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First read the instruction. If all is clear then cut out all pieces for the step, then fold them and hold
them together. If this is correct and works out, then glue.
If you encounter a problem or some mistake in this model, so please feel free to send me a mail ( ), referencing to this model. I will answer as soon as possible.
Also if my misspelling is so big, as you get nightmares.
Music & a good Drink ;-) I prefer ..... uhm – are you old enough?
A few words about the model
All measures and numbers are in metric units (SI). Remember this !
There are often parts drawn bigger as needed, that requiere trimming. This is not to harras you. This
parts are meant to cover some possible gaps, due to differences or problems with the thickness in
your chioce of paper and cardboard.
Some sheets are to be printed out more than once. (e.g. Tires-sheet ). Read the instruction before
starting each subassembly. Look at the assembly steps for the parts. Print out some spare-sheets if
you think they are difficult to build or cut, or even if you thing the instruction is badly writing ;-).
(And write a mail ...)
All parts for the step should be inside a outlined box on the sheets.
If you see a red X inside a part, then this area is to be cut out.
If you see one or more parts outlinded with red lines, so this means this are parts which aren't seen
from the outside. ( e.g. internal structure of the model )
Grey lines are construction-lines, they could help to cut, bend and fold.
If you see a big colored area beside some parts, with a small red line between, the colored area is the
back side. Cut out the parts area with the colored area as one piece. Fold and glue the sides together.
Cut these parts out AFTER the glue is dry. (You may need to weight down the piece to keep the
parts flat while drying.) These are parts that are seen from both sides. They need a colored back
Beside the corrugated board (cardboard from boxes) templates are the thickness desired and the
required direction the channels or corrugations should run. The standard thickness is about 3 mm.
For the 6 mm and 9 mm parts, double and triple the cards to reach the required thickness. Crossing
the corrugations/channels as you layer adds strength in multiple directions. Be careful not to press
the corrugated card too hard. The corrugations/channels will collapse. Print out a second clear set
of templates if you have to cover the back side of the corrugated cards. Also, cut some strips of
normal building paper as needed to cover the visible ends and sides of the corrugated pieces. The
corrugated board (cardboard) parts will be indicated by CB from this point on.
Additional material
Some wire diameter as your thick paper ( 0.7mm in my design)
Very strong wire, like a paperclip for the hook ( also 0.7mm or as your thick paper)
Drinkingstraw from McDonalds or other (6.5 to 7 mm in diameter).
Rope for the job :-) all in all at full ca 20 m, but at minimum 8 mm for good measures.
Mainbody : 27 Pages, print page 1 4 times, pages 2&3 twice, page 22 6 times, page 26 12
Crane : 18 Pages, print pages 14&15 twice
Weight : 11 Pages
Templates : 5 Pages
Warm up
Cut out the corrugated cardboards, using the templates.
You will need some rods in the diameters of 6 mm, 6.5mm and
8mm. You can make rods ouit of wood covered in paper.Whatever
you use must be compatible with the glue used. I took some
wooden sticks and rolled paper around till i reached the right
6mm : 2 pieces at length 20mm for each counterweight-
4 pieces at length 13mm for the cylinders
6.5mm : 3 piece at length 70mm for the telescopicboom end. (axle, drum-axle, holdingstick)
They have to be fit into a strawtube from McDonalds as loadbearing rods,
they should fit thight, but move easily
6.5mm : 2 pieces of 15mm length for the pulleyhead of the boom.
2 pieces of 10 mm length for the hook.
They have to fit very thight into the strawtube and need a wire as core for better
assembling of these
8mm : 4 pieces at length 15mm, 4 pieces at length 70mm for the telescopiclegs
Cut out the parts [13 parts each, the
strips are not shown]
Glue the three CB's. Cover it with 4
parts, cutting too much paper.
Fold and glue the other parts as
shown here. Attach the cylinderpart
at the end of the CB-arm. Fold the
rectangular part inside so that this
will form a box with a thicker
border, this will serve as anchor for
the sticks.
Fold the footplate to formed a
9x9mm square opening, fill this
with something strong and rigid,
because it will support the load placed on the foot.
Roll the small strips around the bottom of the 8mm sticks so they
will be sticking in the box of the feetplate. Also roll the lager strips
into the bottom hole of the CB cylinderend. Both ends should be fit
tightly, so that the sticks don't fall out. Use additional strips if
You see here a foot with the small stick retraced and another with
the lager stick when extended. Note that the quad-feet will move
The short stick should stick without falling out for display. The
long rod will be held in place by the weight of the crane and any
load. A tight fit also makes the base more stable.
Cut out 100mm long pieces of strong paper (I used 0,7mm), as
shown here right. They should form
'L' angles. Form them to fit a
vertical and horizontal side ot the
extension arm. Cut the next two fit
over the additional parts. Four
pieces form a tube, overlaping each
other as shown here far right.
Glue the sections around the CB-
part, as shown here, then the
secound stage, but be careful not to
glue the sections to the CB-parts or
to the other stage. Make sure the fit
is very tight, but they must slide
over each other to extend and
retract the arm.Wax can be used as
Right pic shows a extented and a retracted feet.
You can use additional angles for strength or appearance, but the
maximum height is 24 mm and the maximum width is 20mm to fit
into the main structure.
Repeat this for all four feets. Then glue two of the feet together as
shown here in the picture. The width should be 120mm with the
overlapped area in the middle 80mm long. The width must be
40mm and the heigh 24mm, so it will fit correctly into the main
structure. Shim as necessary to achieve the requiered dimensions.
Since each leg is hand fit, it may be a good idea to number each foot, rods and telescoping
section. :-)
You need 2 subassemblys as shown here in the last picture.
Main structure
Take the CB-parts [15 parts] and
the two telescopicleg-packages.
Using the two side parts with the
cut outs as reference, glue the two
telecopicled assemblies to the larges
part as shwon in the picture. Don't
glue the sideparts yet. This is the
bottom of the main structure
Glue the small long CG-parts
between the telescopiclegs along
each edge of the large center part as
shown. Do the same with the parts
for the front of the structure. Add
the bulkheads to the ends of the
now formed boxes. Glue the last
two bulkheads in place, using the
two top CB-parts as reference.
Then glue the two top parts in
place. Glue strips of paper to the
edges, then fold around another
strip as marked here in red strips at
the far right picture. This will hold
together the assembly, providing a
larger gluing surface.
Its possible to add some additional
bulkheads and/or plates into it to
strenghten the structure. But it will
be heavier.This means you will
have to strengthen all other parts to
take advantage of this additional strength.
Last glue the sideparts to the structure, applying some strips to the
Let dry and then you can loadtest it.
Shake the model. If all the parts fit properly, nothing will shake lose
:-) Test it :-)
Cut out the parts of the swifel-pin.
[20 parts]
Glue the CB-parts to the bottom,
evenly spaced, then the top, as
shown here. Use the triangular
pieces as stiffeners placed
horizontally half way between to
and bottom.
Then glue and roll the white strip
around the CB-parts.
At least roll and glue the surface-
labeld part around, glue the ends
together, but not to the pin.
It should be a very tight fit, but should rotate easily. Again wax can
be used as lubricant. You can strengthen the pin and the sliding-
surface, but the whole pin maximum diameter is 46mm, maximum
heigh 25mm high, so that it will fit in the squarehole of the
Make also sure, that you can remove it and assemble it again.
Right pic is with the pin removed from the sliding surface.
Install the sliding-surface into the structure as shown. Shim it to the
center of the square opening. Add paper and CB as necessary. Keep
in mind that the entire load goes through this pin. Theres no
advantage of save some paper or weight here. Make sure the pin
continues to rotate smoothly while fitting as thight as possible. In
inserting and removing the pin, I found it easier to drop a bottle cap
inside the bearing surface/collar to keep the pin sticking out so I could grasp it.
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