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I Rewrite the sentences in such a way that they still mean the same.


I . How long is it since he started studying medicine?



2. Is this your first visit to this country?



3. 'Don't  leave your luggage unattended.' they said to us.

They told us             


4. We will have to sell the house.

The house             


5. Tony types more carefully than Peter.



6. 'Was the test difficult?' she asked us.

She asked us             


7. The teacher said we could go home early.

The teacher let             


8. The plane took off before we got to the airport.

When we got to the airport             


9. He had no right to treat me so rudely.

He shouldn't             


10. I feel like staying here for three more days.

I’d rather             


II Supply the correct verb forms.


1. 'How ……………….. (you/cut)  yourself?' 'It was an accident.'

2. If I still …………….. (feel) sick, I ………….. (not go) on holiday next weekend.

3. I’m sorry ………… (disturb) you, but can you tell me the time?

4. I think we should buy a new carpet. We ………….. (have) this one for ages.

5. 'Where are my favourite jeans?' 'They ……………… (wash) at the moment. Sorry.'

6. 'Why are your shoes so muddy?' 'I ……………… (work’) in the garden.'

7. We couldn't play golf because it ………………. (rain).

8. What ………………. (you/do) if you were made redundant?

9. She wishes her children …………….(not live) so far away. Then she could visit them more often.



1. You will now hear the presenter talking about St Helena and life there before the arrival of TV. Listen to the presenter and write in your answers.


Population :



Crime: in 1980s two



1991 study: showed island's children very well


% of time children spent studying



Entertainment: weekly




2. You will now hear the presenter talking about life on St Helena after the arrival of TV. Listen to the presenter and write in your answers.


TV meant that islanders were at last in the



Arrival caused a bi change in islanders'



Islanders became more interested in the



TV cost 12% of islanders'



Islanders hoped for more





Choose one of the following subjects and write a composition of between 120 and 180 words. Write the number of the subject you choose and the number of words you have actually written in the space provided. (In case of a letter the address and names are not to be counted in the number of words.)


I . Tell a story of an amusing or unfortunate incident.

2. Describe a place in your country you would recommend to a foreign


2. You have received a letter from your friend who has decided not to take his final exam at school. Write him back and try to make him charge his mind.

TOPIC............                                            NUMBER OF WORDS..........







I have only Been burgled once, and the burglar wasn't even that successful; he ended up leaving me some of his goods rather than leaving with mine. I could hear him moving about. I shouted, he ran, leaving a typewriter behind, doubtless removed from the neighbour's house. I considered myself lucky because of the stories about the mess burglars make when they're on job - the vandalised rooms, the broken furniture, the meals they cook for themselves, the urine.

Crime prevention* advertisements exploit such images to persuade people to lock their Windows. But my burglar wasn't like that - he was careful, meticulous, and tidy (even if a bit noisy), he didn't try to cook himself a meal or use my house as a toilet.

Sentences for house burglary can be quite stiff - the maximum is 14 years, but many burglars today end up in magistrates' courts facing the fines. As another burglar put it to me „I had enough in my piggy bank* for the first fine."

But what are burglars really like? How could I meet one personally?

A chain of association eventually led me to Danny (name changed). In official terms he's a recidivist. „Money, clothes, and having a good time is my life," he says. Danny's profession runs in the family (his father is currently on the run for an armed robbery offence) but he says his family has nothing to do with it. It was his friends. He was 15, they were 16, he was their eager pupil. He started with a warehouse. „We were careful to choose the one without the burglar alarm. We got in through a ground floor window."


·         crime prevention - zapobieganie przestępczości

·         piggy bank - skarbonka

Now choose the sentence that is true for the text:


a)      the burglar did not manage to take many things.

b) the burglar forgot to steal a typewriter.

c) the burglar left the stolen typewriter while escaping from the house.


a)      the burglar was not a typical one.

b)     b) the burglar was a professional.

c) the burglar was an amateur.



a)      crime prevention advertisement makes people scared and uneasy.

b)     crime prevention advertisement makes people aware of criminality.

c) crime prevention advertisement makes people alert and watchful.



a)      imprisonment is rarely executed and fines are often inadequate.

b)     punishment for burglary includes both imprisonment and fines.

c) because prisons are full burglars are only charged with money.



a)      Danny was instructed by his father.

b) Danny was influenced by his friends.

c) Danny was spoiled by a glamorous life.

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