Halloween by Natalie M. Rosinsky.pdf

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by Natalie M. Rosinsky
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by Natalie M. Rosinsky
Content Adviser: Dr. Alexa Sandmann, Professor of Literacy,
The University of Toledo; Member, National Council for the Social Studies
Reading Adviser: Dr. Linda D. Labbo, Department of Reading Education,
College of Education, The University of Georgia
Let’s See Library
Compass Point Books
Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Compass Point Books
3109 West 50th Street, #115
Minneapolis, MN 55410
Table of Contents
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What Is Halloween?
Cover: Halloween jack-o’-lanterns
How Did Halloween Begin?
Photographs ©: Photo Network/Henryk T. Kaiser, cover, 12; Unicorn Stock Photos/Tom McCarthy, 4;
North Wind Picture Archives, 6, 10; Mark E. Gibson/Visuals Unlimited, 8; Comstock, 14; Matthew Klein/Corbis,
16; Unicorn Stock Photos/Aneal Vohra, 18; Liba Taylor/Corbis, 20; John Cross/The Free Press, 24.
Why Are Ghosts Part of Halloween?
Editor: Catherine Neitge
Photo Researcher: Svetlana Zhurkina
Photo Selector: Catherine Neitge
Designer: Melissa Voda
Why Are Witches Part of Halloween?
Why Are Some Creatures Part of Halloween?
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Rosinsky, Natalie M. (Natalie Myra)
Halloween / by Natalie M. Rosinsky; reading adviser, Linda D. Labbo.
v. cm.—(Let’s see library)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents: What is Halloween?—How did Halloween begin?—Why are ghosts part of Halloween?—Why are
witches part of Halloween?—Why are some creatures part of Halloween?—What are other signs of
Halloween?—How has Halloween changed?—How is Halloween observed in the United States?—How is
Halloween observed around the world?
ISBN 0-7565-0392-2 (hardcover)
1. Halloween—Juvenile literature. [1. Halloween. 2. Holidays.] I. Title. II. Series.
GT4965 .R67 2002
What Are Other Symbols of Halloween?
How Has Halloween Changed?
How Is Halloween Observed in the United States? 19
How Is Halloween Observed Around the World?
Did You Know?
Copyright © 2003 by Compass Point Books
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. The publisher
takes no responsibility for the use of any of the materials or methods described in this book, nor for the products thereof.
Printed in the United States of America.
Want to Know More?
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What Is Halloween?
Let’s pretend. There are monsters in the dark!
Scream and shiver. Wear a mask and have fun!
These are customs some people observe every
October 31. This evening is Halloween.
Halloween combines different beliefs. Long
ago, the fearful Celts prayed to their god of the
dead. They believed that good and evil spirits
were near. The Celts were happy, too. Their
harvest was done. The ancient Romans also had
feasts then. They prayed for their dead and to
their harvest goddess.
Masks and costumes are part of Halloween.
How Did Halloween Begin?
When the Roman army beat the Celts, their cus-
toms combined. Later, Rome accepted Christianity .
Christian leaders made old Celtic and Roman
customs into new Christian ones.
Bonfires were once lighted against evil spirits.
Now, they kept away the devil. People had prayed
for their dead. Now, Christians prayed for those
who had died for Christianity. This happened on
November 1. It was called All Saints’ Day or All
Hallows’ Day. The evening before was called All
Hallows’ Even. This was October 31. People short-
ened this name to Halloween.
The Roman army fought the Celts and others.
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