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             Re: Polisz - Inglisz

r�ka [RENGH-kah], f.

P�j�� komu� na r�k�: To step on someone's hand, i.e., when he or
she is crawling on the ground.
Jak r�k� odj��: He subtracted this amount so ineptly, as if he
were counting on the fingers of his hand.
Za�amywa� r�ce: To break a person's arms carefully in many places
so that they resemble the accordion pleat.
R�ce przy sobie !: Have your hands always with you [or: Don't
leave home without your hands]!
R�ka r�k� myje: [Proverb.] The hand will wash just itself and
nothing else [figurative for a total refusal to cooperate].

robot [RAW-boat], m.

Roboty ziemne: Terrestrial robots.
Roboty r�czne: Robots wound up by hand.
Roboty publiczne: 1) Fully automatized brothels, 2) Robots serving
as whipping boys, i.e., exhibited in public places so that any frustrated
citizen can kick or batter them with impunity ro relieve his tension.
Roboty przymusowe: Robots whose offers you cannot refuse.
Przy sobocie - po robocie: Come Saturday, we'll finish off all the
Robota, tak wiele roboty [W. Broniewski]: Send me a
robot-secretary, I have so much writing to do.

robota [raw-BOH-tah], f.

Roboty nie zast�pi� ludzi: I realize you have plenty of things to
do, but even a workaholic has to have some social life.

r�g [ROOK], m.

Przytrze� rog�w: To cut corners.
R�g my�liwski: A street corner fit for a hunting party.
R�g obfito�ci: A street corner particularly fit for a hunting
party because of the abundance of wild animals.
Chwyci� byka za rogi: To take the bull by all his four corners at
Przyprawi� m�owi rogi: To season one's husband's corners.
Mia�e�, chamie, z�oty r�g [S. Wyspia�ski]: O boorish person, you
had your golden corner once.

sta� [STUTSH], verb

Ten zegarek stoi: This watch stands upright.
Sta� otworem: To stand erect at the sight of an open orifice.
On dobrze stoi z przyrody: It stands erect well by its nature.
Sta� w obliczu: To stand in someone's face.

stan [STUN], m.

Stan wyj�tkowy: Her waist is something you won't find in another
woman !
Tajemnica stanu: The Secret of My Waist [the title of a book by
Jane Fonda].

stosunek [stow-SOON-neck] m.

Odk�d wysz�a za m��, utrzymujemy przyjacielskie stosunki: Since
she got married, our regular intercourses have been as friendly as ever.
Nie sta� w �adnym stosunku: To engage in no intercourse while
standing up.

sztuka [SHTOO-kah], f.

Niez�a sztuka !: [To a playwright after his play's premiere
performance, pointing to the prettiest actress of the troupe] A nice piece
of ass you've got there !
To ju� pi�ty akt tej sztuki ?: What, this chick has already posed
for five nude portraits ?

szybka [SHEEP-kah], f., dimin.

Nie b�d� pani taka szybka !: Don't be so damn delicate, like
you're made of glass or something !
W ��ku jest szybka: There is a small windowpane in our bed.

trawka [TRUFF-kah], f., dimin.

P�j�� na zielon� trawk�: To let oneself be lured into smoking
marijuana that is still green [i.e., not dried out enough].

tr�ba [TROM-bah], f.

Niezwykle niebezpiecznym zjawiskiem jest tr�ba powietrzna: An
extremely dangerous phenomenon is the air trumpet.
W odr�nieniu od nosoro�ca z jego charakterystycznym rogiem, nos
s�onia ma posta� tr�by: As opposed to the rhinoceros with its
characteristic horn, the elephant's nose has the appearance of, more
particularly, a French horn.
The facet to koszmarna tr�ba: This guy is horny like hell.
Pu�ci� kogo� w tr�b�: To squeeze someone into a tuba [a popular
practical joke among symphony orchestra players].

usta [OOS-tah], pl.

Nie bior� tego do ust: Oral ? Me ? Who do you think I am ?
Nie mam do kogo ust otworzy�: I have nobody to part my lips for.

walec [VAH-lets], m.

W rytmie walca: In the steamroller-like rhythm.
Zapraszam pani� do walca: Come and see me in my steamroller, will
you ?
Zrodzeni w walce: People abducted in steamrollers immediately
after their births.

wariat [VAR-yutt], m.

Struga� wariata: To whittle a madman alive [usually with a pocket
knife: a traditional pastime of shepherds in Tatra mountains].

wilk [VEALCK], m.

O wilku mowa: I'm going to deliver a speech on the subject of the
Gdzie wilk ?: Werewolf ?
Wilk syty i koza ca�a: A full wolf and a whole goat [fig. for:
He's a double-faced bastard].
Wilczy bilet: A ticket for a trans-Siberian sleigh trip.

winny [VEEN-nyh], adj. m.

Winna latoro�l: It's your kid who's the guilty party.
Winne grono: It's all the company's fault.
Ocet winny: Were it not for all that fucking vinegar I drank last
night, I'd be quite all right this morning.

wolny [VOL-ny], adj. m.

Jest pan wolny ?: [To a taxi driver] Are you slow ?
Jest pan wolny: [From a prison guard] You are slow.
Rzut wolny: Slow kick.
Wolny rynek: Slow market.
Wolna mi�o��: Slow lovemaking.
Wolnomularz: Slowmason.
Wolnomy�liciel: Slowthinker.
Ps�w wprowadza� nie wolno: Dogs may be led in but not slowly.
Ojczyzna moja wolna, wolna... [A. S�onimski]: My homeland so slow,
so slow...

w�z [VOOS], m.

Wielki W�z: A Really Huge Automobile.
By� raz na wozie, raz pod wozem: To work as a car mechanic.
Przysz�a koza do woza: I seduced another adolescent girl on the
back seat of my Acura Integra.

wycisk [VY-tseesck], m.

Dajcie mu dobry wycisk: Make a good impression on him.

zaw�d [ZAH-voot], m.

Zaw�d mi�osny: Prostitution.
I�� w zawody: To turn professional.
Prze�y� ci�ki zaw�d: He survived a career as a professional
heavyweight boxer.

zdj�cie [ZDYEN-tchye], n.

Zdj�cie z piedesta�u: A snapshot taken by a public monument while
standing atop its pedestal.
Co by pani powiedzia�a na zdj�cie tych ciuch�w ?: You wouldn't
mind my taking a picture of your clothes, would you ?

ziemia [ZHYE-myah], f.

Mieszkaniec Ziemi: Inhabitant of the Soil [poetic for: a dead
Obywatel ziemski: Citizen of the planet Earth [poetic for: a
human being].

�ywiec [ZHI-vyets], m.

Pali� �ywcem: To provide heat by burning cattle and pigs [an
extremely inefficient and expensive method of heating peasant huts in
rural provinces of Poland, before the discovery of the combustibility of

�ywot [ZHI-vot], m., archaic

�ywot wieczny: A belly that will never disappear, no matter what
you do.
Wlec n�dzny �ywot: To drag one's miserable belly about.
�ywoty �wi�tych: the bellies of the Saints.
�ywot cz�owieka poczciwego: [The title of Miko�aj Rej's famous
Early Renaissance anti-diet book] An honest man's belly [i.e., a belly
which its owner never neither denies nor attempts to conceal].

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