż e dzieci
chowane s ą w ś rodowisku, które nie jest ich, lecz raczej ich rodziców i dziadków.
For a liberal thinker, it is ________________________________ that shows
raised in an environment that is
13. Powiniene ś rozwa ż y ć zmian ę systemu o ś wietlenia, je ż eli pieni ą dze, które
zaoszcz ę dzisz, b ę d ą wi ę ksze ni ż inwestycja w nowe lampy.
You should consider ______________________________ system if the money
_________________________________________________________ the
investment in the new lamps.
14. Szczególnie z punktu widzenia dzieci mniej utalentowanych sportowo, jest ró ż nica
mi ę dzy pozwalaniem na udzia ł w grach zespo ł owych a zmuszaniem {=MAKE} do tego.
Especially from the point of view of kids less talented for sport, there is a difference
between _______________________
_________________________________ part in team games and
15. Wielu krytyków zdaje si ę irytowa ć to, ż e w przypadku filmów Gibsona publiczno ść
ignoruje ich opinie.
___________________________________________________ annoyed by
16. Wi ę kszo ść Amerykanów uwa ż a ł a, ż e w biedzie jest oko ł o 20 procent populacji, a
prawie co pi ą ty ocenia ł , ż e ta cz ęść wynosi 30 procent.
Most Americans thought _____________________________________________
were poor while _________________
__________________________________ estimated that the proportion
17. Zanim da si ę zrobi ć jakie ś dobre zdj ę cia, musisz sprawi ć , ż eby ci wszyscy
m ęż czy ź ni w ś rednim wieku zapomnieli o aparacie fotograficznym.
Before any good shots _______________________________________ get
_____________________________________________________________ about
the camera.
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