Najlepsze lata naszego życia - Napisy cz. 1.txt

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{1}{72}movie info: DX50 416x304 23.976fps 699.1 MB
{1680}{1822}(PA) Announcing the departure|of American Airlines westbound flight 9.
{1825}{1936}Flight 9 now loading at gate three,|for immediate departure.
{1959}{2010}- Yes, sir?|- Got anything to Boone City?
{2014}{2096}Three scheduled daily flights,|but there's no space available.
{2099}{2154}- Would you care to make a reservation?|- Yes.
{2157}{2250}- Your name, please?|- Derry. D-E-R-R-Y. Fred.
{2254}{2357}- How long will it be?|- We can get you on flight 37 on the 1 9th.
{2361}{2475}l can't wait that long. l just got back|from overseas and l want to get home.
{2479}{2591}- There's a long waiting list.|- l arranged to have my tickets here.
{2595}{2673}- My name is Gibbons. George H. Gibbons.|- They're right here.
{2677}{2728}- Thank you.|- May we weigh your baggage?
{2731}{2835}- Excuse me. Put them right there, please.|- Sorry.
{2920}{2969}You might try the ATC, Captain.
{2972}{3066}- Where are they?|- Out the terminal, and across the field.
{3108}{3206}- You have 16lb excess baggage.|- That's all right. How much is it?
{3735}{3784}Righto, sir.
{3817}{3886}At ease, men. Flight 93.
{3889}{3990}Flight 93 for Denver,|San Francisco and Seattle.
{3994}{4072}That flight has been cancelled|until further notice.
{4133}{4185}- Yeah?|- You got anything for Detroit?
{4189}{4281}- Nope. How about Cleveland?|- Cleveland?
{4285}{4341}- OK.|- Fill this out.
{4344}{4419}- Guess l'm going to Cleveland.|- lt's a nice town.
{4423}{4488}Yeah, but Detroit's where l live.
{4492}{4561}Sarge, what's the chances|of a ride to Boone City?
{4565}{4628}You got orders?
{4631}{4682}- Sure.|- OK.
{4685}{4803}l haven't got anything now, but fill this out|and l'll call you if anything comes up.
{4806}{4855}OK. l guess l'll wait.
{4951}{5029}l need a couple of men to give me|a hand with this out to a plane.
{5033}{5071}- OK.|- Let's go.
{5074}{5123}Let's go, huh?
{5165}{5258}- l bet this thing weighs a ton.|- What's the matter? Tired or something?
{5262}{5312}OK, let's go. Out this way.
{5371}{5429}Fellas, take it easy down the stairs.
{5433}{5484}Got it?
{5488}{5583}- Take it easy going down the stairs.|- Oh, my aching back.
{5653}{5724}- Derry. Captain Fred Derry.|- Coming!
{5749}{5827}- Parrish. Homer Parrish.|- Here!
{5831}{5856}- You Derry?|- Yeah.
{5860}{5888}- Parrish?|- Right.
{5892}{5977}Got a call from Base Ops.|There's a B-1 7 taking off for Boone City.
{5981}{6078}She's making a lot of stops,|but you'll get there tomorrow afternoon.
{6081}{6168}- That's swell.|- OK, sign here.
{6172}{6246}Boy, it sure is great to be going home.
{6249}{6335}- Here you go, sailor.|- Sign on the dotted...
{6374}{6458}- l'll do it for you.|- Think l can't spell my own name?
{6461}{6514}No, l... l just thought that...
{6518}{6566}l know, sarge. Thanks.
{6769}{6845}You'd better hurry up out there,|cos she's taking off soon.
{6849}{6921}Right, thanks.|Come on, sailor.
{6950}{7036}Where's your stuff?|Excuse us, Corporal.
{7083}{7145}- Boone City your home, sailor?|- Yes, Captain.
{7149}{7204}Forget the rank, chum. l'm out.
{7207}{7284}- Whereabouts do you live in Boone?|- On West 1 7th Street.
{7288}{7336}- Know where Jackson High is?|- Sure.
{7339}{7388}lt's a couple of blocks past it.
{7678}{7727}- Hiya, sarge.|- How are ya?
{7819}{7887}- My name's Fred Derry.|- Al Stephenson.
{7890}{7967}- And this is Homer... What is it, Homer?|- Parrish.
{7971}{8037}- Glad to know you.|- You from Boone too?
{8040}{8107}- Yeah, sure am.|- How long since you've been home?
{8110}{8167}A couple of centuries!
{8171}{8223}Let's sit in the radio compartment|for takeoff.
{8227}{8355}Then we'll get in the nose and|get a nice view of the good old USA.
{8560}{8639}Look at that. Look at those|automobiles down there.
{8642}{8704}You can see them so plain,|you can see the people.
{8707}{8777}Yeah, looks like we're flying by road map.
{8781}{8872}- ls this your first ride in one of these?|- This is my first plane ride.
{8875}{9006}l saw plenty of flying, all right.|l was on a CV. That's a flattop.
{9010}{9117}But l never knew things|looked so pretty from up here.
{9121}{9169}Sure is beautiful.
{9173}{9247}l never thought so.|This used to be my office.
{9250}{9342}- Bombardier, weren't you?|- Yeah. That's where the bombsight was.
{9346}{9410}l spent a lot of time on my knees up there.
{9413}{9488}- Praying?|- Yeah, that too.
{9566}{9618}- Cigarette, Homer?|- Thanks.
{9621}{9677}lt's all right, l can get it.
{9845}{9899}Here, l've got a match, Captain.
{10198}{10275}- Thanks.|- Thank you.
{10278}{10330}- Anybody superstitious?|- No, go ahead.
{10334}{10382}Well, l am.
{10691}{10762}Boy, you ought to see me|open a bottle of beer.
{10766}{10830}- You got nothing to worry about.|- Thanks.
{10834}{10924}- l guess you saw a lot of action.|- No, l didn't see much of the war.
{10927}{11008}- l mean, the way you fellas did.|- You trying to kid the army?
{11012}{11076}No, l was stationed in|the repair shop, below decks.
{11080}{11128}Oh, l was in plenty of battles.
{11131}{11209}But l never saw a Jap|or heard a shell coming at me.
{11213}{11311}When we were sunk, all l know is|there was a lot of fire and explosions.
{11314}{11419}l was ordered topsides and overboard,|and l was burned.
{11423}{11534}When l came to l was on a cruiser,|and my hands were off.
{11538}{11597}- After that l had it easy.|- Easy?!
{11600}{11682}That's what l said.|They took care of me fine.
{11685}{11734}They trained me to use these things.
{11738}{11864}l can dial telephones, l can drive a car.|l can even put nickels in a jukebox.
{11867}{11916}l'm all right. But...
{12034}{12093}- But what, sailor?|- Well...
{12130}{12190}Well, you see, l've got a girl.
{12259}{12369}- She knows what happened to you?|- Sure. They all know.
{12373}{12455}But they don't know|what these things look like.
{12459}{12521}- What's your girl's name, Homer?|- Wilma.
{12524}{12594}She and l went to high school together.
{12598}{12689}- l'll bet Wilma's a swell girl.|- She is.
{12692}{12767}And it'll be all right, sailor.|You wait and see.
{12770}{12840}Yeah. Wait and see.
{12844}{12974}Wilma's only a kid. She's never seen|anything like these hooks.
{13096}{13174}Say, wait till l get home|and tell the folks about this trip.
{13177}{13301}l'm the first one in my family|that ever rode in an aeroplane.
{13863}{13926}- Hey, Al.|- Yeah?
{13930}{14012}Remember what it felt like|when you went overseas?
{14016}{14069}As well as l remember my own name.
{14072}{14121}l feel the same way now.
{14147}{14196}Only more so.
{14221}{14270}l know what you mean.
{14294}{14370}Just nervous out of the service, l guess.
{14396}{14539}The thing that scares me most is that|everybody's gonna try to rehabilitate me.
{14543}{14673}All l want's a good job, a mild future, and|a house big enough for me and my wife.
{14677}{14787}Give me that much|and l'm rehabilitated like that.
{14791}{14858}l'd say that's not too much to ask.
{14885}{14965}- Are you married, Al?|- Yep.
{14969}{15024}How long?
{15027}{15076}20 years.
{15105}{15154}20 years?!
{15233}{15282}Holy smoke!
{15344}{15443}We didn't even have 20 days|before l went over.
{15446}{15538}l married a girl l met|when l was in training in Texas.
{15541}{15610}You and your wife will have|a chance to get acquainted.
{15778}{15882}l wonder how Homer will make out|with that girl of his.
{15980}{16036}l hope Wilma is a swell girl.
{17377}{17428}The old home town|hasn't changed much.
{17530}{17615}There's the golf course.|People are playing golf.
{17619}{17692}Just as if nothing had ever happened.
{17733}{17821}Hey, there's Jackson High football field.
{17847}{17959}Boy, l sure would like to have a dollar|for every forward pass l threw down there.
{18005}{18063}Good old Jackson High.
{18172}{18296}- Hey, that must be the new airport.|- Yeah, we're turning into it now.
{18300}{18359}Holy smoke!
{18397}{18466}l never knew|there were so many planes.
{18469}{18540}- And they're junking them.|- What?
{18567}{18619}Boy, oh boy.
{18622}{18683}What we could have done|with those in '43.
{18686}{18753}Yeah, l'll bet.
{18756}{18847}Some of 'em look brand-new.|From the factory to the scrapheap.
{18850}{18899}That's all they're good for now.
{18925}{19026}We gotta get out of the nose|while he sets her down.
{19280}{19318}There's the ballpark.
{19406}{19503}- How are the Beavers doing this season?|- They're in sixth place.
{19506}{19574}Ah! Still in second division!
{20245}{20309}- Hey, there's Butch's Place.|- Butch's?
{20313}{20380}Gosh, Butch has got himself|a neon sign.
{20383}{20463}Been to Butch's Place?|Butch Engle that runs it is my uncle.
{20467}{20583}Swell guy. Only the family don't think|he's respectable because he sells liquor.
{20586}{20687}- Best joint in town.|- Let's get together there sometime.
{20822}{20879}This is my street.
{20883}{20986}- 1 51 7?|- lt's the fourth house from here.
{21050}{21100}l wonder if Wilma's home.
{21394}{21454}How about us|going back to Butch's Place?
{21458}{21526}We'll have a couple of drinks|and then we can go home.
{21530}{21578}You're home now, kid.
{21734}{21774}Well, so long.
{21778}{21819}- Bye.|- So long, Homer.
{22002}{22052}- Where next?|- Just a minute, bud.
{22150}{22250}lt's Homer!|Momma! Daddy! Homer's here!
{22253}{22315}Wilma! Wilma!
{22352}{22400}Wilma, come on over!
{22703}{22762}- My boy.|- Oh, darling!
{22766}{22819}lt's good to see you.
{22869}{22953}- lsn't this wonderful?|- There's Wilma!
{23619}{23667}OK, let's go.
{24056}{24121}- Well...|- Don't. l'll carry it.
{24145}{24211}What's the matter, Ma?
{24236}{24284}lt's... it's nothing.
{24287}{24364}lt's just that your ma's|so glad to see you home.
{24367}{24416}Yeah, l know.
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