Aladdin Complete Script 1992.txt

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(Portions Copyright (c) 1992 The Walt Disney Company

PEDDLER:    Oh I come from a land
    From a faraway place
    Where the caravan camels roam
    Where they cut off your ear /Where it's flat and immense
    If they don't like your face /And the heat is intense
    It's barbaric, but hey--it's home!
    When the wind's at your back
    And the sun's from the west
    And the sand in the glass is right
    Come on down,
    Stop on by
    Hop a carpet and fly
    To another Arabian night!

    Arabian nights
    Like Arabian days
    More often than not
    Are hotter than hot
    In a lot of good ways

    Arabian nights
    'Neath Arabian moons
    A fool off his guard
    Could fall and fall hard
    Out there on the dunes.

    Ah, Salaam and good evening to you worthy friend.
    Please, please, come closer--(Camera zooms in hitting
    peddler in face) Too close, a little too close.  (Camera
    zooms back out to CU)There.Welcome to Agrabah.  City of
    mystery, of enchantment, and the finest merchandise this
    side of the river Jordan, on sale today, come on down!
    Heh, heh.  Look at this! Yes!  Combination hookah and
    coffee maker--also makes Julienne fries.  Will not break
    (taps it on table), will not--(it falls apart)--it
    broke.  Ooohhh!  Look at this! Pulls out Tupperware) I
    have never seen one of these intact before.  This is the
    famous Dead Sea Tupperware. Listen.  (Pries it open,
    makes raspberry sound.)  Ah, still good. (Camera begins
    to pan to right.  PEDDLER hurries to catch it.)  Wait,
    don't go!  (Stop pan.)I can see that you're only
    interested in the exceptionally rare.  I think then, you
    would be most rewarded to consider...this.  (PEDDLER
    pulls the MAGIC LAMP out from his sleeve.) Do not be
    fooled by its commonplace appearance.  Like so many
    things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside
    that counts.  (Another pan, this one slower to left.
    Again, PEDDLER rushes to catch up.)  This is no ordinary
    lamp!  It once changed the course of a young man's life.
    A young man who liked this lamp was more than what he
    seemed.  A diamond in the rough.  Perhaps you would like
    to hear the tale?  (PEDDLER pours shiny sand from the
    lamp into his hand.)  It begins on a dark night (PEDDLER
    throws sand into the sky, where it forms a starry
    nightscape.) , where a dark man waits, with a dark

(Camera tilts down to find JAFAR sitting on his horse and IAGO
    on his shoulder.  GAZEEM comes riding up to the pair.)

JAFAR:  You...are late.
GAZEEM:A thousand apologies, O patient one.
JAFAR:  You have it, then?
GAZEEM:I had to slit a few throats to get it.  (Pulls out
        half of the medallion.  JAFAR reaches out for it,
        but GAZEEM yanks it back.)  Ah, ah, ahhh!  The treasure!
        (IAGO squawks as he flies by and grabs the medallion.)  Ouch!
JAFAR:  Trust me, my pungent friend.  You'll get what's
        coming to you.
IAGO:   What's coming to you!  Awk!

(JAFAR pulls out the second half of the medallion.  He connects
    them, and the insect medallion begins to glow.  Finally, it
    flies out of JAFAR's hand, scaring the horses, and is off
    towards the dunes.)

JAFAR:  Quickly, follow the trail!

(All ride off, following the glowing speck of light, until
    it reaches a large dune.  It separates into two and the
    halves plunge into the dune.  All that remains are two glowing
    points of light on the dune.  But then the dune begins to rise
     up, transforming into a giant lion's head, with the glowing
    points serving as the eyes.)

JAFAR:  At last, after all my years of searching,  the cave
        of wonders!
IAGO:       Awk!  Cave of wonders!
GAZEEM: By Allah!
JAFAR:  Now, remember!  Bring me the lamp.  The rest of the
        treasure is yours, but the lamp is mine!

(GAZEEM starts to approach the lion's mouth, which forms the
    entrance to the cave.  He chuckles as he goes.)

IAGO:   Awk, the lamp!  Awk,  the lamp!  (Now that IAGO and
    JAFAR are alone, IAGO opens up in normal English.)
    Jeez, where'd ya dig this bozo up?

(JAFAR puts his finger to his lips and shushes him.  GAZEEM reaches
    the cave, but is blown away by the roar of the cave's speaking.)

CAVE:       Who disturbs my slumber?
GAZEEM: It is I, Gazeem, a humble thief.
CAVE:       Know this.  Only one may enter here.  One whose
        worth lies far within.  A diamond in the rough.

(GAZEEM turns to JAFAR with a questioning look.)

JAFAR:  What are you waiting for?  Go on!

(GAZEEM hesitates, then moves one foot inside the cave.  With
    great apprehension, he plants his foot down.  Nothing happens.
      Relieved, he begins his trek again.  Then another roar comes.
     He turns back, but the lion's mouth slams shut and the dune
    collapses back to normal.  All that are left are JAFAR, IAGO,
     and the two separated halves of the medallion.)

CAVE:       Seek thee out, the diamond in the rough.

(IAGO unburied himself from the sand, coughing as he does so.)

IAGO:       I can't believe it.  I just don't believe it. We're
        never gonna get a hold of that stupid lamp!  Just
        forget it.  Look at this.  Look at this.  I'm so
        ticked off that I'm molting!  (He flies up to
        JAFAR's shoulder.)
JAFAR:  Patience, Iago.  Patience.  Gazeem was obviously
        less than worthy.
IAGO:       (Extremely sarcastically) Oh, there's a big
        surprise.  That's an incred--I think I'm gonna have
        a heart attack and die from not surprise!  What're
        we gonna do?  We got a big problem here,a big prob-
        (JAFAR pinches his beak shut.)
JAFAR:  Yes, we do.  Only one may enter.  I must find this
        one, this...diamond in the rough.

(Cut to a rooftop, where ALADDIN rushes up to the edge, carrying
    a loaf of bread.  He almost drops it over the edge.)

GUARD:  Stop, thief!  I'll have your hands for a trophy,
        street rat!
ALADDIN:    (Looks back, then down, then at the bread.)  All
        this for a loaf of bread?

(He jumps off, landing on two ropes strung between buildings, with
    drying clothes on them.  He skies down them, collecting bits
    and pieces of clothing on him as he goes.  Finally, he's
    nearing the end of the rope, at a window, when a woman reaches
     out and slams the shutters closed.  ALADDIN slams into the
    shutters and falls to the street, his fall being broken by
    numerous awnings and the pile of clothes around him.  He pulls
     off the top layer of clothes and is about to enjoy his bread

GUARD 1:    There he is!
GUARD 2:    You won't get away so easy!
ALADDIN:    You think that was easy?

(He looks at three women, laughing at him.)

GUARD 1:    You two, over that way, and you, with me.  We'll
        find him.

(ALADDIN pulls a sheet over him and wraps himself as a disguise.
    He rushes over to the women.)

ALADDIN:    Morning, ladies.
WOMAN 1:    Getting into trouble a little early today, aren't
        we Aladdin?
ALADDIN:    Trouble?  No way.  You're only in trouble if you
        get caught--

(A hand grabs ALADDIN's shoulder and yanks him back.  It's the
    first GUARD.  ALADDIN's disguise falls off.)

ALADDIN:    I'm in trouble!
GUARD:  ...and this time--(A screeching sound from ABU,
        then the guard's turban is pulled down over his
        eyes.  ABU dances on the GUARD's head, laughing.)
ALADDIN:    Perfect timing, Abu!
ABU:        Hello!
ALADDIN:    Come on, let's get outta here!
        Gotta jump ahead of the breadline
        One swing ahead of the sword
        I steal only what I can't afford
        That's everything!

(ALADDIN battles a GUARD wielding a sword.  He dodges a couple of
    swings, then pulls down the GUARD's pants.  ABU raspberries the
    GUARD, then dodges an attack.  The GUARD swings at ALADDIN,
    but destroys a barrel of fish.  As ALADDIN runs off, the GUARD
     pulls a fish over his lower body as a pair of pants.)

        One jump ahead of the lawmen
        That's all, and that's no joke
        These guys don't appreciate I'm broke!

(ALADDIN and ABU scamper up a pile of barrels, then kick one down
    on top of another GUARD.)

GUARDS: (one at a time) Riffraff! Street rat!
        Scoundrel! Take that!
ALADDIN:    Just a little snack, guys!

(ALADDIN scampers to the top of a platform. The GUARDS shake the
    platform back and fro trying to knock him off.)

GUARDS: Rip him open, take it back guys!
ALADDIN:    I can take a hint, gotta face the facts
        You're my only friend, Abu!
WOMEN:  Who?!?

(ALADDIN jumps off the platform to certain death, only to grab ABU's
    hands like an acrobat.  The pair swing into a harem.)

        Oh, it's sad Aladdin's hit the bottom
        He's become a one-man rise in crime

(ABU finds a plate full of fruit and stuffs his mouth full like a

WOMAN:  I'd blame parents, except he hasn't got 'em!
ALADDIN:    Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat
        Tell you all about it when I got the time!

(ALADDIN and ABU exit.  Cut to MUSCLEMAN flexing to a crowd.  The
    GUARDS rush past.  Cut to ALADDIN and ABU behind the MUSCLEMAN,
     matching his moves, until they make a mistake and are discovered.)

        One jump ahead of the slowpokes
        One skip ahead of my doom
        Next time gonna use a nom de plume.
        One jump ahead of the hitmen
        One hit ahead of the flock
        I think I'll take a stroll around the block.

(A chase sequence, in which ALADDIN and ABU, pursued by the GUARDS,
    race through a flock of sheep, hurdle a...
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