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Unit 1
1A Memories page 3
stand bananas and coffee! It’s a bit
uncanny really. Is it something she’s
passed on to me genetically, or is it
learned behaviour? Who knows?
2 1 I take after my mum
2 the spitting image
3 a strong family resemblance
4 lot of my dad’s traits
5 comes to, more in common
6 she’s passed on to me
3 1 to
8 of
2 about
9 century
3 like
10 assumed /
4 of
thought /
1 See exercise 2
5 any
6 fought
11 between
2 1 disorientated 5 withdrawn
2 distraught
7 granted
12 Although
6 preoccupied
3 bewildered
7 circumspect
4 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T
5 1 ignore
2 broadened out
3 a shred
4 plausible
5 obsolete
4 overwhelmed
3 1 f hindsight 4 c evocative
2 a recall 5 b recollection
3 d reminisce 6 e ingrained
4 1 I’ve asked you time and time
again to keep the noise down.
2 She recognised him at once.
3 He’s working at his father’s shop
for the time being.
4 They’ll be here any moment now.
5 Everybody makes mistakes once
in a while.
6 My brother was still a baby at the
3 1 There’s a strong resemblance
between Paul and Joe.
2 Phobias can be genetically
3 When it comes to politics,
Edward and his dad have a lot in
4 Luke is the spitting image of Matt
5 Personality-wise, I take after my
4 1 never used to
2 always used to
3 used to
4 would help / helped
5 didn’t use to
6 was thinking
7 didn’t use
8 used to resent
9 are forever mistaking
10 think
11 didn’t / didn’t use to
12 say
13 don’t / won’t
14 borrowed
1D Sporting origins page 6–7
1 1 staunchly / resolutely
2 By and large
3 swiftly
4 loosely
5 categorically
6 widely
7 resolutely / staunchly
8 strictly
9 gravely
5 unaffected
2 A France B USA C USA
6 1 self-employed 4 supersensitive
2 undercooked 5 co-starred
3 anticlockwise 6 misheard
3 1 A 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 B
6 C 7 B 8 A 9 C 10 A
11 A 12 B
1B Inheritance page 4
1 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T
Transcript WB 01
Hmm. That’s a very interesting question
... Well, physically, I take after my mum,
I suppose. Our facial features are pretty
similar – same eyes, same-shaped
forehead. I’ve seen photos of her when
she was my age and apart from the
eighties hairstyle we’re the spitting
image of each other! Some people
say that they can see a strong family
resemblance between my dad and me.
I can’t see it myself, not facially anyway
– although there are certain similarities
in our physical build. I also seem to
have inherited his big feet, unluckily
for me. It was the first thing my parents
noticed when I was born!
Personality-wise, I’ve got a lot of my
dad’s traits in me. We’re both quite
bubbly and friendly (or so people
say), and we share quite a laid-back
approach to life. When it comes to
taste, though, I reckon I’ve got more
in common with my mum. She’s got
a knack of choosing really brilliant
birthday presents for me, be it clothes,
pictures or whatever, basically because
she likes the same kinds of things
as I do. We also share a liking for the
same kinds of food, like olives and
strawberries, and neither of us can
4 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F
5 1 railings 5 accomplishes
2 vault 6 took off
3 heroic exploits 7 emulating
4 subterfuge
8 surge
Challenge! Students’ own answers
1E Phrasal verbs page 8
5 (possible answers)
1 Well, you will go to bed late every
2 Well, you will refuse to wear a
3 Well, she would keep driving too
fast in the town.
4 Well, he would keep misbehaving
in class.
5 Well, you would keep eating too
1 1 go ahead
5 come to
2 fall through
6 bring about
3 tip off
7 go down with
4 mistake for
8 come up with
2 1 bring about 5 go ahead
2 fall through 6 go down with
3 tip off 7 come to
4 come up with 8 mistake for
3 1 Laura was offered a place at
Manchester University but she
turned it down.
2 Whilst some people are in favour
of the monarchy, others think we
should do away with it.
3 I keep meaning to sort out my
photos but I never get round to it.
4 After my boyfriend broke off our
relationship I bought some new
clothes to cheer myself up.
5 My father was offered a job in
New York but after thinking it
over he decided not to go for it.
1C The origins of English
page 5
1 1 Anglo-Saxon
8 Conquest
2 farming
9 printing press
3 borrowed
10 dictionaries
4 alphabet
11 spelling
5 Old Norse
12 influenced
6 evolve
13 non-native
7 disappeared
2 A honeymoon B salary C posh
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4 1 let me down
2 been thrown away
3 brought up
4 to put up with
5 be looked after
6 drop me off
7 to lay off
8 turned up
Leo Well, in some parts of Africa and
Asia there are thousands of people
suffering from blindness caused by a
lack of vitamin A. Now there’s a new
type of rice which has been engineered
to contain massive amounts of vitamin
A. So there you are ... problem solved!
Rosie Yeah, these are good
intentions, but not if we end up
poisoning people in the long run. I
don’t know, I just find the whole thing
unnatural. I don’t think we have a right
to ‘play God’ in this way.
Leo I see what you mean. But to be
honest with you, people have been
crossing breeds for hundreds of years.
It’s just the methods that are new.
Rosie Well, I think we’re going to
have to agree to disagree here ...
Anyway, talking about food, what shall
we ...?
3 1 unknown
2 consequences
3 tolerate extreme
4 disapprove of
5 long run
6 to disagree
1 h ✓ 2 e 3 d ✓ 4 a ✓
5 b ✓ 6 c 7 f 8 g
1F Discussion page 9
1 1 laboratory
5 crops
2 controversy
6 harmful
3 discredited
7 term
4 campaign
8 crisis
2 a, c, e, f
Transcript WB 02
Leo Did you watch that documentary
about the latest advances in
genetically modified food? They’ve
developed a way of genetically
adapting pigs so that they produce
low-fat bacon.
Rosie Well, I won’t be eating it.
Leo Why not? What’s the big fuss
about GM food?
Rosie It’s unknown territory. We
don’t know enough about what effects
it may have on the human body. You
know, they talk about how GM food
could affect our digestion, cause
allergies, that sort of thing.
Leo There’s a lot of controversy
around it, but no actual evidence to
prove that GM food does us any harm.
Rosie I don’t agree with that
argument, I’m afraid. There may be no
evidence right now, but it’s the long-
term effects that I’m concerned about.
Leo Well any change has potential
consequences. You could make exactly
the same argument against mobile
phones, or any new technology. Of
course they may have harmful side
effects but you have to weigh those up
against their huge benefits.
Rosie Like what?
Leo For a start, it could help solve
the world food crisis, by creating food
crops which can tolerate extreme
agricultural conditions, like droughts
or floods. It can help farmers in
developing countries produce more
Rosie Er, no, starvation in developing
countries isn’t about the quantity of
food produced – it’s just that it is not
distributed to the right places. So that
argument doesn’t make sense – try
another one!
Leo All right, that’s a fair point I
suppose ... but what about using GM
food to fight malnutrition? Surely you
can’t disapprove of that?
Rosie All right, give me an example.
5 1 unfriendly
2 incorrect
3 completely
4 totally
5 perfectly
6 wrong
7 virtually
8 highly
6 Students’ own answers
1G Describing an event
page 10
1 1 like
4 as
7 as
2 like
5 as
3 as if
6 as
2 1 I opened the door.
2 irritated
3 as red as a beetroot
3 1 unwilling
2 apprehensive
3 perplexed
4 remorseful
5 uptight
6 petrified
4–5 Students’ own answers
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Unit 2
2A Compound adjectives
page 11
2C Arthur Miller and All my
sons page 13
5 Because the boys are in the
middle of a frenzied feast.
6 He realises that the boys have
behaved in an unacceptable
way and have lost touch with
‘civilised’ society.
1 1 dramatist
2 immigrant
3 experienced
4 hardship
5 overemphasis
6 status
7 prestigious
8 awards
9 guilty
10 undermining
11 sympathies
12 verdict
1 Across
1 broad
5 handed
4 1 stumble upon 6 disprove
2 summon
2 hair
7 witted
7 dwindled
3 cool
8 skinned
3 urge
8 ensues
4 assured
1 blooded
4 frenzy
9 savage
5 lurking
6 action
Challenge! Students’ own answers
2 hearted
2 1 time-consuming
2 long-lasting
3 light-hearted
4 absent-minded
5 wide-eyed
6 fair-skinned
2E Narrative tenses page 16
2 That he was responsible not only for
his family but also to wider society.
1 1 past perfect continuous
2 past simple
3 past continuous
4 future in the past
5 past perfect
6 used to
3 1 set 7 on
2 tells 8 on
3 made 9 for
4 during / in 10 that
5 who
3 1 well-behaved
2 far-reaching
3 strange-sounding
4 eye-catching
5 opening
6 shoe-string
7 heart-throb
8 blockbusters
Challenge! Students’ own answers
11 only / just
2 a 2 b 6 c 4 d 1 e 3 f 5
6 over
12 why
3 1 been seeing
2 have gone
3 looked
4 forgotten
5 was taking
6 been waiting, forgotten
4 1 Because the planes they were
flying had faulty parts which
caused them to crash.
2 He says he did it for his family
and for Chris’s future.
3 Because although the pilots are
prepared to give their lives in
the service of their country, their
deaths are a result of Joe’s lack of
a sense of service to wider society.
4 They were horrified by it.
5 Both attack the ‘American
Dream’ as a way of life with its
overemphasis on making money.
2B What’s on the box?
page 12
4 There was once a wolf who used to
wander out every night in search of
a lamb for his dinner. But recently
this wolf has had been having
difficulty getting enough to eat
because the shepherds in the
area were particularly vigilant. One
day he was coming came across
a sheep’s fleece which a sheep
shearer had been throwing thrown
on the floor and forgotten. It had
given gave the wolf a cunning
idea. He decided that later he is
was going to put on the fleece.
Thus disguised he would be able
to sneak up on the sheep without
the shepherd noticing him. So that
evening, just as the sun had been
was setting, he went out in his new
disguise. He was strolling strolled
confidently into a field where some
sheep grazed were grazing . He
had spotted a juicy-looking lamb
and was just going to pounce on it,
when a shepherd, who looked was
looking for a sheep to slaughter
for his own dinner, quickly was
grabbing grabbed the wolf, thinking
it was a sheep, and killed it.
1 1 rubbish
8 as
2 well-drawn
9 series
3 story-lines
10 half
4 unlike
11 set
5 such as
12 unwind
6 portrayed
13 slushy
5 1 protagonist
4 livelihood
7 like
2 exonerated
5 integrity
2 1 like
5 like
3 deceit
6 reiterated
2 as
6 as
2D Lord of the Flies
page 14–15
3 like
7 as
4 like
8 Unlike
3 1 I sometimes do my homework
in front of the TV, as does my
2 She talks about soap opera
characters like they are real
3 Her father works as a TV
4 Unlike Kate, I don’t like reality
5 I love animated films such as
Ratatouille .
6 I don’t watch a lot of television,
like Steve.
1 1 dismal
2 vicious
3 wailed / was wailing
4 scrambled
5 ungracious
6 smudged
7 twitch
8 mimicking
2 1 E 2 B 3 D 4 H 5 G
6 C 7 A
3 1 The boys were being evacuated
from a war zone.
2 He is the holder of the conch, which
is seen as a symbol of authority.
3 They are worried that there is some
sort of beast lurking on the island.
4 He promises to protect them from
the beast.
4 Students’ own answers
5 Students’ own answers
6 1 c 2 a 3 g 4 d 5 f 6 e
7 b 8 h 9 j 10 i
7 Students’ own answers
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2F Photo comparison
page 17
2G Review page 18
• Read through and discuss
the tasks together, then refer
students to the Writing Bank for
guidance. Students plan an article
or review to be written at home or
in class.
1 1 all-time
2 highly acclaimed
3 divided
4 story
5 involving
6 consequences
7 strengths
8 ability
9 times
10 ending
11 lovers
12 recommend
1 1 skipping
5 kicked
2 get
6 kick
3 hanging
7 sleeping
4 walked
8 hang
• Elicit strategies for the
task from the students. Remind
them to talk about each picture,
comparing / contrasting them
rather than just describing them.
If necessary, in a weaker class ,
brainstorm ideas about both
pictures before starting. Students
work in pairs to do the task.
2 Sample answers
1 they both show a person or
people who are travelling
2 the first photo shows a man who
is alone and the second photo
shows a group of people
3 in the first picture, the man
appears to have a lot of luggage
and is in an airport setting,
whereas in the other picture, the
group are travelling without any
luggage and are possibly in a
train compartment
3 See transcript
Transcript WB 03
The photos are similar in that they both
show people who have just arrived as
immigrants in a foreign country. The
most obvious difference between the
photos is that the first picture shows
a man who is alone and the second
shows a group of people who have
travelled together. The man in the first
picture is at what looks like an airport,
so he may have travelled legally,
whereas those in the second picture
seem to have travelled in the back of a
lorry, presumably illegally.
2 1 a fairly complex novel
2 extremely well-observed
3 utterly superb
4 a little cheated
5 highly recommend
• 1 F, 2 C, 3 E, 4 A, 5 B, 6 G
Use of English:
1 c, 2 b, 3 b, 4 b,
5 d, 6 d, 7 d, 8 d, 9 d, 10 c
• 1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 d
Transcript WB 05
About 9,000 years ago, when migrating
hunter-gatherer societies turned to the
settled life of farming, they began to
develop ways to record the number of
animals they owned, or the amount
of crops, and to keep a calendar for
proper crop planting. The first attempts
at writing it all down were ‘clay
counting tokens’, which were found in
the region which is now modern Turkey
and Syria. These tokens were simply
lumps of clay shaped like spheres,
disks or cones and could either be
plain or decorated. Each of them stood
for one word. However, carrying them
around was bothersome and gradually
a transition from three-dimensional
tokens to two-dimensional signs
began. Around 4000 BC the ancient
Sumerian scribes started to imprint
shapes into clay tablets to represent
the tokens. Now one tablet could
contain more than one word.
Originally, these pictures simply
represented whole concepts such as
names and numbers. But with time
they were simplified and refined
and eventually evolved into signs
representing the consonants of the
language. The first true alphabet was
the Semitic alphabet which appeared
around 1700 BC, followed, about 700
years later, by the Phoenician system.
At this point the alphabet as we know
it today was almost in its final form.
The final touch was added by the early
Greeks, who introduced vowel symbols
to their alphabet. The descendants of
this alphabet were Latin and Cyrillic,
which were then spread far and wide
by their respective users. The fact that
Latin was the official alphabet of the
Roman Empire, which at one point
covered most of Europe, helped to
establish this alphabet as the accepted
way of writing across the continent.
Along with their alphabet the Romans
popularised the particular way in which
they wrote their letters – the script.
3 1 perspectives
2 atone for
3 well-observed
4 a real page-turner
5 futility
4 Students’ own answers
Get ready for your exam 1
page 19–20
The Workbook
Get ready for your
exam lessons can be used as extra
classroom lessons, as controlled
exam practice or as independent
study for homework. All the audio
material for the listening tasks is on
the Solutions Multi-ROM.
4 Students’ own answers
5 See transcript
Transcript WB 04
The man in the first photo seems to
have a huge amount of luggage with
him. I imagine he is planning to stay
for a long time. He looks bewildered
and rather disorientated. It must feel
lonely and pretty overwhelming to go
to a country where everything feels
unfamiliar, including the language.
He’s probably feeling anxious about
finding a job and somewhere to live.
I guess he must be missing his family
too. I wonder if he has emigrated
because he wants to escape a political
regime that he doesn’t agree with. Or
he might be an economic migrant who
has come here in search of a better
standard of living.
6 1 seems to
• Elicit strategies for dealing
with the sentence insertion task.
Remind the students to identify the
topic of each paragraph, and the
function of each missing sentence.
In a
weaker class , work on the first
gap together, identifying the topic
before and after the gap and looking
for clues as to what is missing.
Remind the students to make sure,
after they have finished the task,
that the remaining sentence does
not fit in any of the gaps.
Use of English:
Encourage the
students to read the whole text
first to grasp the overall meaning.
Remind them to focus on
grammatical correctness within the
whole article.
• Remind the students
that in this type of task the order of
the statements fits the order of the
information in the recording. Tell
them to prepare for the listening
by reading the sentences carefully
and underlining any key words.
Encourage them to eliminate the
wrong answers as well as identifying
the correct one. Play the recording
5 probably
2 imagine
6 guess, must be
3 looks
7 wonder
4 must
8 might
7 Students’ own answers
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The reason behind the shapes of the
early Roman script is very simple:
the Romans loved writing on their
buildings. The technique of engraving
letters onto stone requires letters
made up mostly of straight lines.
This script was the ancestor of the
‘Times New Roman’ font we find on
our computer screens today. Another
feature familiar to computer users is
‘italics’. Initially, characters written by
hand resembled the carved letters, but
gradually scholars began to change
the form of their writing, slanting
letters and connecting them. The
credit for inventing Roman script using
capitals and small letters goes to Aldus
Manutius of Venice, in 1495 AD. The old
Roman capitals and Greek letter forms
were thus transformed into the twenty-
six alphabet letters that we know
today, with both upper and lower-case
letters in common use by the end of
the sixteenth century.
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