Case 100 Label1.Caption = "Additive Synthesis" Case 105 Label1.Caption = "ADSR" Case 110 Label1.Caption = "Aftertouch" Case 115 Label1.Caption = "Analog Device" Case 120 Label1.Caption = "Analog to Digital Conversion" Case 125 Label1.Caption = "Attack" Case 130 Label1.Caption = "Auxiliary Controllers" Case 135 Label1.Caption = "Base-Level MIDI" Case 140 Label1.Caption = "Bit Resolution" Case 145 Label1.Caption = "CD Audio" Case 150 Label1.Caption = "CD-ROM" Case 155 Label1.Caption = "Channel" Case Cha Label1.Caption = "" Case 165 Label1.Caption = "Channel Message" Case 170 Label1.Caption = "Clipping" Case 175 Label1.Caption = "Continuous Controller" Case 180 Label1.Caption = "Controller" Case 185 Label1.Caption = "Cycle" Case 190 Label1.Caption = "Daisy Chain" Case 195 Label1.Caption = "DAT (Digital Audio Tape)" Case 200 Label1.Caption = "DCO (Digitally Controlled Oscillator)" Case 205 Label1.Caption = "Decay" Case 210 Label1.Caption = "Digital Audio" Case 215 Label1.Caption = "Digital to Analog Conversion" Case 220 Label1.Caption = "Drum Machine" Case 225 Label1.Caption = "DSP (Digital Signal Processor)" Case 230 Label1.Caption = "Envelope" Case 235 Label1.Caption = "Extended-Level MIDI" Label1.Caption = "percussion. Extended-level MIDI files are for use on higher-end sound cards with good sound synthesis. It" Case 240 Label1.Caption = "FM (Frequency Modulation) Synthesis" Case 245 Label1.Caption = "Frame Rate" Case 250 Label1.Caption = "Frequency" Label1.Caption = "perceived pitch. "A 440" is the reference pitch for an orchestra's tuning, which means that the note "A" has" Case 255 Label1.Caption = "Game Port" Case 260 Label1.Caption = "General MIDI (GM)" Case 265 Label1.Caption = "Guitar Controller" Case 270 Label1.Caption = "Hard Disk Recorder" Case 275 Label1.Caption = "Hertz" Case 280 Label1.Caption = "Keyboard" Case 285 Label1.Caption = "Librarian" Case 290 Label1.Caption = "Looping" Case 295 Label1.Caption = "Microphone Plug" Case 300 Label1.Caption = "MID" Case 305 Label1.Caption = "MIDI" Case 310 Label1.Caption = "MIDI Echo" Case 315 Label1.Caption = "MIDI Filter" Case 320 Label1.Caption = "MIDI In" Case 325 Label1.Caption = "MIDI Interface" Case 330 Label1.Caption = "MIDI Mapper" Case 335 Label1.Caption = "MIDI Note Number" Case 340 Label1.Caption = "MIDI Out" Case 345 Label1.Caption = "MIDI Patchbay" Case 350 Label1.Caption = "MIDI Port" Case 355 Label1.Caption = "MIDI Thru" Case 360 Label1.Caption = "MIDI Time Code" Case 365 Label1.Caption = "Mixer" Case 370 Label1.Caption = "Mono Mode" le Case MPU Label1.Caption = "" Case 378 Label1.Caption = "Multi Mode" Case 380 Label1.Caption = "Multi-port Interfaces" Case 385 Label1.Caption = "Multitimbral" Label1.Caption = "time it is called multitimbral. The General MIDI specification calls for devices to be fully multitimbral on" Case 390 Label1.Caption = "Multitrack" Case 393 Label1.Caption = "Non-pitched Percussion" Case 398 Label1.Caption = "Omni Mode" Case 400 Label1.Caption = "Operator" Label1.Caption = "sound cards are described in terms of their ability to synthesize sound, which in turn is directly related to" Case 405 Label1.Caption = "Oscillator" Case 410 Label1.Caption = "Overtone" Case 415 Label1.Caption = "Parameter" Label1.Caption = "note the velocity controller, velocity variable, or velocity parameter. In any case, all parameters in MIDI" Case 420 Label1.Caption = "Patch" Case 425 Label1.Caption = "Patch Change" Label1.Caption = "patch change in the MIDI data. To change in General MIDI from Trumpet to Flute, simply insert a patch" Case 430 Label1.Caption = "Patch Editor" Case 435 Label1.Caption = "PCM (Pulse Code Modulation)" Case 440 Label1.Caption = "Percussion Patch Map" Case 445 Label1.Caption = "Pitch Bend" Case 447 Label1.Caption = "Poly Mode" Case 448 Label1.Caption = "Polyphony" Label1.Caption = "MIDI channels is referred to as its "mode", while the maximum number of sounds it can produce at the" Case 450 Label1.Caption = "PPQ (Pulses Per Quarter)" Case 455 Label1.Caption = "Programmable Mixer" Case 460 Label1.Caption = "Punch In" Case 465 Label1.Caption = "Quantization" Case 470 Label1.Caption = "Real-Time" Case 475 Label1.Caption = "Release" Case 478 Label1.Caption = "Sample" Case 480 Label1.Caption = "Sampler" Case 485 Label1.Caption = "Sample Rate" Label1.Caption = "This is called the sample rate. The higher the sample rate the greater the audio fidelity. Standard sample" Case 490 Label1.Caption = "Scoring Software" Case 495 Label1.Caption = "Sequencer" Case 500 Label1.Caption = "SMPTE" Case 505 Label1.Caption = "Software Driver" Case 510 Label1.Caption = "Song Position Pointer" Case 515 Label1.Caption = "Sound Waves" Case 520 Label1.Caption = "Split" Label1.Caption = "you want to play a song with Flute and Pizzicato Bass at the same time, you can set a split point on your" Case 525 Label1.Caption = "Standard MIDI File" Case 530 Label1.Caption = "Star Network" Case 535 Label1.Caption = "Subtractive Synthesis" Case 540 Label1.Caption = "Sustain" Case 545 Label1.Caption = "Synchronization" Case 550 Label1.Caption = "Synthesizer" Case 555 Label1.Caption = "SysEx Message" Case 560 Label1.Caption = "Tempo Mapping" Case 565 Label1.Caption = "Timbre" Case 570 Label1.Caption = "Tone" Case 575 Label1.Caption = "Track" Case 580 Label1.Caption = "Velocity" Case 585 Label1.Caption = "Velocity-Sensitive" Case 590 Label1.Caption = "Vibrato" Case 595 Label1.Caption = "VCF (Voltage-Controlled Filter)" Case 600 Label1.Caption = "WAV" Case 605 Label1.Caption = "Waveforms" Case 610 Label1.Caption = "Wavetable Synthesis" Case 615 Label1.Caption = "Wind Controller" Case 508 Label1.Caption = " Software Wavetable Synthesis "