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Popul Ecol (2005) 47:267–275
DOI 10.1007/s10144-005-0231-2
Andrew E. Derocher
Population ecology of polar bears at Svalbard, Norway
Received: 21 September 2004 / Accepted: 11 August 2005 / Published online: 30 September 2005
The Society of Population Ecology and Springer-Verlag Tokyo 2005
Abstract The population ecology of polar bears at
Svalbard, Norway, was examined from 1988 to 2002
using live-captured animals. The mean age of both fe-
males and males increased over the study, litter pro-
duction rate and natality declined and body length of
adults decreased. Dynamics of body mass were sugges-
tive of cyclical changes over time and variation in body
mass of both adult females and adult males was related
to the Arctic Oscillation index. Similarly, litter produc-
tion rate and natality correlated with the Arctic Oscil-
lation index. The changes in age-structure, reproductive
rates and body length suggest that recovery from over-
harvest continued for almost 30 years after harvest
ended in 1973 and that density-dependent changes are
perhaps being expressed in the population. However, the
variation in reproduction and body mass in the popu-
lation show a relationship between large-scale climatic
variation and the upper trophic level in an Arctic marine
ecosystem. Similar change in other polar bear popula-
tions has been attributed to climate change, and further
research is needed to establish linkages between climate
and the population ecology of polar bears.
low density and high research costs for monitoring polar
bear populations result in an incomplete understanding
of their population dynamics. Researchers must piece
together a variety of elements to construct an insight
into the dynamics of a population: often with incomplete
time series or small sample sizes. Despite these limita-
tions, the population ecology of polar bears is reason-
ably well understood. Similar to other species of bears,
polar bears have delayed maturation, small litters and a
prolonged mother–offspring bond that results in low
population growth rates (Bunnell and Tait 1981 ). Pop-
ulation growth, however, is most sensitive to changes in
adult female survival rate (Taylor et al. 1987 ), but nat-
ural variation in survival of adults is low and treating
adult survival as a constant has been suggested (Eber-
hardt 1977 ; Amstrup and Durner 1995 ). Reproductive
rates, body size and condition are the most dynamic
components of polar bear populations and play a major
role in determining population dynamics (Derocher and
Stirling 1995 , 1996 ; Stirling et al. 1999 ).
The Arctic sea ice habitat is a dynamic environment
and large temporal and spatial variation is common
(A ˚ dlandsvik and Loeng 1991 ; Shapiro et al. 2003 ; Bar-
ber and Iacozza 2004 ). Linkages between climate-driven
sea ice habitats and polar bears were first established
from hunting returns in Greenland (Vibe 1967 ). More
recent research has linked the dynamics of polar bear
populations to climatic variability that reduce produc-
tivity of their primary prey, ringed seals (Phoca hispida)
(Stirling et al. 1982 ; Stirling 2002 ). Changes in the pro-
ductivity of ringed seals affects polar bear natality and
offspring survival through changes in body condition
(Ramsay and Stirling 1988 ; Derocher and Stirling 1994 ;
Stirling 2002 ). Recent studies of several northern and
Arctic birds and mammals have linked the dynamics of
populations to climatic indices such as the Arctic
Oscillation and the North Atlantic Oscillation (Forch-
hammer et al. 1998 ; Aanes et al. 2002 ; Post and
Forchhammer 2002 ; Forchhammer and Post 2004 ).
However, no such linkages have been made for polar
Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are a highly specialised
predator of seals that live in the ice-covered seas of the
Arctic (DeMaster and Stirling 1981 ). Remote locations,
A. E. Derocher
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, T6G 2E9, Alberta, Canada
E-mail: derocher@ualberta.ca
Tel.: +1-780-4925570
Fax: +1-780-4929234
A. E. Derocher
Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, 9296, Norway
The best studied polar bear populations are found
in the Beaufort Sea, north of Alaska and western
Canada, and in western Hudson Bay (Amstrup et al.
1986 ; Stirling et al. 1999 ; Stirling 2002 ). The dynamics
of reproduction in these two populations are substan-
tially different. Large declines in the condition and
reproductive rates of polar bears in western Hudson
Bay have been linked to possible density-dependent
responses following recovery from over-harvest (Der-
ocher and Stirling 1992 , 1995 ) and more recently to
climate change (Stirling and Derocher 1993 ; Stirling
et al. 1999 ). In contrast, the dynamics of condition and
reproduction in the Beaufort Sea are more closely tied
to recovery from over-harvest and climatic variation
(Amstrup et al. 1986 ; Stirling 2002 ). Svalbard, north of
Norway, is the only other polar bear population with
a long-term ecological research program. The dynam-
ics of this population are only partially understood
and are related to a history of intensive harvest that
resulted in a severely depleted population (Larsen
1986 ).
Global concerns over rapidly increasing harvest levels
of polar bears in the 1960s culminated in the signing of
the International Agreement on Polar Bears in 1973 that
resulted in management regimes being imposed on most
populations (Prestrud and Stirling 1994 ). Interpretation
of the Agreement by the five member states varied
widely. Polar bears in Russia had already received total
protection from harvest in 1956 (Prestrud and Stirling
1994 ). Norway introduced a total ban on harvest in
1973, while Canada and the United States implemented
inventory programs and harvest monitoring. While
extensive research on polar bears has been conducted in
North America, all of these populations still undergo
extensive harvest, which is a significant source of mor-
tality (Amstrup et al. 1986 ; Taylor et al. 1987 ; Lee and
Taylor 1994 ; Amstrup and Durner 1995 ). In Norway,
the termination of hunting and the International
Agreement spurred research on the population (Larsen
1986 ; Wiig 1998 ; Mauritzen et al. 2002 ). Polar bears in
Svalbard are the only studied population without an
ongoing harvest.
No meaningful population estimates are available for
polar bears in the Svalbard–Barents Sea area but esti-
mates derived in the 1970s–1980s, when the population
was thought to be recovering from over-harvest (Larsen
1986 ), were of questionable reliability when produced
and with the passage of 20 years, have little relevance for
the current state of the population. Despite the lack of
harvest, conservation issues pertaining to polar bears in
the Barents Sea have centred upon the possible effects of
anthropogenic pollutants. In particular, levels of per-
sistent organic pollutants in polar bears were thought to
negatively influence the immune system (Bernhoft et al.
2000 ; Lie et al. 2003 ) and hormone homeostasis (Skaare
et al. 1999 ) and may have affected the population
(Derocher et al. 2003 ). Levels of pollutants declined in
the 1990s (Henriksen et al. 2001 ) but the effects on the
population remain unclear.
In this paper, I examine the population ecology of
polar bears in Svalbard and examine the age structure,
reproductive rates and dynamics and body size dynam-
ics. I also examine relationships between the population
parameters and the Arctic Oscillation climatic index.
Study area and methods
Polar bears were live-captured during late March to
mid-May in 1988–2002 in the Svalbard area (78N,
20E) eastward to the central Barents Sea (70N, 44E;
Fig. 1 ). Polar bears in Svalbard are part of the Barents
Sea population and are linked genetically and through
movements to the bears in the western Russian Arctic
(Wiig 1995 ; Paetkau et al. 1999 ; Mauritzen et al. 2001 ).
In general, sampling was constrained to nearshore areas
due to helicopter range restrictions imposed by the dis-
tribution of fuel caches. Sampling intensity of the pop-
ulation varied between years due to do environmental
conditions and funding but the method of searching for
animals was similar over time. Efforts were made to
capture each animal observed unless the conditions were
deemed unsafe. The sample is believed to be represen-
tative of the population.
Polar bears (‡1 year of age) were captured using a
helicopter and remote injection of the drug Zoletil
(Stirling et al. 1989 ). A vestigial premolar tooth was
extracted from all bears for age determination (Calvert
and Ramsay 1998 ). Ages were unavailable for 54 bears
and an estimated age was used for those analyses where I
could allocate the bear to a specific group (e.g., adult
females ‡4 years old with cubs-of-the-year) but these
animals were excluded from age-specific analyses. The
sex, reproductive status and a series of standardised
morphometric measure were collected from each bear.
Body length (cm) was measured as the dorsal straight-
line distance from the tip of the nose to the caudal end of
Arctic Ocean
80 °
Frans Josef
Barents Sea
75 N
0 200 400
20 E
40 °
60 °
Fig. 1 Map of the study area showing Svalbard, Norway, Franz
Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya, Russia, where the Barents Sea
polar bear population is located
707820164.012.png 707820164.013.png 707820164.014.png 707820164.001.png 707820164.002.png 707820164.003.png 707820164.004.png 707820164.005.png 707820164.006.png
the last tail vertebrae with bears lying sternally recum-
bent with the back legs straight behind and the front legs
flexed at the elbows with the forelegs forward and par-
allel to the body. Axillary girth (cm) was measured as
the circumference around the chest at the axilla with a
rope tightened with a tension of about 0.5 kg. Body
mass was estimated from a regression model developed
for the study population using axillary girth and body
length (Derocher and Wiig 2002 ).
Age-specific reproductive parameters were calculated
based on the methods of Stirling et al. ( 1980 ) and
Ramsay and Stirling ( 1988 ) and include cubs-of-the-year
of both sexes. Age-specific mean litter size (LS x ) was
calculated from:
The Arctic Oscillation shares some features with the
North Atlantic Oscillation but the Arctic Oscillation
has a more northern centre of action that includes most
of the Arctic (Tremblay 2001 ). Higher than normal sea-
level pressure over the Arctic results in weaker westerly
winds in the upper atmosphere and colder conditions in
northern areas. In contrast, lower sea-level pressure
over the Arctic results in a warming pattern and an
influx of warmer Atlantic water into the Arctic.
Monthly values for the Arctic Oscillation were
obtained from http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/
precip/CWlink/daily_ao_index/ao_index.html and were
fitted to mass data for adult females (‡4 years old)
without cubs-of-the-year and adult males (‡10 years
old). These age groups were selected to minimise age-
related and reproductive status-related variation in the
mass data. Adult females with cubs-of-the-year were
excluded from the analyses because they den over-
winter while lone females and females with older off-
spring remain active. The mean of body mass for each
sex was used as a single value for each year and was
considered as an index of condition.
To assess the role of climate on the population, I
created a spring and winter index of Arctic Oscillation. I
used the mean of the Arctic Oscillation index for April–
June for a spring index and used a winter index (Octo-
ber–January) and monthly values of Arctic Oscillation
for the 12 months preceding capture in the multiple
stepwise regressions. Variables were retained in the
model if significant at P £ 0.05.
P cubs-of-the-year with females age x
LS x ¼
P females age x with cub-of-the year litters :
In instances where no litters from a female of age x
were observed, LS x was assigned a value of 0.000 if fe-
males of that age class were captured. Age-specific rate
of litter production (LP x ) was calculated as
LP x ¼ P females age x with cub-of-the-year litters
P females age x
An estimate of natality rate (N x ), the product of LS x
and LP x , was derived from:
N x ¼ P cubs-of-the-year with females age x
P females age x
The above equations and notation were used to be
consistent with previous literature. However, because
the natality rate applies to a period roughly 4 months
after birth, it reflects recruitment to the spring.
I used SAS statistical software (SAS Institute 1989 ) for
all analyses. Statistical significance was set to P £ 0.05.
Values are presented as means ±1SE. Some information
was not available for all animals, resulting in varying
sample sizes between analyses. Ages were log 10 trans-
formed for statistical analyses to normalise data.
To test for temporal trends in body length, I used the
year of birth so that trends would relate to the cohort
rather than the year of capture. Year of birth was deter-
mined from the age at capture subtracted from the year of
capture. Females attain 97% of their asymptotic body
length at 4.4 years of age in the Svalbard population
(Derocher andWiig 2002 ) and to reduce age-related biases
I used females ‡5 years of age for body length analyses.
Males in the population attain 97% of their asymptotic
body length at 6.2 years of age (Derocher and Wiig 2002 )
but growth is slower than in females, so males ‡8 years of
age were included in body length analyses.
I used multiple regression to explore the relation-
ships between the mean body mass for adult females
and adult males and the Arctic Oscillation index. The
Arctic Oscillation is a mode of climate variability in the
Northern Hemisphere north of 20N related to sea-le-
vel pressure variations (Thompson and Wallace 1998 ).
Age structure
The age structure of the captured population was con-
structed from 553 females and 509 males and revealed
Fig. 2 Age structure of female and male polar bears sampled near
Svalbard, 1988–2002
707820164.007.png 707820164.008.png
that bears 2–5 years of age were under-represented in
the sample (Fig. 2 ). The mean age of females (‡3 years
old, the age of independence) increased over 1988–2001
(linear regression, F 1,395 =24.51, P<0.0001, R 2 =0.06;
Fig. 3 ). A similar pattern was noted for males (‡3 years
old) over 1990–2001 (linear regression, F 1, 351 =5.91,
P<0.016, R 2 =0.02; Fig. 3 ). Comparing the early and
late parts of the study, the mean age of females (‡3 years
old) was 9.1±0.5 years (n=72 for 1988–1993) and in-
creased (t-test, P<0.0001) to 11.9±0.4 years (n=208
for 1998–2001). A similar pattern was observed in males
(‡3 years old) where the mean age from 1988–1993 was
10.8±1.0 years (n=40) and increased (t-test, P=0.008)
to 12.8±0.4 years (n=223) in 1998–2001. To compare
with studies in Canada, I included the mean ages of
females (‡1 year old), which was 8.0±0.6 years (n=84)
for 1988–1993 and rose to 10.8±0.4 years (n=230) for
1998–2001. For males (‡1 year old), in 1988–1993 the
mean age was 8.4±0.9 years (n=54) and rose to
11.7±0.4 years (n=246) in 1998–2001.
Table 1 Age-specific litter size (LS x ), litter production (LP x ) and
natality (N x ) rates for female polar bears captured in the Svalbard
area in 1993–2002. Sample size (n litters) refers to the number of
females of age x with cub-of-the-year litters and n females refers to
the number of females of age x of all reproductive classes
Age (years) LS x n litters LP x N x
n females
0.143 0.143
0.100 0.150
0.650 1.050
0.559 1.029
0.400 0.680
0.444 0.704
0.375 0.750
0.333 0.619
0.357 0.786
0.273 0.364
0.444 0.722
0.462 0.923
0.333 0.667
0.000 0.000
0.250 0.250
1.000 1.600
0.200 0.200
0.375 0.625
0.000 0.067
Reproductive rates
1.72 106
0.375 0.643 283
The earliest age of first reproduction in females was
4 years of age (Table 1 ). However, only three of 27
females (11%) produced cubs before 6 years of age,
after which litter production rate was notably higher
and similar to older age classes. Mean litter size of
cubs-of-the-year did not vary between years (ANOVA,
P=0.37) and was 1.72 cubs/litter (SE=0.05, n=106)
with annual means ranging over 1.71–2.00 cubs/litter
(Fig. 4 ). Singleton litters comprised 32.1%, twins
64.1% and triplets 3.8% of the sample. The mean litter
size for yearlings was 1.52 yearlings/litter (SE=0.07,
n=58) and varied significantly (ANOVA, F 10,47 =3.43,
P=0.0019) between 1.00 yearlings/litter and 2.00 year-
lings/litter between years (Fig. 4 ). Singleton yearling
litters comprised 48.3% and twin yearling litters 51.7%
of the sample.
Age-specific litter size, litter production rates and
natality rates were determined from pooled data
(Table 1 ). Natality varied between years from
0.256 cubs/female to 1.250 cubs/female per year. Litter
production rates declined over the study (linear regres-
sion, F 1,8 =7.66, P=0.024, R 2 =0.49) and, similarly,
natality rate declined (linear regression, F 1,8 =7.24,
P=0.028, R 2 =0.48; Fig. 5 ).
Fig. 3 Mean age (±SE) of female and male polar bears ‡3 years
old sampled in the Svalbard area by year of capture. Linear
regressions are shown as sloping lines
Fig. 4 Mean litter size of cubs-of-the-year and yearlings (±SE) for
polar bears in the Svalbard area, 1992–2002. The number of litters
sampled is indicated above each error bar for cubs and to the right
of the symbol for yearlings
Fig. 5 Dynamics of natality
rate (cubs/female per year) and
litter production rate
(proportion of reproductive
aged females with cubs) for
female polar bears at Svalbard,
Norway, from 1993 to 2002.
Solid and dashed lines indicate
the linear regressions
Fig. 6 Relationship between
natality and litter production
and the Arctic Oscillation index
for polar bears in Svalbard,
Norway, 1990–2002. The mean
of April–June Arctic Oscillation
values were used for litter
production and May for
natality. Solid and dashed lines
indicate linear regressions
Using multiple regression, litter production rate was
negatively correlated to the spring Arctic Oscillation
of the preceding year (F 1,8 =6.14, P=0.038, R 2 =0.43)
and natality rate was negatively correlated to the
Arctic Oscillation in May of the preceding year for
the same period (F 1,8 =5.34, P=0.049, R 2 =0.40;
Fig. 6 ).
males (P=0.76). The mean body mass of adult females
without cubs-of-the-year and adult males appeared to
demonstrate a cyclical pattern.
Using multiple regression, the body mass of females
without cubs was positively related to the Arctic
Oscillation index in July (partial R 2 =0.59) and nega-
tively in December (partial R 2 =0.14; multiple regres-
sion, F 2,10 =13.42, P=0.0015, R 2 =0.73). The body mass
of adult males was positively related to the Arctic
Oscillation index in April (partial R 2 =0.60) and
negatively in September (partial R 2 =0.14; multiple
regression, F 2,10 =13.93, P=0.0013, R 2 =0.74).
There was a decrease in the body length of adult fe-
males (‡5 years of age) by year of birth over the study
(F 1,322 =11.80, P<0.001, R 2 =0.04, slope= 0.23 cm/
year; Fig. 8 ). Similarly, there was a significant negative
trend in body length of adult males ‡8 years old by year
of birth (linear regression, F 1,239 =7.17, P=0.008,
R 2 =0.03, slope= 0.35 cm/year; Fig. 8 ).
Dynamics of body size
Body mass of adult females (‡4 years old) without
cubs-of-the-year varied between years (1990–2002;
ANOVA, F 12,229 =2.93, P<0.001; Fig. 7 ). Similarly,
the body mass of adult males (‡10 years old) varied
between years over the same period (ANOVA,
F 12,190 =2.03, P=0.024; Fig. 7 ). There was no signifi-
cantly linear trend in the body mass of either adult
females without cubs-of-the-year (P=0.57) or adult
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