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I. Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź:
1) Czy chciałabyś coś do picia?
a) Would you like something drink?
b) Do you like something to drink?
c) Would you like something to drink?
d) Do you like something drink?
2) On jest mądrzejszy ode mnie.
a) He’s more smart than me.
b) He’s as smart as me.
c) He’s smarter than me.
d) He’s smarter from me.
3) To jest najgorszy samochd.
a) This is the baddest car.
b) This is a bad car.
c) This is the worst car.
d) This is worst car.
4) Czy mogę to przymierzyć?
a) Can I measure it, please?
b) Can I try this on, please?
c) Can I use it, please?
d) Can I have it, please?
5) Nie mamy dużo cukru.
a) We don’t have much sugar.
b) We don’t have many sugar.
c) We don’t have no sugar.
d) We don’t have lot of sugar.
6) W niedzielę lecę do Toronto.
a) On Sunday I flying to Toronto.
b) On Sunday I flew to Toronto.
c) On Sunday I am flying to Toronto.
d) On Sunday I was flying to Toronto.
7) Czy kiedyś jadłeś żabę?
a) Do you eat a frog?
b) Have you ever eat a frog?
c) Have you ever eaten a frog?
d) Have you eaten a frog ever?
8) On jest za wysoki.
a) He’s too high.
b) He’s too tall.
c) He’s not tall enough.
d) He’s not high enough.
9) Interesuję się pływaniem.
a) I am interested at swimming.
b) I am interest in swim.
c) I am interested to swim.
d) I am interested in swimming.
10) Nie cierpię łowić ryb.
a) I hate fish.
b) I hate to fish.
c) I hate fishing.
d) I hate to fishing.
II. Ułż dialog we właściwej kolejności:
Good morning. Can I help you?
a 1
Can I try it on?
Oh, it’s too expensive! I can’t buy it. Thank
It’s great. How much is it?
I’d like a black T-shirt.
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What size?
Here you are.
Yes, you can.
l 12
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