Conditional Introduction.doc

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Conditional Introduction




    There are two kinds of Conditional: real and unreal. Real Conditional shows how you react in real-life situations. Unreal Conditional shows how you would react in unreal, imaginary situations. Although the various Conditional forms might seem quite abstract at first, they are actually some of the most useful structures in English and are commonly included in daily conversations. If you want to use the Conditional Pages as a reference only and do not want to complete the tutorial Click Here.

The tutorial should be completed as follows:

1. Read this "Conditional Introduction" completely.

2. Read the Present Conditionals Page and complete Exercise 1.

3. Read the Past Conditionals Page and complete Exercise 2.

4. Read the Future Conditionals Page and complete Exercise 3 .

5. Read the Continuous Conditionals Page and complete Exercise 4.

6. Read the Mixed Conditionals Page and complete Exercise 5 .

A complete list of Conditional exercises is available by going to the Conditional  Exercise Page. However, these exercises should only be done after reading the conditional description pages listed above. 


Present Real Conditional

Present Unreal Conditional

If I have time, I study English.
(Sometimes I have time.)


If I had time, I would study English.
(I don't have time.)


Past Real Conditional

Past Unreal Conditional

If I had time, I studied English.
(Somtimes I had time.)


If I had had time, I would have studied English.
(I didn't have time.)


Future Real Conditional

Future Unreal Conditional

If I have time, I will study English.
If I have time, I am going to study English.
(I don't know if I will have time or not.)

Other forms possible.

If I had time, I would study English.
(I won't have time.)

Other forms possible.



If you have any conditional questions go to English Page FAQ


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