5-dniowy program detox.doc

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Adina Niemerow, Holistic Chef, Nutritonal Consultant


The Urban Cleanse Program Guide



Why Cleanse


Toxins are everywhere in our modern world, in the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. There is no better way to embark on a new health conscious way of living and looking at food then to start with a rejuvenating cleanse program. Foods that use refined grains and sugars, pesticides, preservatives and antibiotics do not successfully eliminate through the body. Cleansing is a detoxification process by which poisonous compounds in the body are eliminated or changed into less toxic substances. Cleansing is a great way to rest the digestive tract, detoxify the body and boost the immune system. Cleansing can eliminate strong cell-memory cravings, making it easier for people to overcome addictive tendencies such as poor food choices, cigarettes and other stimulants.


Greens-Natures Medicines


The juices provided will assist your body to become more alkaline and flexible. Green juice gives the immune system a boost, increases alertness, and emulsifies cholesterol and fat in the body.  Greens are otherwise known as “liquid sunshine” because of their high chlorophyll content, which clean the blood.  Amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants all make up the appearance in greens.



The 5 day Cleanse Program



You will be provided with all the nutrients you need each morning. 

All day long your job is to stick with the daily routine and pay attention to what your body needs. This week make extra time to for rest and sleep. I suggest taking time off to rejuvenate and reflect, take long walks and soak in the bath. You should be able to get through the week as you normally do but take it easy!









Keep your colon clean


It is important that you are eliminating regularly even if you are not ingesting much food. When the body is detoxifying it is crucial to keep the colon moving because it is a principal organ of elimination. I suggest daily enemas or a colon cleanse herbal supplement. I also suggest at least one colonic during the week. Keeping your colon clean will help you feel much healthier throughout the week.


Drink water


You should be drinking one liter of water for every 40 pounds of body weight.  If you weigh 120 you should have 3 liters of water a day. I know this sounds like a lot.  Listen to your body. Do not force yourself if this feels like too much! Leave at least a half hour between your juices/soups and your glass of water or tea so that nutrients can be absorbed in the body.


Week of Cleanse


First thing upon waking drink 2 cups of hot water with lemon juice. this helps to flush out the kidneys from the night’s metabolic process.


Contents of bag to include

2oz shot of wheat grass

Different varieties of green juices

Live vitamin rich blended soups

Nut milk/almond/coconut

Herbal tea bags



Organic Fresh Green vegetable/fruit juice


A Variety of different juices will be served.  A combination of Cucumber/celery/Kale/parsley/fennel/carrot/tomato/ginger and lemon will vary daily.  Low sugar juices are predominant. Juice should be sipped for breakfast and lunch. Mindful "chewing" of the juice activates saliva which is the first process of digestion.



Living foods: energy soups are also included which contain a combination of Cucumber, celery, avocado, sprouts, dulse, watercress, Arugala, Himalayan salt and warming spices and herbs.


Emergen-C Lite packet: If you feel light headed and dizzy try drinking more water and add 1 packets of emergenc-C lite mixed with filtered water daily for energy levels, hunger, vitamin and mineral support.


Teas:  Teas provided are specifically blended for internal cleansing, and for calming during a cleanse.  Teas will contain red clover, dandelion root, licorice, lemon grass and ginger.



Whole Foods allowed during the cleanse:


I do not think you need solid food, but if you must snack, please make the right choices! A handful of spouts, salads, avocado. You can also have a 1 tbsp of organic almonds that have been soaked overnight are also excellent and provide fiber and satiation.  Soaking almonds overnight stimulates sprouting which enhances nutritional value and removes an enzyme that inhibits digestion.  Food should be chewed thoroughly and completely mixed with saliva.


Information on supplements and herbs that can be included in the cleanse:


PH Miracle Greens: These greens provide an abundance of free electron energy. It is a super potent energy source, it also supplies the building blocks of healthy blood and clears acids in the blood and body cells.  It is a blood cleanser and builder utilizing alkalizing green fruits and vegetables, and grasses.


Terra Cleanse Clay: This clay provides an impressive assortment of alkalizing minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium, sulfur, and silica.  This clay has the ability to eliminate many positively charged toxins in the body.  It is earth’s natural acid absorber/alkalizer and can be used to neutralize over-acidity internally (digestive tract) as well as externally.


Core Cleanse: This is a mild laxative. Magnesium oxide and sodium carbonate are negatively charged and very alkaline.  They help soak up harmful acids found throughout the digestive system. The removal of undigested food is facilitated by the yellow dock and ginger that are added to the mix.







Ginger: Warming to the body. Digestive stimulant. Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and is useful with symptoms of arthritis.


Cayenne:  Adds warmth to the body. Stimulates lymphatic circulation. Can be added to green drinks and soups to add flavor.


Himalayan sea salt: profoundly valuable on the chemical level, providing a completely balanced spectrum of minerals and trace elements.


Wheatgrass: A well-known potent detoxifier that is used in many Cleansing programs. Contains high chlorophyll content and a great source of protein.


Siberian Ginseng: Used to support taxed adrenals and for people with low blood pressure and fatigue.


Probiotics:  After a long course of antibiotics due to illness or infection, the gut is usually in need of flora replacement- especially to assist with vitamin K production, which assists with bone maintenance. Probiotics contain strains of bacteria, which thrive in the gut and balance the PH.  This can be ingested in water or put into filtered water and put into an enema bag where it will have direct contact with the colon wall and be easily absorbed.  This can be discussed with your colon hydrotherapist.


Other components of a successful Cleanse:


Colon Therapy: This is a process by which warm filtered water is introduced into the colon and used to flush the colon. The colon therapist may massage your abdomen and organs to assist with the process of elimination. 


Self-administered Enema: If colonics are uncomfortable for whatever reason, self-administered enemas are highly encouraged.  This can be done up to twice daily in the privacy of your home.  Removing wastes is crucial to the detox process since the point of juicing/broth is to flush toxins out, colonics and enemas facilitate the top to bottom cleanse. We recommend daily enemas.







Lymphatic and deep tissue Massage:  Massage assists with the movement of toxins through tissues, liver and kidneys. It is common for muscles and joints to be achy during a fast cleanse as many toxins are laid down in the joint spaces. The buildup of toxins in our joints can lead to arthritis.  Massage is recommended to keep body fluids moving during the cleanse. Scheduling evening massages helps with restful sleep.


Dry brushing:  The skin is the largest organ of the body and is responsible for many metabolic processes. Dry brushing with a soft bristle brush on limbs and belly in the direction towards the heart assists with the elimination of toxins and stimulates the lymphatic system.


Tongue scraping: As detox occurs the tongue may contain a white/yellow to gray coating.   Scraping twice daily in conjunction with brushing your teeth helps keep the pores of the tongue open to continue to eliminate wastes.


Exercise/Yoga /Stretching: Circulation is key to rev up the detox process. Light Walking, hiking, yoga, stretching are the recommended exercises. Always bring water for hydration.


Rest/Sleep: Giving your body the chance to rejuvenate, and heal means shutting down the body and mind to allow the process to occur. Naps are suggested when energy feels low. This is normal and part of the process. Change your schedule to allow for this. Early to bed and getting a full 8-10hours of sleep is important.


Vitamin Supplements: not to be used during this cleanse. Chlorophyll foods such as green barley, chlorella, spirilina, or blue green –algae can be added to green drinks if one desires.


Avoid Negative Environments: stay in contact with positive people who understand benefits of cleansing and will provide positive support.


Sunshine: get out into the direct sunlight for 30 minutes a day to revitalize the body. This is a great source of Vitamin D.


Epsom Salt Baths: Sitting in a bath with up to 5 gallons of Epsom salts helps with cellular detox through the skin.


Calcium magnesium mixed in salts helps with achy joints, relaxation, and sleep. The oral supplement of Calcium magnesium helps with muscle cramping and insomnia.



Essential oils can be added to bath: Since essential oils contain active ingredients and are highly concentrated, test your skin for sensitivity- follow directions on bottle for bathing.


Eucalyptus: for aches and decongestion, boosts clear thinking, sooths heated emotions.


Frankincense- helps breathing, rejuvenates mature skin, improves appearance of scars, helps to relieve grief, and repressed feelings.


Lavender- eases tension headaches, helps breathing, lowers high blood pressure, promotes sleep.


Sandlewood- promotes restful sleep, reduces stress, helps breathing, and heals skin.


Ylang Ylang- relaxes tense muscles, promotes restful sleep Lowers high blood pressure Juniper- eliminate toxins, improves mental clarity, reduces fluid retention, energizes.


Peppermint- reduces pain, helps breathing and improves mental clarity.


Meditation- This will be done during the morning support meeting, but is encouraged to do also on your own.  Sitting mindfully in meditation helps to renew mind and body. Allowing you extra time for this practice is a good way to keep on track with the process and to focus on the purpose.


















Week 3- Post Cleanse


Easing back into a full range of foods should be done over a 3-5 day period or longer depending on how you are feeling.  Raw vegetables, sprouts, seeds, nuts, cold pressed oils and fruits are best at first.  Start with simple vegetable meals, and salads. Everything needs to be chewed very well.  Introducing cooked vegetables should come next such as spinach, chard, kale or other greens, before getting back into cooked proteins and starchy vegetables. DO NOT OVEREAT, or mix to many foods to start.  For proteins start with lightly steamed fish, non-GMO soy and free range organic chicken.  Stay away from raw oysters.  Remember to eat only organic animal products and know where your food comes from! Animal fats hold onto antibiotics and hormones for a long time and are very toxic so make sure you are eating hormone and antibiotic FREE chicken and meats if any. Continue to avoid dairy and white flour for at least a week as these can clog your digestive tract quickly. Be aware of how your digestion and energy levels feel as you reintroduce foods. Your tastes may have changed and you may not crave the same foods as before. Resuming alcohol and caffeine intake should be done carefully as effects will be greatly increased initially. 



Breaking the Fast


You may eat a salad with a little olive oil/flax oil and lemon and salt. I like to make a blened fresh applesauce.




N-Zymes 2 capsules or 1/4 tsp of powder each meal (in water prior eating or on food)


Probiotic: 1/4 tsp 2x/day to balance the intestinal flora.  Prior to eating


Ginger and citrus juices as digestive stimulants.









You have the option to make this mineral broth at home at night if you need a little something warm.


Mineral Broth

1 yam

1 onion

1 inch piece of ginger

2 cloves of garlic

2 stalks celery

1 inch piece of burdock root

1 small piece of kombu


Chop up all ingredients and place veggies in a medium pot and cover with a few inches of water.  Cover and lightly simmer for 1 hour. minutes.  Remove from heat, strain liquid from veggies and either discard solids or mash of 1/2  of veggies back into you broth. Add Himalayan salts, cayenne, and flax seeds. 




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