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Summary: Harry seems to have once again been left in the dark, unbeknownst to him he has a rare creature blood and when an unsuspecting Severus Snape comes to pick him up on the eve of his birthday chaos ensues.





Professor Severus Snape watched the Golden Boy thrash around on the bed, but did not or could not do anything to help. The magic that was steadily coursing through the room in erratic bursts and waves held him fast and washed over his skin in a most pleasant manner. He was trying to move or grab his wand when Potter’s spawn’s brilliant green eyes opened and looked right at him. The sudden flood of resulting strong and overtly sexual pleasure that ripped through him knocked him out of whatever hold he had been in. Sagging against the wall he watched Potter slink off the bed with a catlike grace that he’d never seen before.

“Professsssor you seem confusssed...” Harry hissed, Snape growled in return pulling himself off the wall and wrapping his strong arms around the boy. Harry merely responded by shifting his hips grinding his growing erection against the taller man. Severus’ dark eyes got even darker as he claimed the boy’s lips, though in the midst of whatever this was he was yelling at himself to stop and think about what he was doing.

“P...Potter what in Merlin’s name are you doing to me?” He managed to force out, while trying to remove the boy currently rubbing against him.

“Mine” Harry nearly spat out, the magic laced in his voice made Severus moan softly and incline his head pulling Harry closer. “Miiiiineeee” the boy growled again, earning a responsive growl as the older man’s will waned.

“Yes, mine” Severus growled nipping at Potter’s neck, when the boys magic whipped around the room, returning to his body. Suddenly he had his arms full of an unconscious Potter, a raging hard on and a feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach.

“Harry, Harry, me hirm!” called that familiar voice, his eyes cracked open, and after the onslaught of light he could registered that he was laying in the hospital wing.

“Bloody hell, what have I gotten myself into this time?” he muttered looking at the concerned adults, and the two Anders. “What’s going on?” He asked them, feeling that they knew what he meant. Aviva glanced at Dumbledore hatefully then back at him.




Delicate fingers were running over every exposed bit of skin, which he realized after a moment was quite a lot. Practically naked, in what felt like a bed with someone sensually stroking him, yet Harry couldn’t bring himself to panic. He felt safe, loved, and warm; the person above him was emitting such a sense of comfort that Harry only moaned when those hands strayed further downward. Callused palms and thin fingers wrapped around his growing shaft, causing the young man to bite out a gasp. The strokes paused, earning a needy whimper from Harry before something hot, and wet encased him. His mysterious lover was giving him a blow job; this time when he opened his eyes Harry saw who was pleasing him. One snarky Potions Master, positioned between his legs obsidian eyes glazed with lust…

Harry responded vigorously to his mate’s attention, mewling desperately. Severus smirked and ghosted his talented fingers over Harry’s pert nipples; it was the boy’s fault for never wearing a nightshirt he reasoned. Harry gasped and arched into the touch, whispering his mate’s name reverently. Severus’ hands moved downwards stroking Harry’s inner thighs, while he suckled and nipped at the buds his hands had left.

Harry moaned his body fire with sensation, needy and lovingly he gasped out Severus’ name hissing the end. Much like he had in their first encounter. Severus growled, moving up to re-claim the boy’s lips, and brining their erections together to end with a hearty session of mutual masturbation. No matter how much Severus wanted to claim Harry, the younger boy wasn’t ready not yet. With a whispered cleaning spell Severus pulled the blanket over himself and his already sleeping mate. With a small smile he placed a kiss right beside Harry’s scar and settled in beside him.

Harry stood looking over a potion that much to his displeasure was turning an ugly shade of yellow instead of the green color it was supposed to be turning. While he enjoyed the private lessons with Severus far more than he had ever enjoyed class he was still rather inept at potions.  He now had more free time than he knew what to do with so he spent some of it with Severus in the potions lab, and out. They were growing steadily closer every day and that made Harry unbelievably happy, yet he was still reserved and cautious regarding their sexual encounters which were also becoming more often. Harry knew he had and effect on Severus whenever he was aroused and didn’t want to accidentally influence the man he was growing to love to bond with him without his consent.

“Your thinking too much,” purred that molten silk voice. Strong arms wrapping around his waist. Harry leaned into the embrace, shivering as Severus breath ghosted over his neck. The taller man straightened slightly.

“Mr. Potter I do believe your potion is the wrong color.” He remarked with a teasing sneer. Harry grinned recklessly back,

“Perhaps it is your faulty instructions Professor.” He replied cheekily, and Severus growled low in his throat a sound that never failed to arouse his young fiancé. Harry whimpered slightly, and Severus gave him an indulgent smile.

“Needy already? My, my Mr. Potter.” He purred pushing Harry against the wall and claiming his mouth. Plundering the sweet cavern Severus indulged in his lover’s uniquely sweet taste. Harry gave a whimpering moan arching against Severus’ stronger body as the man’s found his sensitive nipples. Severus smiled, he never tired of how responsive the younger boy was, and how he seemed to unconsciously beg to be touched.

“Severus” Harry hissed, bucking against his betrothed. Holding Harry’s hands above his head Severus took out his wand whispering a spell that removed Harry’s clothes from his body and relocated them, neatly folded, to the desk in the corner. Running a hand over the younger man’s toned stomach and thighs Severus smiled as those brilliant eyes fogged with lust and need. The boy hissed his name again, this time truly in parseltongue. The lust fogged hiss was enough to make Severus moan himself. He wrapped his nimble fingers around Harry’s erection and stroked gently, and torturously slow. Harry bucked wildly into his fiancé’s hand, cursing vicariously in parseltongue. Severus smirked and moved lower placing butterfly kisses on the young mans toned stomach as he progressed downward. Harry shivered pleasantly, gasping loudly when Severus mouth took the place of his hand.

Harry’s lust fogged mind served only to wonder where Severus had learned to use his tongue like that… All thought proceeded to cease when he felt that familiar pressure building up in his groin. Hissing his warning to Severus before exploding, the older man swallowed his young lover’s seed with an expression of delight.








Later in the night Harry lay on Severus big four poster bed playing with the silk sheets and waiting for Severus to come back from his lab. “Sev…” he whispered watching his fiancé slink towards him. They engaged in a heated kiss, Severus hands which could never be idle for long it seemed teased Harry’s nipples. The boy gasped breaking the kiss and holding Severus off for a second,

“Sev…” he panted softly, “I…I love you.” He whispered blushing hotly. It felt so strange to be saying that to someone who he’d hated barely a month ago yet it was true.

“Harry…” Severus said looking at the boy. He lifted his fiancé’s hand and kissed just above the ring. Obsidian eyes gazed into emerald green eyes,

“I love you too my dear Harry.” The stoic potion’s mater said finally capturing Harry’s lips again with a softness he’d never expressed. Harry melted against him, panting pleasantly. His cheeks were flushed and his green eyes hazed over with need.

“Sev oh Merlin, Sevvvv.” Harry hissed grinding his hips against the taller man. He wasn’t entirely sure where this new feeling had come from but he had this desperate need for Severus. The potions master complied, ridding himself of his robe, shirt, and pants. Harry nearly giggled when he realized that his stoic lover-to-be wasn’t wearing any form of underwear. Severus lowered and began kissing every inch of Harry’s bare skin whilst ridding him of his pants and boxers. The boy was making the prettiest needy whimpers that Severus couldn’t help indulging him. Harry moaned loudly when those talented hands closed over his ragging hard-on.

“Nnngh Sev…” he moaned bucking and arching, “Sev, please Sev…” he whispered making the older man smirk evilly. His hands slowed their pace,

“Tell me what you want love.” He purred causing Harry to moan softly again.

“Sev…Sev make love to me” he whispered blushing again, he needed it. Every fiber of his being wanted Severus inside him. Dark eyes darkened more than he ever thought possible and he claimed Harry’s mouth yet again, one hand leaving Harry’s cock to circle around his tight entrance. He was only slightly surprised to feel a slick wetness there; He liberally coated his finger in the natural lubricant before withdrawing and adding a second finger. Stretching Harry with a scissoring motion he watched his lover’s enraptured face and delighted in the sounds that he was eliciting from him. Curling his fingers Severus brushed against that very sensitive bundle of nerves causing Harry to buck and moan harshly.

“Sevvv” he hissed pressing against those fingers desperately. Severus chuckled at his eagerness and added a third finger just to be careful; he didn’t want to hurt his Harry. Finally deeming Harry ready he grabbed his wand to whisper a quick spell coating his own cock in extra lube, most likely an unnecessary courtesy but he did it anyway. Positioning himself to enter Harry he looked at the boy. Committing what he saw to memory, Harry was flushed, legs spread and hot for him no one else. He slowly entered Harry who moaned low in his throat shifting only slightly from discomfort. Severus took it slow making sure not to hurt his young lover but he felt so good, so wonderfully tight. Once fully in he paused a moment to allow Harry to adjust fully, then pulled out and slammed back into that tight warmth. They both moaned, and Harry panted bucking against Severus. The potions master began a slow rhythm,

“Severusssss.” Harry hissed moaning in between, “Harder…Merlin… Harder…Faster…Please.” Severus complied. Soon they were both approaching the brink Harry was mumbling encouraging word, swears and his lover’s name, and Severus had his eyes locked on Harry’s face. Harry came first shrieking Severus’ name, his inner muscles constricting wildly. Severus followed after a few more wild thrusts with a muffled shout of Harry’s name. They collapsed in a sweaty tangle both breathing heavily and well satisfied.

Harry woke up none to slowly and very horny. His brilliant green eyes spotted his mate next to him and took immediate action. He slinked forward and captured those lips, more than willing to oblige his mate when he took control pushing Harry back against the bed. Harry moaned and gasped prettily when Severus’ wandering hands found their way to his young lover’s pert nipples. Harry was beginning to think that the older man had a slight obsession with that particular part of him or maybe just the reactions the stimulus garnered. His turbulent thoughts stopped when Severus licked and bit on the sensitive nubs arching wantonly he moaned.

“Sev, Sev, Sevvvv” he chanted bucking his hips in need. Every instinct was clamoring in Harry’s mind that he needed Severus inside him now. Severus obliged, stretching his mate once again being very careful not to hurt him, and with a quick lubrication spell, after the one to remove all clothing of course. With a slow movement he began to enter Harry but the boy had other ideas he moved down and impaled himself on Severus with one movement moaning with satisfaction.

“Fast and hard, please Severus.” He whined, needy and desperate. Again Severus obliged his lover feeling it was better to go with the flow as ha had been warned that Harry would be wild. Though he really had little idea what was to come for the rest of the night. Harry and Severus moved at a rapid pace, while Harry was typically vocal in bed Severus was not but tonight he couldn’t seem to help the moans that slipped between his own lips as Harry’s magic served to heighten both their pleasure. Harry practically purred as his mate came inside him for once holding out longer than the older man.

Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that was part of the heat cycle and it would take far more stimulation for him to reach his own climax but Harry didn’t particularly care. He took advantage of his mate’s prone position to roll them over and ride him. Severus’ body took little convincing and he was hard again holding Harry’s waist and assisting him impale himself. Harry watched Severus’ face contort with pleasure and lust glazing over those obsidian eyes. All too quickly for Harry his mate was coming again with a strangled moan.

“Nng Harry…” he moaned looking up at his green eyed lover, the younger man leaned over to capture his mate’s lips again. Severus’ tongue grazed over Harry's lips requesting entrance. Harry complied. Their tongues battled, Severus winning out in the end, before they needed to break the kiss for air. Severus noted that Harry had yet to come and took matters into his own hands, so to speak. Withdrawing from Harry, ignoring the small whimper of protest he moved lower with a mischievous smirk. He watched Harry’s face as he licked the whole length of the boy’s cock. Harry’s eyes closed as he shivered with pleasure emitting a soft whimper when Severus took him entirely in his warm mouth. He arched and moaned as Severus’ wonderfully talented tongue did its work. Severus smirked around Harry and hummed loving the gasp Harry gave in response. The young Ander’s magic fluctuated sending hot waves down Severus’ spine every time he gave Harry pleasure. Soon both men were teetering on the edge, one final tease from Severus and Harry moaned a warning before he came. Severus followed as his lover’s magic pushed him over for the third time that night. Harry smiled and placed a loving kiss on Severus lips. They basked in the post orgasm glow but before long Harry was kissing down Severus stomach with a sneaky smile. The older man groaned;

“You are insatiable.” He muttered before indulging him.

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