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Lesbian Schoolgirl Sluts... (F/ffff, MC, FDom, bd, 
exhib, span, toys, latex)

By Hecate


....No, no, she thought. I can't possibly title an 
English essay like that. What was I thinking of?  

Becky couldn't understand what was happening to her 
since the new term started. She only had one more year 
before she went to university. She was supposed to be 
studying. But she couldn't get sex off her mind, and 
lesbian sex at that. 

She loOKed at the title again and went to delete it. 
She stopped short and a smile played across her face. A 
smile of amusement, but also of lust. Of course she 
could write this! Marianne (Miss Lovejoy, her English 
teacher) would love it. She just knew she would.  She 
felt a tingle of anticipation go through her and knew 
she had a wet patch on her panties. Yes, she thought, 
it's just the thing. She started writing...

(1) First Draft

Marianne Lovejoy was enjoying her job as English 
teacher at the Catherine The Great's School for Girls. 
It was a fairly odd title for a school, she thought, 
though she did know that this was an area where Russian 
emigres had lived. Still, she thought it was weird. 

She had only started at the school this year and 
already she had not only her own class, but her special 
tutorial group of four girls, Becky Green, Liz Thorpe, 
Angie McFadden and Dianna Marshall. They were such good 
girls. Quite gifted. And the fact that they were the 
prettiest girls in their year had nothing to do with 
it. Oh, no.  Marianne only ever chose girls for their 
intelligence and ability. Or so she told anyone who 

It was Tutorial Day, which, unfortunately, only came 
round twice a week. Soon, however, Marianne hoped to be 
seeing rather more of the girls. Becky, in particular, 
seemed to have come around quicker than the others. And 
the latest essay she'd handed in - well, it was going 
to be hard to control the other three when she read it 
out. Still, she'd never had problems before. A little 
frisson went through her at the thought of what 
promised to be an interesting session. 

Marianne got through the morning on autopilot, thinking 
about the afternoon's tutorial and what she could do. 
By the time lunch came round, she was so excited she 
could hardly wait.  Every time she found new girls she 
felt like this; her skin tingling, her nipples hard, 
and her panties wet. At last the time arrived and she 
strolled to the Tutorial Room.

As Becky walked in, the other three, already there, 
chorused "Hi Becky."    Miss Lovejoy still wasn't 
there. They were all early.  Becky smiled and greeted 
the others and sat down.  They all sat in the same 
places each time - Becky next to Dianna, who was next 
to Liz, who was next to Angie. They'd all become good 
friends in the last four weeks, though when they all 
discussed the tutorials, it was funny as it seemed that 
they could never remember them exactly. Oh, they had 
their handouts, and they sort of remembered Miss 
Lovejoy giving out instructions, but...  It didn't 
matter really; they could all agree that they were much 
better at writing now.  The only thing bothering each 
of them, and which none had discussed with the other, 
was the content of the essays. Up till now, Miss 
Lovejoy had just taken them in and marked them. Today, 
she'd promised that they would each hear selected 
passages from their writing.  

When Marianne arrived, she could see that each girl 
looked anxious. They were shifting about on their seats 
and giving each other sideways glances. She was going 
to ensure that they would be quite happy by the end of 
this tutorial. In fact, if everything went well, by the 
end, they would be very happy, and she hoped, in the 
right frame of mind.

Actually, Marianne Lovejoy didn't need to see their 
anxiety. She could feel it. Although she had only 
recently honed her 'mind touch', as she called it, her 
telepathy had been with her since birth. She had 
already picked out her switch, and her three subs. 
Angie had the character for a switch and would, no 
doubt, become dominant when older. The other three were 
natural subs. Angie, of course, had been the toughest 
of all to mind touch and 'develop'.  Becky, on the 
other hand, had been the easiest of the three. She was 
an instinctive sub. That was, no doubt, why she had 
also written the most explicit story. She knew she had 
Becky now. By the end of the day, she wanted the other 
three to have 'developed' as well.

(2) Outline

"Good Afternoon, girls.  Now, firstly, as usual, we are 
going to get in the right frame of mind for this 
tutorial. I want you all to sit back, just like you've 
done before, close your eyes, and concentrate on a 
pleasant summer's day. I'll start the timer, and you'll 
hear it ticking away for the next five minutes. When it 
rings you'll be nice and refreshed and ready for our 
little session."

The girls all sat back. They'd always felt so good 
after these tutorials, and they all thought it was the 
relaxation session at the beginning that had done it.  
Marianne, however, knew otherwise.  She started to feel 
their minds. As always, Becky had gone quickly into a 
state she could affect, so she began with her.  Becky 
didn't need that much pushing. Marianne had already 
found that underneath Becky was not only a sub, but a 
lesbian one too.  She played with Becky's mind a 
little, inserting a new connection here, another there. 
She could almost feel the chemical messengers 

After a minute or so, Becky was ready. Marianne knew 
that Becky would fall in with any suggestion she made - 
naturally, and in her normal state. 

Now for the others!

Dianna was next. Then Liz. Both were easily made ready. 
This was their sixth session and Marianne had hoped it 
would be enough. Now she was sure. She'd left herself 
two minutes for Angie, the hardest of the four. But, by 
the time the little bell rang, she knew she had them 
all.  Angie though, had been the hardest of all the 
girls she'd manipulated.  Still, she was pleased. When 
the four left school, they'd make a nice little group, 
with Angie at its head, of course.

Marianne watched their eyes as they sat up. She saw 
them all look at one another, appraising each other in 
a way they wouldn't have done when they had come to her 
first tutorial. Then they looked straight at her and 
she could see how their eyes ran up and down her body. 
She shivered with lust. Oh, this was going to be good, 
she thought.

"OK. Now we're all nice and relaxed, I shall read out 
parts of each of this week's essays, and we can comment 
on them afterwards." 

Marianne had already made sure the 'Do Not Disturb' 
sign was on the door and had locked it as insurance.  
Plus, there were no classrooms next to the Tutorial 
Room, only a storeroom, so moderate noise was 
acceptable. She really hoped that this was it, that 
today was the day, and began reading.

"The first one is by Becky and entitled," here she 
paused slightly, knowing this would tell her for sure, 
'Lesbian Schoolgirl Sluts'".

Marianne loOKed up quickly. All four sat there, intent, 
seeming not at all bothered by the title. She was home 
and dry! She grinned to herself and began reading the 

"Liz caressed the breast before her, lightly sucking on 
the nipple and moaning with pleasure."  Marianne had a 
quick look and saw Liz had a slightly shocked 
expression, but it quickly passed.

"The nipple hardened in her mouth, and Angie's eyes 
filled with lust". Again, a quick glance, but she just 
saw Angie smile.

"I moved round behind Angie, fell to my knees and began 
to kiss her arse cheeks. As my hands fell to her hips, 
I touched Dianne's hands. She was between Angie's legs, 
licking her pussy. Angie's body was shaking between us, 
and Dianne and I held on tight."

Marianne watched Dianne. Again, the same dreamy smile 
as Angie. 

"I delved in between her arse cheeks and began to lick 
up and down, burying my face between them."

Finally, Marianne looked at Becky. She was smiling. 
But, more than that, one hand was up her school skirt 
and, Marianne saw, it was moving frantically. This was 
better than she'd imagined.

Now, the final part from Becky's story. "I looked 
across and saw Miss Lovejoy. She was dressed in her 
normal black. A symphony in latex; she loOKed so 
beautiful. I stared at her and the flogger she was 
carrying, before delving back into Angie's arse, 
willing her to come with my tongue..."

When Marianne looked up this time, she saw that Becky 
was lost in a world of her own, her mouth open, 
breathing deeply as she caressed the centre of her 
being.  Angie was using both hands to caress her 
breasts, but the biggest and most welcome surprise of 
all was seeing Liz and Dianna leaning over towards each 
other and kissing.  She did so love it when a 
breakthrough occurred.

Unwilling to break the spell, she continued reading, 
first from Dianna's and then Liz's stories, both of 
which were about masturbation, and then from Angie's, 
which showed an interesting touch and had her orgasming 
from being spanked. Hmm, thought Marianne, I'll 
remember that for the future.

She loOKed at the girls. Dianna was now sitting on 
Liz's lap and they were kissing deeply. Dianna had her 
hand in Liz's blouse and was obviously stroking her 

Marianne could see Liz's nipples pushing against her 
shirt. She could see that Becky was now watching them. 
Becky had pulled her skirt up, and Marianne could see 
her hand working away underneath her white panties. 

Becky's other hand was in her blo...
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