Mind Reading Tricks.pdf

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Mind Reading Tricks Volume 1.pdf
MagicSeduction.net presents:
First of all – a big thanks for buying my ebook!
The effectsI’m revealing in this book are some of the strongest in all of mental
magic. All of these effects can be successfully performed by a complete beginner
almost immediately. Please, do yourself justice though, read throughthe book
several times and practice by speaking out loud. If you do this, I promise – you will
be baffling your mates and literally be the star attraction of any party of club you go
I have written the instructions as concisely as possible. It has takenme a long time
to work throughcountless magic books in order to provide this information – I’ve
done the hard work for you, so thelast thing Iwanted to do is over complicate
things with unnecessaryinformation. Foreach trick,I haveexplained the Effect, the
Basic Secret and then a Full Methodologywhichwill allow you to amaze whomever
you perform on.
Some effects are provided with a full script you can usewhen performing. Feel free
to change it to suit your needs. The words in (italic brackets) explain what you
should be doing whilstreading thescript. Please try and change any script to suit
your style as much as possible, the more you do this,themore believable your
performance will become!
MagicSeduction.netshould be fully operationalwithin the next month,complete with
discussion forum and new products. Please check back inthe near future for details
of other products!
Copyright Notice
This book is my own, original expression of magical principles. It is only available for
sale from the eBay user MagicSeduction & http://www.magicseduction.net if you
purchased this book from another source, please report this to
All rights reserved;no part of thispublicationmay be reproduced, copied,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by anymeans, electronic,
mechanical or otherwisewithout priorwritten permission from the
A variation of this effect was recently broadcast on Derren Brown’sTVshow.
Although Derren Brown did not inventtheprinciple for this effect, youwill have seen
this perform this trickwith ‘thetwins’ and also ‘the lap dancers’. It is a classic trick of
mentalismany completely impromptu. You can do this at anytime and I’ve
personally freaked a lot of people outwhilst doing this at clubs and parties. If you
want an effect to build a reputation on – read on!
Basic Effect
You ask two friends if they wouldtake part in a psychological test with you. You ask
one of them to close their eyes. Whilst their eyes are closed you taptheir friend on
thehand twice. You then ask the person with their eyes closed to open their eyes
and ask them if they felt anything.Theywill swear thatthey felt two taps on their
hand – even thoughyouwere nowhere near them… in fact you could even be stood
the other side of the room.
The person with their eyes openwill be amazed that their friend felt your touch even
thoughsheKNOWSyou didn’t go near her. The person withtheir eyes closed will be
so positive that she felt2 solid tapsthat initially she simplywon’t believe that you
were nowhere near her! When everybody elsewatching confirms thatyou indeeddid
not touch her – the2 friends, pluseveryone else in the room will be amazed!
Basic Secret
You actually touch bothpeople! The trickuses a concept known as ‘dual reality’.
Eachof the friends thinksthat the ‘psychological test’ is happening ata different
time. You ask Friend 1 to close their eyes, andthen secretly tap theirhand as you
are moving towards Friend 2. After a few seconds, you dramatically (butsilently) tap
Friend 2. Finally you ask Friend 1 to open their eyes. The trick is complete.
Full Methodology
(You need to find twofriends, whoare willing to take part inthetrick. In this case I
have calledthe friendsAmy andKate. You shouldstand withAmyto your right, and
Kate to your left. Do notmake position obvious, it onlyneeds to be approximate.)
Would you two like to take part ina quick little psychological test with
me? I've been practicing something and wantto see if itworks?
Friends: Yes, OK.
Great! Basically I’ve been reading this psychology book and its talking
abouthow twinshave been reported to have extra close bonds between
them– you know, they know what each other are thinking, or can feel
what each other are feeling.You’ve heard of that right?
Friends: Yes
Anyway, I’ve been reading this paper abouthow this link can be created
betweentwo friends by a third person like me if I cangetyou to think
‘in sync’with one another. What’syou names by the way?
Friends: Amy and Kate.
OK Amy, what I wantyou todo is juststand still and completely relax. I
want you to look around the room and think about everything you’re
seeing. Imagine exactly how you think Katewould see the room as well.
(Now you should talk aboutthingswhichare actually in the room, for example if
your in a bar you should ask Amyto consider whatshewould thinkabout the music,
the bar service etc, etc. What you say specifically here is unimportant – butit
creates a decoy for the real method...)
Amy, I want you to close your eyes and completely relax. For the next
minute or so I would like you to only give me one word answers– isthat
Amy, I want you toconcentrate veryhard remember if you feel anything
touch you. I’m going tolift you arm up in a moment, but after that – if
youfeel anything, anywhere I wantyouto remember it. Is that clear?
(Atthis pointyou should lift Amy’s left armwith your left hand,so thather hand
hovers aroundwaist height. Let your righthand remain casually byyour side. Once
you have donethislet your lefthand returnto your side, leaving Amy’s hand
(As you say this,you should holdyour index finger of your left handup between
your face andKate’s, and look Kate rightin the eye. At the same time you should
turn your body inKate’s direction and take a step away from Amy. As you do this,
allow your 4 th finger or your righthand to tap Amy’s hand twice. With a little
practice, you are saying “Kate! Watchthis!” combined with youholding your other
hand up and looking her in the eye means that Kate and everybody else watching
will not see you tap Amy.Youshould make the tap as fluid as possible. I keep my
hand moving all the timeand simply stick outmy 4 th finger twice as my hand moves
close to Amy’s.)
(Atthis point, silently,dramatically and deliberately,grab Kate’s hand and tap it in
exactly the same place, as you did Amy.Up untilthis point Kate andthe audience
believe that no-one has been tapped. This isthe dual reality in play; they will think
that it is now that Amyis feeling taps…not10seconds earlier.)
Amy, couldyou open you eyes please. I hopethis has worked; I’ve only
managed to do it a couple of times so far. Didyoufeel anything at all?
(It’simportantto be unsure of the result. This will stop people thinking thatitis just
a trick, and that you really are performinga psychological miracle.)
What did youfeel?
How many taps did you feel?
Where did you feel them?
Onmy hand
(Atthis stage Amy will probably pointto theexact point, if not you can further
question her.)
Well I’m very happy! It worked! I actually didn’t touch youat all!
(At thispoint the true levelof the effect becomes apparent, Amy will insist you
touched her, butEVERYONE else inthe room will be positive that you never went
near her hand! People will ask you to do it again, be careful – untilyou are very
practiced at the secret tap, a goodobserver might be able to spot it!)
Closing Notes
That is thebasic methodology that I use whenI perform the trick. I have performed
it 100s of times and providing I only do it once per person, I never get caught out.
Feel free to adapt the script to suit yourstyle. Instead of a ‘psychological test’ you
could claim that you have‘psychicpowers’which let you touchpeople from a
distance. Remember, in the script above I suggested moving just a step away from
the person whose eyes are closed. There is nothingto stop you walking to the other
side of the room, just tap them as you turntowalk away!
A variation of the effect uses‘invisible loops’. These are lengths of invisible thread
tied in a loop and suspended around a finger.By asking the person being touched to
concentrate on a specific part of their hand,they will be able to feel the touch ofthe
thread – but the thread is fine enough to be invisible in 99% of conditions –
especially in a darkish environment. Invisible loops can be purchasedpre-tied from
most magic stores, both off and online. Invisible thread is more widely available and
is muchcheaper… but it is time consuming and infuriatingto tie in loops, so youmay
decide it wise to opt for the moreexpensive pre-tied variety!
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