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Progress test 1


1.              Put the verbs in parentheses in the present simple or the present continuous.

              (5 points)


1.              I have a postcard from Lloyd. He ___________ (enjoy) his vacation in Miami.

2.              She ___________ (speak) English quite well.

3.              He ___________ (go) to work early most days.

4.              She usually _________ (drive) to work but today she _________ (take) the bus.

5.              They often ___________ (visit) their parents on the weekend.

6.              ___________ (like) spending your vacation at the beach?

7.              It's already seven thirty. ___________ (come) with us to the restaurant?

8.              In the USA, you ___________ (buy) stamps at the post office.

9.              I ___________ (not, know) where they live.

10.              He ___________ (want) to go to Mexico next summer.


2.              Ask questions. (4 points)


1.              You want to know someone's name.


2.              You want to know someone's age.


3.              You want to know where they live.


4.              You want to know what their job is.



3.              Put these words in the correct place in the passage. (6 points)


awful              country              crowded              earn              yard              hard             

hurry              relaxed              school              shopping              spend              unfriendly


I live in a small town in the (1)_____________. I work (2)_____________ and I don't (3)_____________ a lot of money, but I have a good lifestyle. I have a house with a big (4)_____________. My children go to the town (5)_____________.

I sometimes go to the city to do my (6)_____________, but I'm always glad to get home. In the country people are more (7)_____________. They don't (8)_____________ everywhere.

I really don't like the city. The streets are (9)_____________ with people who always seem so (10)_____________. The traffic is (11)_____________. I don't understand how people can (12)_____________ hours every day sitting in their cars in traffic jams.



4.              Complete the sentences with a/an, the, or put – if there is no article.

              (5 points)


1.              What was ___ weather like on the weekend?

2.              I usually arrive ___ home at about five o'clock.

3.              We live in ___  small town in ___ USA.

4.              There's ___ big living room downstairs.

5.              Would you like ___ cup of coffee?

6.              She works in ___ office. She's ___ secretary.

7.              There are only ___ few books on the table.

8.              I take the bus to ___ work every morning.

9.              We have ___ lunch at midday.

10.               She's ___ teacher at the local school.

Ó Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2002

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