
(63 KB) Pobierz
{482}{515}{y:i}Summer, 1936
{542}{567}{y:i}July 18.
{578}{675}"The Spanish army rises against|the Republican government."
{698}{722}{y:i}July 19.
{727}{787}"In Barcelona and Madrid|the army is defeated..."
{791}{852}"... thanks to the people's|heroic efforts."
{873}{900}{y:i}July 20.
{904}{956}"The masses demand|a revolutionary state."
{960}{1051}"The legal government is unable|to control the situation."
{1073}{1098}{y:i}July 21.
{1102}{1156}{y:i}The Spanish civil war begins...
{1160}{1206}{y:i}... the last idealistic war...
{1210}{1289}"... the last dream of a people|striving for the impossible..."
{1293}{1322}{y:i}... for Utopia.
{4709}{4783}- Down with capitalism!|- Death to priests!
{4895}{4923}Long live Durruti!
{5070}{5109}Long live the workers!
{5120}{5170}Long live the FAI!
{5555}{5594}Come along, sisters.
{5599}{5631}A little bit of order.
{5656}{5694}Silence, please!
{5829}{5853}Sister Agueda...
{5886}{5917}Sister Carmela...
{5952}{5982}Sister Encarnaci�n...
{5994}{6071}It isn't much, but it will|get you back to your families.
{6076}{6111}You'll leave at once.
{6122}{6147}Sister Amparo...
{6177}{6250}Be careful, talk as little|as possible to people.
{6254}{6350}Trust no one, except God.|He will never abandon you.
{6356}{6380}Sister Maria...
{6396}{6452}The most innocent,|the most defenseless...
{6457}{6505}...the furthest from her home.
{6518}{6555}He will take care of you.
{6581}{6661}Mother, I'm frightened.|Who will help you if you stay?
{6670}{6729}A Mother Superior|belongs with her convent.
{6743}{6767}Let's see.
{6782}{6852}St. Matthew, chapter six,|verse twenty five.
{6905}{6992}Do not worry about your life,|what you are to eat or drink...
{6997}{7052}...nor about your body|and how to clothe it.
{7057}{7126}Is not life more than food,|the body more than clothing?
{7151}{7177}Continue, Maria.
{7195}{7256}The birds in the sky|do not sow or reap...
{7260}{7317}...but your heavenly Father|feeds them.
{7322}{7379}Are you not worth much more|then they are?
{7383}{7451}Do you still believe that God|will not watch over me...
{7456}{7480}...and all of you?
{7485}{7509}No, mother.
{7532}{7556}Forgive me.
{7574}{7607}- Time is short.|- Mother!
{7617}{7648}They're here!
{7817}{7898}You nuns, get out!|We're going to burn the convent!
{8275}{8327}Long live the CNT!
{8352}{8406}Long live the FAI!
{8417}{8454}Hey there, sisters!
{8460}{8498}Where are you going?
{8518}{8544}Don't move!
{8624}{8683}Come on, stand up!|We're not Jesus Christ!
{8692}{8769}The revolution respects all women.
{8792}{8866}Let's watch the cathedral burn.|On your feet, comrade nuns.
{9452}{9496}- Who is it?|- For pity's sake!
{9608}{9642}Shelter in the name|of the Virgin!
{9647}{9672}Come in, sister.
{10713}{10797}Not my underskirt!|For the love of God, no!
{10843}{10886}We're not going to kill you.
{10890}{10948}Saint Catherine had her tits|cut off...
{10952}{10987}...and complained less.
{10991}{11054}You smell of rotting lilies.|Don't you wash your twat?
{11063}{11095}We use bleach here.
{11117}{11167}That's enough, girls.
{11171}{11200}Put her into bed.
{11238}{11262}You can go now.
{11488}{11537}You want to save your skin,|right?
{11567}{11653}You're going to stay here|and say nothing.
{11696}{11745}You've been very lucky,|my dear.
{11767}{11816}You're in good hands here.
{11821}{11852}Come in, monsignor.
{11878}{11902}Come on in.
{12399}{12442}With all respect...
{12462}{12489} have to remove...
{12493}{12544}...all your clothes.
{12570}{12638}Good luck, monsignor.|And don't worry.
{13165}{13218}It will be all right,|with God's help.
{13450}{13490}What's your name, child?
{13494}{13568}A militiaman helped me|get a pass to go to Barcelona.
{13572}{13663}You know who gives them out?|That shoemaker from Murcia.
{13669}{13732}He sits behind a table|stamping papers.
{13737}{13807}You know what the stamp|is made of?
{13812}{13848}A potato!
{13852}{13937}And no one can get out|of town without a paper...
{13942}{13968}...with the stamp.
{14022}{14094}Fanny, dear, bring me|a potato and a knife.
{14135}{14212}The convent priest hid in a tree|and they shot him out of it.
{14217}{14257}The militiamen found|16 million pesetas...
{14262}{14366} the Episcopal palace.|That's 64 million "reales".
{14370}{14419}160 million "perras".
{14423}{14477}Then that bishop hasn't|got a bean.
{14486}{14560}I'm not doing it for money.|It's out of humanity.
{14577}{14621}And conviction, of course.
{14635}{14669}I'm very Catholic.
{14673}{14711}- So am I.|- Me too.
{14716}{14768}More than the cardinal.
{14815}{14846}More than the Pope!
{15345}{15411}CNT, "comrade, no toiling".
{15415}{15452}- Ma'am...|- Yes?
{15487}{15536}It's the militia.|Will I let them in?
{15609}{15670}Take it easy, girls.
{15692}{15741}With the revolution|or without it...
{15745}{15799} always come here|for the same thing.
{15815}{15864}Let's go into the drawing room.
{16045}{16092}Who's in charge here?
{16167}{16202}You mean Madame Colet?
{16212}{16272}Let's see.|That Madame what's it...
{16398}{16432}You the brothel keeper?
{16475}{16511}Call your girls in.
{16516}{16543}All of them.
{16549}{16575}They're all here.
{16912}{16949}Aura, turn off that shit.
{17066}{17136}If this is the revolution,|they can forget about me.
{17141}{17185}I don't go with dikes.
{17316}{17340}Sit down.
{17466}{17490}Over here.
{17970}{18040}...I am Concha Liano|and, like my two comrades...
{18044}{18092}...I am a member of "Free Women".
{18107}{18148}Our country is now in revolt.
{18157}{18206}The symbols of oppression|are burning.
{18211}{18281}The workers have occupied|the factories and barracks.
{18285}{18370}The hated army which oppressed|the working class for centuries...
{18374}{18409}...has been defeated...
{18414}{18459} ordinary men and women.
{18464}{18513}Spain is an example|to the world.
{18518}{18561}Priests and capitalists...
{18565}{18616}...are fleeing from|proletarian justice.
{18664}{18733} last, the people|are speaking out.
{18822}{18860}Freedom has broken out.
{18889}{18913}Keep going.
{19020}{19085}A word is heard repeatedly|in our streets...
{19089}{19156}...our homes, our factories|and workshops.
{19197}{19259}That word is heavy with meaning.
{19293}{19314}Who's there?
{19355}{19407}Open in the name|of the revolution!
{19412}{19439}Courage, sister.
{19444}{19554}Say something.|Just say "I'm busy".
{19562}{19604}I'll break down the door!
{19617}{19679}Say something.|Say "I'm busy".
{19697}{19733}"I'm busy."
{19907}{19936}What are you doing?
{19982}{20013}What are you doing?
{20030}{20079}What do you think?|We're screwing.
{20083}{20108}Not any more.
{20145}{20169}Throw that pig...
{20173}{20218}...out of bed.|That's an order!
{20222}{20263}Get out of here, bastard!
{20268}{20311}Or I'll blow your balls off!
{20568}{20632}We cannot aspire|to any kind of justice...
{20637}{20681}...while the greatest slavery|still exists.
{20705}{20792}It forces you to renounce|love, tenderness, friendship...
{20797}{20876}...and waste your lives on|the sexual voracity of strangers.
{20881}{20900}It makes a woman...
{20908}{20939}...sell her own body...
{20947}{21007} houses like this...
{21012}{21061}...which are just love sheds.
{21082}{21119}Love must be free...
{21128}{21152}...not bought.
{21156}{21180}What's she saying?
{21186}{21253}That they're whores too,|but they don't charge.
{21287}{21315}I'll kick up a fuss.
{21319}{21351}No more hypocrisy.
{21355}{21404}No woman is decent|until we all are.
{21424}{21460}This has to end at once.
{21467}{21498}It's over now.
{21505}{21550}We're here to help you.
{21607}{21671}...sisters, in the name|of all Spanish women...
{21676}{21733}...we open our arms|to help you regain...
{21737}{21805}...your dignity as workers,|sisters, or mothers.
{21837}{21891}Join in the liberation|of prostitutes!
{21900}{21966}Long live Free Women and|the libertarian revolution!
{22325}{22362}You've heard my comrade.
{22431}{22471}Have you nothing to say?
{22613}{22676}For Crissake!|What is it you want?
{22689}{22735}To be whores all your life?
{22739}{22820}To have cocks stuck up you|ten or fifteen times a day...
{22824}{22873}...and all for a bowl of stew?
{22877}{22926}Or have you seven lives|like a cat...
{22930}{22979}...and you can afford|to waste this one?
{23037}{23083}- You can count on me.|- And me.
{23087}{23148}- To shoot, if need be.|- We're ready to die.
{23152}{23207}- How do we start?|- Can I be a dressmaker?
{23212}{23251}There are women like you...
{23255}{23299} my village.
{23334}{23386}Calm down. The revolution|guarantees you...
{23390}{23424}...a decent job.
{23437}{23513}- What about that odd one?|- Her? She isn't one of us.
{23522}{23575}- She's a nun.|- And there's a priest here.
{23579}{23627}- A bishop, at least.|- Fuck, a bishop!
{23632}{23700}The boss was making a CNT stamp|with a potato.
{23704}{23759}She was going to get him out|for money.
{23949}{23985}Are you a nun, calamity?
{23999}{24032}To serve God and you.
{24038}{24098}Christ! You don't serve|a god or anybody!
{24102}{24145}You're free from now on.
{24171}{24211}No god, no country, no master.
{24228}{24256}Whatever you say.
{24286}{24311}She isn't a nun.
{24327}{24377}She's a prisoner of the clergy.
{24398}{24432}To stop the militiamen...
{24436}{24503}...coming to screw you,|this dump is closed.
{24507}{24528}The potato.
{24654}{24678}Eat it.
{24774}{24801}Eat it!
{24961}{24999}Show some enthusiasm.
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