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Przyktad:               I spent four days cleaning my room.

It took me four days to clean my room.



1.   They are renovating the old church at last. The old church ........................... .

2.   I expect she lost her handbag. She must ........................... .

3.   I'd prefer you to write an essay now. I'd rather ........................... .

4.   My suit needs cleaning. I must ........................... .

5.   Sheila won't be successful without making an effort.

Unless .................................................... she won't be successful.

6.   It was impossible to see either people or cars in the fog.

You could see ........................... .

7.   "How long have you been working for B&B?" he asked me.

He wanted to know ........................... .

8.   The gate was closed to stop the children running into the road. The gate was closed so

that ........................... .

9.   I only made that terrible mistake because I wasn't thinking.

If I........................... .

10.  When it gets hot people buy more cold drinks. The hotter ........................... .




1.  The thief wore a mask because he didn't want anybody to recognize him. The thief wore

a mask to avoid ........................... .

2.  Having had his supper he went to bed.

As soon ........................... .

3.  The police made the boat turn back. The boat ........................... .

4.  It is a pity she has to work overtime. If only ........................... .

5.  He could never have imagined that he would become famous.

Never .................................................. that he would become famous.

6.  The truth did not become known until many centuries later.

Not until ........................... .

7.  We can't get jobs because we haven't got the right qualifications.

If we........................... .

8.  It's not always necessary to show your passport at the border.

You........................... .

9.  Jim used to be married to that girl,

That's the girl........................... .

10.   "I did not take the money," she said. She denied ........................... .




1.  Perhaps he didn't realize what he had to do. He may ........................... .

2.  I'll gel someone to press my trousers.

I'll get my ........................... .

3. It is a pity I'm going to work tomorrow. I wish ........................... .

4. They say he is getting married next month.

He is said ........................... .

5. If you worry, you'll find it difficult to get to sleep. The more ........................... .

6. It would be sensible to call the fire brigade. We had ........................... .

7.  I'm really sorry I didn't invite her to the parly. I really wish I _______

8.  My flute is being repaired. I am ........................... .

9.  I will never consent to it under any circumstances Under no circumstances ........................... .

10.  The exam question was so easy that all the students got it right.

It was ........................... .


1.  As Mrs Smith gets older, she forgets more.

The older........................... .

2.  "If I were you, Tom, I wouldn't look for another job," said Bill.

Bill advised ........................... .

3.  Public transport used to be cheaper than it is now.

Public transport isn't ........................... .

4.  People believe that the Pyramids of Egypt were built without machines.

The Pyramids of Egypt ........................... .

5.  "How much does it cost to travel to the USA?" she asked the agent.

She wanted to know how much ........................... .

6.  We have made very little progress. Not ........................... .

7.  Take the spare key with you. I think it's possible that you'll be home before me.

Take the spare key with you in case ........................... .

8.  I prefer flying to going by boat. I'd rather. ........................... .

9.  I don't think you should rent a flat in that part of town. You'd ........................... .

10.  Someone has to weigh all the young animals every day. All the young animals ........................... .




1.   We do very little for the disabled in this country. I think it is hi"h time ........................... .

2.  They made her wait for three hours at the border. She was ........................... .

3.  I am pretty sure they are catching up with us. They must ........................... .

4.  She won't get any slimmer by eating so much bread. Unless ........................... .

5.  We ought to cut the grass. The grass needs

I haven't seen so much rain for a long time. It's a long time ........................... .

6.  "Don't park your car on double yellow lines," the notice said.

The notice warned people ........................... .

7.  Not many people go to that island because it is so expensive.

If that island ...........................there.

8.  The examination was so difficult that only 10% of the candidates passed.

It was ........................... . that ........................... .

9.  I think the best thing you can do is stay in a cheap hotel. If I ........................... .

10.  Nora always did more homework than her brother. Nora' s brother always ........................... .




1.  Someone may steal your purse if you leave it there. Your purse may........................... .

2.  Is it really necessary to take all those clothes on holiday with you? Do you really......................... .

3.  I'd prefer you not to tell Joe about my new job. I'd rather you ........................... .

4.  She told Peter not to go away. ........................... .

5.  Does this book belong to you? Is this book.

6. Mary brought me some very good news. The news ........................... .

7. We look more clothes than we needed on holiday last summer. We needn't ........................... .

8. "Don't be surprised when they begin to argue," she told me. She warned me ........................... .

9. Take my advice and don't try to finish all that work tonight. If I

If I........................... .

10. Perhaps they were not waiting under the right clock.

They may ........................... .


1.  Everybody knows that the expedition reached the South Pole in May.

The expedition is ........................... .

2.  He kepi making angry commems during the reading of the radio news.

While the radio news ........................... .

3.   It's a pily she didn't bring her brother along.

I wish ........................... .

4.  "Don't worry! I'll call you as soon as I get there," she said to us.

She told...........................and .said that.

6.  It's a pity that no-one sent aid straightaway. Aid should ........................... .

7.  Carol didn't enjoy the film, Mike didn't cither. Neither ........................... .

8.  I'd prefer you not to behave like that. I'd rather ........................... .

10. Mike's bicycle has been stolen from the school yard. Mike has........................... .


1. As soon as the film ended, everyone rushed to the exit.

No sooner ........................... .

2. She locked the door. She didn't want to be disturbed. She locked the door so ........................... .

3. It's impossible that she forgot about her wedding anniversary. She can't ........................... .

4. They managed to climb the mountain in two hours. They succeeded ........................... .

5. I am too old to apply for that job.

If I........................... .

6. You ought to make up your mind now. It's high time ........................... .

7. I have the impression that he is telling the truth. He seems ........................... .

8. Martin speaks Spanish and English fluently. His mother is Spanish.

Martin ........................... Spanish and English .

9. "Will Peter manage without me?" she asked herself. She wondered ........................... . „

10.  They say that the rocket travelled 6000 miles. The rocket is ........................... .


1.  She regrets not having taken swimming lessons at school.

She wishes........................... .

3.  It's impossible that she was allowed to work so hard. She can't ........................... . „

4.  He doesn't pay his staff properly, that's why they don't work well.

If he ........................... .

5.  Both Ann and Tim failed the driving test.

Neither ........................... .

6.   They weren't wearing life-jackets, perliaps that's why they were drowned.

If ........................... .

7.  Would you mind not smoking in here. I'd rather ........................... .

8.  As we sat down to talk the phone rang. Hardly ........................... .

9. 'Please don't shout at me! I'll leave if you don't calm down," she said to me.

She asked _........................... and said ........................... .

10. "Will you be here for the next ten minutes?" he asked. He wanted to know ........................... .


1. I'm sure she is telling lies. She must ........................... .

2. Somebody has damaged his car. He ........................... .

3. We wore warm clothes. We didn't want to get cold. We wore warm clothes so ........................... .

4. That man over there is an artist. I don't remember his name. That man over there,. an artist.

5.   "Will this plan really create new jobs?" asked the reporter.

The reporter wanted to know ........................... .

6.   Unfortunately Nick was too short to be a good basketball player.

Unfortunately Nick wasn't tall ........................... .

7.   "Don't go out late by yourself," my friend told me. My friend advised me .

8.   The police are questioning him in connection with the burglaries.

He ........................... .

9.  The astronaut caught a cold, so she wasn't allowed to go on the space flight.

If the astronaut ........................... .

10. When did he start working at the bank? How long........................... .

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