AFTER THE WAR - brookiecookie.doc

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After the war

by brookiecookie


Summary: After Ron and Hermione's death Harry is raising their five year old son, Logan. And one day he runs into his former Potions Master, you figure out the rest.



“HARRY!” TUMP, “Ouch” Harry complained rubbing his head. “HARRY!” Harry quickly untangled himself from the bedclothes before running down the hall to his godsons room. Logan was curled up in the upper corner of his bed leaning against the headboard and wall. He had completely kicked all his blankets off.

Relieved that death eaters weren’t attacking the house Harry picked up the quilt Molly had made him before climbing into the bed and drawing the trembling boy onto his lap. Covering them both easily he stroked soothing circles on the boys back.

“Bad dream?” he asked pressing a kiss to mop of red hair. Logan whimpered and let out a sob when a clap of thunder could be heard in the distance. /At least the storms almost over/ Harry knew Logan hated storms but he was usually fine unless a bad dream accompanied them.


Ron and Hermione had died during a storm. It was almost comical. The two had survived Hogwarts, a teenage pregnancy, multiple death eater attacks, and the final show down with Voldemort and then two days after the mans fall they where hit by a drunk driver. Harry tightened his hold on Logan. He had barley been two years old, How do you tell a two year old his parents are dead?

As the storm passed his breathing evened out and Harry knew he had fallen asleep. Harry sighed, it had been three years since they died. At twenty-two Harry had done pretty well for himself. He was a partner in Fred and George’s business and had his own toy company in the muggle world. Bill was in charge of his estate, sorting money between Logan’s trust fund, an orphanage Harry had started for the children who had lost thier parents during the war, and several other noble charity’s. He even gave money to the ministry now that Fudge was no longer in office.

About an hour after the sun came up Logan began to stir in his arms. “Harry” he mumbled sleepily pressing closer to him. “Hmm” he muttered stroking his fingers through the boys hair. “Can I go to the park today” he asked, Harry chuckled to himself, “Sure thing, kiddo.”

After getting up they decided to eat breakfast at a small café they had come to favor. While Logan was getting dressed Harry made his way downstairs to the kitchen to tell Dobby and Winky they wouldn‘t need breakfast.



Breakfast and Meetings

“Danny doesn’t know how to read yet” Logan announced over breakfast. Because of the nice weather the café had set glass tables out on the side walk which was where the two where sitting while eating there muffins. Harry raised an eyebrow.

“Isn’t Danny a year younger than you” he asked. Logan nodded, “Yea but Sally’s the same age as him and she can read.” Harry smiled and decided not to mention Logan hadn’t known how to read until a few months ago.

“Harry Potter” sneered a voice behind him. Harry turned to come face to face with…

“Professor Snape” he smiled back at the mans sneer easily. “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you in muggle clothing before” he commented. ‘And what a shame that is’ he added silently to himself, the mans tight black t-shirt outlined his upper body perfectly.

“I don’t believe you’ve ever met my godson, Logan Weasley” he said turning back to his godson who was studying Snape curiously.

“I believe I did once but he was still in diapers at the time. I’m Severus Snape” he said easily reaching over to take Logan’s hand. Harry had to admit he was surprised, he wouldn’t think a five year old was privileged enough for a handshake from the all mighty potions master.

“I quit teaching after the war, Potter. I have my own practice now” he said proudly. “Really what kind of potions do you brew” asked Harry surprising himself by his general curiosity in the mans profession.

As the two talked Logan sat quietly… at least for fifteen minutes then began to fidget a little while watching the kids playing in the park.

“Oh Logan I’m sorry. If you’ll excuse us I promised I’d take him to the park” said Harry getting up. He left a generous tip on the table.

“If you could wait a moment I wouldn’t mind accompanying you” said Snape placing a surprising gentle hand on his upper arm. Harry felt a smile tug at his lips, he couldn’t believe he was enjoying a conversation with Snape.

“Sure thing” he said exchanging a glance with Logan to make sure his godson was fine with waiting a few more minutes.

“So you’ve been raising him since Weasley and Granger died?” Snape said. The two had settled on the bleachers by the soccer field. A group of kids where organizing a soccer game and Logan quickly ran over to join them.

Harry nodded, “The Weasley’s and Hermione’s parents help a lot. And I’m keeping him in muggle school until he starts Hogwarts so he’ll be used to kids his own age” said Harry watching as Logan kicked the soccer ball.

“That’s an advantage usually not given to pure bloods. Their parents usually teach them everything” said Snape watching the game himself, obviously trying to figure out how it worked. Harry laughed, “You kick the ball in one of those nets” he said. Snape blinked and shook his head, “Muggles are strange creatures.” Harry laughed.

He didn’t know what it was but it seemed that Snape was… looser. Of course Albus had mentioned in one of his letters that since the end of the war the man had winded down a bit, though he had failed to mention he had left Hogwarts, Harry thought with a slightly frown.

“So Snape what brings you to Godric Hollow” asked Harry. The man smiled, he actually smiled!

“Harry I’m no longer your teacher I think we can be on first name basses,” he said easily, Harry was sure his mouth was hanging open, “Actually the owner of the café you where just eating at is an old school mate. He has a small herb garden and lets me purchases some of the things that are harder to find in Diagon Ally.”

The two talked for a while longer till Logan ran over, a young boy Harry remembered as Michael close behind. Logan bounded up the bleachers and slipped onto Harry’s lap. He smelled of grass and dirt. Severus wrinkled his nose a bit but didn’t comment.

“Can Michael come over for lunch” he asked. Michael was talking to his own mother near the bottom of the bleachers. “It’s fine with me” he shouted when the woman turned to look at him. He could remember her vaguely from the pre-school open house the year before. She smiled and walked up to them.

“You live in that big white house at the end of the street right?” she asked. Harry nodded, “My husband and I where planning on taking Michael to the movies tonight, we would be delighted if Logan could join us” she said.

“Can I, Harry please” asked Logan. “G rating?” he asked, turning to the woman. She nodded, “Of course.” “It’s fine with me. Michael can just spend the rest of the day at our house and I’ll get them cleaned up before the movies” said Harry.

The woman, obviously happy to have the day off gave Harry her number in case anything happened. “We’ll pick them up around seven” she said as she was leaving. Logan had slipped off Harry’s lap and was racing Michael around the soccer field but they both waved as the woman left.

“Well I better get going too, I have a potion to brew while these ingredients are still fresh” said Severus standing up, then helping Harry to his feet as well. “Since your relieved of your parenting duty’s for the evening, would you care to join me for dinner?” he asked.

Harry blinked. Had Severus Snape just asked him on a date? The man stood there patiently waiting for an answer. “Sure” he smiled, and Severus smiled back.

“I’ll pick you up at say seven-thirty? White house at the end of the main street I presume,” and with Harry’s affirming nod he left the park to find a safe place to apparate. Harry shook his head, he could not believe he had a date with the man he had spent seven years calling a greasy git.

His hair doesn’t look greasy anymore supplied his mind as he rounded up the kids.


The Date

Harry glared at his hair in the mirror. “Give it up” said his reflection. “Why did I buy a magical mirror?” he asked, his reflection just smiled and Harry resisted the urge to punch it.

Besides his hair he didn’t think he looked that bad. Severus- it was eerie how easy Snape had been replaced by Severus- hadn’t mentioned if the place they where going was casual or fancy so he had opted for black pants and the green shirt Ginny had given him last Christmas.

A knock at the door distracted him. Slipping his wand up his sleeve Harry rushed down the stairs to answer it.

“Hi” he said opening the door to Severus. The man looked absolutely gorgeous. Black pants, and a tight white shirt similar to the one he had been wearing earlier. The man smiled as he took in Harry’s own appearance.

“Hi yourself. Are you ready” he asked. Harry nodded, he walked onto the porch, locked and warded the door. Severus wrapped his arms firmly around Harry’s waist drawing him into an embrace. Harry was tall enough that his head rested easily on the mans shoulder, he smelled faintly of potions and another scent. Before Harry could define it, or remark about the sudden embrace he felt a tug at his navel and the two apparated from his porch.

The two found themselves in an alley and Severus carefully let Harry out of his embrace. Harry had to fight the urge to whimper at the lost of contact.

“Are you alright?” asked Severus as Harry swayed slightly. “Fine just give me a bit of warning next time” he said with a weak grin. “So where are we” he asked as they stepped onto the sidewalk. To Harry’s shock and delight Severus took his hand to lead him down the street.

“Muggle London. There’s an Italian restaurant I thought you’d like” said Severus.

The two quickly found themselves in a light conversation about their lives since Voldemort. Severus had apparently not left the school until last term which explained why Albus hadn’t mentioned it. His practice was set up in the basement of his own home and most of the potions he made were for St. Mungos. He also worked on improving potions such as the wolfs bane and creating new ones.

“What about you” asked Severus sipping his wine. Harry shrugged, he always hated these conversations. The truth was his life revolved around Logan. His business was doing well enough he hardly ever went in and Fred and George only needed him to work during Hogsmade weekends.

“I was thinking maybe after Logan went back to school I’d work on a Defense text” he said instead. Severus nodded, “That’s a good idea, the school’s curriculum is a bit out of date. There hasn’t been anyone qualified to write an accurate book in a while” he said. Harry smirked, “What about Lockheart?” Severus snorted, “The man didn’t know defense when we where in school and he doesn’t know it now.”

“I didn’t know he was in your year” said Harry surprised. Severus shook his head, “He was a few years bellow me, Hufflepuff. I only knew him because I was assigned to watch over his detention one year” he explained.

All too soon Harry needed to get home to meet Logan. Once in the alley Harry turned to say goodbye only to find himself being brought back into Severus embrace. Assuming the man was going to apparate them both again he braced himself only to have the man drop his head and kiss his lips softly.

“I’ll talk to you later” he muttered against Harry’s lips. He nodded dumbly to shocked to say anything as Severus released him and apparated home. Still a little shaky he apparated himself home as well.

Only minutes after he had arrived in his front hall he heard someone pull up outside. Opening the door he watched as a man got out of the SUV and pulled Logan’s sleeping form out of the back seat. Harry met him halfway down the front walk.

“Him and Michael both fell asleep on the way home” he said softly handing Logan over to him. The boy stirred a bit, “Hmm Harry” he asked raising his head sleepily. “Shh go back to sleep buddy, you're home now” he whispered taking the half-eaten bag of popcorn the man handed him.

Carefully he carried the boy up the stairs to his room. Propping him up he quickly stripped him down to his underwear and pulled his pajamas on before tucking him in.

“Mm night Harry. Love you” he mumbled before turning over and falling back into a deep sleep. Harry smiled and brushed a kiss to the boys hair. “Love you to, kiddo.”


Birthday Lunch

The weeks passed in a comfortable pattern. Severus had began an new research project and couldn’t leave his house much but he and Harry kept in touch through letters. Harry would spend his days with Logan or at his toy company.

It a few days before Harry’s birthday and Harry was staring at the parchment in front of him. It had been two weeks since Severus’ had taken him to that Italian restaurant. While he had enjoyed getting to know the man better through letters he really wanted to see him in person again.

He nervously tapped the counter with his quill before continuing with the letter. /My friends are doing a cookout for my birthday. It’s at my house this Saturday, one o’clock if you want to come/ Harry tapped his quill again before nodding to himself and signing the bottom and giving it to Hedwig to deliver.

“Hey Harry” asked Logan looking up from the picture he was coloring. “Mm…” Harry took a sip of the tea Dobby handed him before sitting down across from his godson at the kitchen table.

“Will you tell me the story about Fluffy again?” he asked. Harry sighed, “You’ve heard this so many times I’m sure you could tell me.” Logan stuck his bottom lip out and his brown eyes seemed to grow larger. It only took a moment for Harry to figure out where he’d seen the look before. “You’ve been hanging around Violet to long,” said Harry referring to Bill’s daughter who was Logan’s age.

But Harry once again launched into the story of how he, Ron, Neville, and Hermione had came across the three headed dog in their first year. At first telling Logan stories about his parents had hurt Harry. They had reminded him of a time he couldn’t go back to, a time when even though the world was in such danger, he had been able to find happiness with his friends. But he wasn’t about to deprive Logan of information about his parents because of his own pain. And as time went by he had learned to accept their deaths and had moved on with is life.

That Saturday came without a response from Severus. Harry figured he wasn’t coming and hadn’t known how to tell him.

Besides the food the house-elves set out it seemed that everyone who showed up had one dish or another to add to the food table. Eventually Harry had to go get another table. Besides the Weasley’s and their children, the Grangers, Remus, some of Harry’s friends from Hogwarts and most of Harry’s neighbors had showed up for the cookout. The older children had organized a soccer game and those too young to play where either hanging onto their parents or playing with a dog that had wondered into the party.

Harry was just starting to relax talking to Remus and Dean when he felt someone wrap their arms around his waist firmly. “Happy Birthday.” Harry turned to see Severus standing behind him smirking.

“Hey I didn’t know if you where coming.” Harry smiled brightly though. Snape was in blue jeans and had on another one of those tight t-shirts, this one was dark blue. Glancing back at his friends Harry saw that Dean was about to faint and Remus looked confused.

“I can’t stay. That potion I’ve been working on is completed and I have to go meet with some healers” he explained. Harry bit his lip, “How long will that take” he asked. Severus shrugged, “A few hours probably, why?” Harry shifted so that his chest was pressed up against Severus before continuing.

“Would you like to come back for dinner?” asked Harry. Severus seemed to consider for a moment before answering, “Yes, that would be nice,” lower so no one would hear, “And it will give me a chance to give you your birthday present.” Harry shivered and with a quick kiss Severus left through the back gate.

Instantly Harry was being bombarded by questions. Most of his muggle friends wanted to know who the man was, where he came from, how they met, ect. Meanwhile everyone else wanted to know why Snape was acting normal, why he had kissed Harry, and most importantly was he out of his mind. That of course brought on more questions from everyone else.

Once he had sorted everyone out Harry realized that Remus had disappeared. Excusing himself from the still gossiping mob he made his way to the kitchen. Remus was sipping a cup of tea quietly at the table.

“What’s up” asked Harry taking the seat across from him. Remus looked up, “He’s my age Harry.” Harry blinked.

“Only by eighteen years which isn’t that much in the wizarding world and the muggles around here are open minded,” another notion struck Harry, “The two of you weren’t… I mean you never” he trailed off hoping Remus wouldn’t make him say it.

“Of course not! We called a truce in your third year but we’ve never… had a close relationship” he finally said. Harry relaxed a bit.

“It just kind of shocked me. But I guess it makes since that you’d be more comfortable with someone older than you” said Remus. He shook his head, “Harry I just want you to be happy.” Harry smiled, “I’m happy.”

And that’s all that was said on the matter.


Birthday Dinner

“Can I give you my present now.” Harry looked up from the letter he was reading. Albus hadn’t been able to personally make it to his party but had sent a letter, candy, and several books Harry would have to take a closer look at.

“Of course you can” said Harry sitting down on his bed and patting the spot next to him. Logan quickly jumped onto the bed next to his godfather, clutching the gift to his chest.

Harry took the paper off and stared in aw at the book. The cover was official but the picture on it was clearly drawn by Logan himself. Harry knew the people on the cover instantly, Logan had drawn them several times. The first was a tall man with red hair, the second a man with black hair and a lightning bold scar, the third a girl with bushy brown hair. As he watched the three waved at him and the boys pulled out brooms and flew around. He blinked and looked at the title “The Adventures of Harry Potter, Hermione Granger-Weasley, and Ron Weasley.”

Logan was practically bouncing up and down, his eyes shining brightly. “Do you like it?” he asked. Harry smiled, still a little shocked, “I love it. But how did you…”

“Uncle Bill found a charm to make the pictures move and Aunt Ginny bound it for me” he said still jumping up and down clearly delighted with his own cleverness. Harry carefully put the book on his nightstand before drawing the boy into a hug. “I love it” he repeated again into his hair.

“Harry, Master Snape just arrived should we invite him in” asked Winky. Harry nodded, “Yes tell him we’ll be down in a minute” said Harry.

“Why is Mr. Snape here” asked Logan looking up at Harry. “Because I asked him to join us for dinner.” Logan shifted a bit before he finally blurted out, “I don’t want to live with Grandma and Grandpa.”

Harry blinked. “Neither do I,” he said not sure what to say to that. “Then why are you dating Mr. Snape,” demanded Logan. Harry blinked again.

Logan what dose me dating Severus have to do with you moving into your grandparents?” asked Harry. He loved the boy dearly but sometimes it was hard to figure out how a five-year-old’s brain worked.
Logan took a deep breath before starting. “Matt said that when his Dad started dating Miss Snot Face he had to stay with his grandparents all the time because they where always doing their taxes and now that their married his Dad’s signing all these papers so she can send him to boarding school in France.”

Harry untangled this. Matt was the kid two years older than Logan that lived next door. His Dad was Jacob, Jacob had just married Trisha Snorglecake. Matt was at his grandparents house because Jacob was having sex loud enough for Harry to hear at his house but most likely his grandparents had lied which would explain the taxes remark. As for the boarding school in France he was going to have to talk to his friend and see if he had any brains left at all.

Logan listen to me. I love you, you are my godson. I’m not going to send you off to your grandparents just because Severus and I want to do our… umm taxes, or for any other reason. I may ask them to baby-sit you some nights but this will always be your home do you understand. Severus knows you come first in my life and I am not shipping you off to boarding school until your old enough to attend Hogwarts. Do you understand?” he asked. Logan nodded. He was smiling again and his stubborn look was gone.

“Ok now come on we’ve kept our guest waiting long enough” said Harry standing up.

Harry was genuinely surprised. Severus was great with Logan, he played along with all of the boys jokes, listened to everything he said, and didn’t make one rude comment to him all night. Harry was sure his jaw was on the floor by desert.

“What, surprised your greasy old potions master can be nice” he teased when Logan excused himself to go the bathroom. Harry shook his head, “I just never realized how good you where with kids.” Severus smiled, “I was a teacher for twenty years, Harry. You pick up a few things.” “Yea thirteen ways to make a first year cry,” Harry snickered. Severus just smiled.

After dinner the three played cards while watching T.V. Logan eagerly explained to Severus what the television was and then chose an old movie for them to watch. Halfway through the movie Logan got up from his position lying on the floor and climbed into Harry’s lap, tucking his head against his godfathers chest.

“Tired” he asked stroking the boys hair. “No” he muttered, of course five minutes later the boy was lightly dozing against his shoulder. Chuckling he got up, “I’ll be back in a minute” he told Severus.

After changing Logan into his pajamas tucking him into bed Harry made his way back downstairs. Plopping down close to Severus on the couch he smiled up at the man. “Are you ready for your gift?” asked Severus smiling back at him though Harry saw his eyes looked a bit nervous. Harry nodded and felt a small box being shoved into his hands.

Harry gasped. The box itself was beautifully crafted. All hand done if Harry wasn’t mistaken, with the Hogwarts seal carved into the top. Inside was a silver cloak fastening with Harry’s own family crest carved into it. He had read about this and looked up at Severus in shock.

He had found the legend in a book in the Potter vault. The fastening had belonged to Godric Gryffindor’s son in law, Benjamin Potter. Harry’s great, great, grandfather had been wearing it the night he died and no one had seen it since. It was said to give the wearer great luck, protection, and the strength of all those in the Potter bloodline.

“I found it in a thrift store in the muggle world. I performed several spells over it and it is indeed a magical item. You know of the legend don’t you” Severus asked.


Harry dumbly nodded, “It was in an old book in one of the vaults. But how did it end up in the muggle world?” asked Harry still amazed.

“I don’t know, I’ve only heard bits and pieces of the legend myself,” said Severus. Harry carefully closed the box and set it on the coffee table. He turned to Severus and cupped the back of his head and drew him down into a passionate kiss.

Severus let out a low groan in the back of his throat while pulling Harry to straddle his upper thighs. Harry whimpered and opened his mouth to Severus demanding tongue, tangling his hands in the mans shiny, soft hair. Definitely not greasy thought Harry.

Severus hands where roaming everywhere they could reach. Tweaking his nipples through the material of his shirt, pulling the shirt out of his pants to run his hands over Harry’s washboard stomach, going around to his back, grabbing his ass causing Harry to groan. “Harry” Severus gasped breaking the kiss. He through his head back trying to clear his mind, but Harry wasn’t going to give him a chance. He leaned forward to latch onto a tempting spot on the mans neck, rubbing his growing arousal against the mans stomach.

“Oh god, Harry” the man moaned. Harry suddenly realized as tempting as it was to let Severus bugger him silly on the couch he couldn’t let the man do that with Logan upstairs. “Bedroom” he asked, nipping at the mans earlobe. Severus nodded breathlessly and Harry took his hand, leading him up the stairs to his bedroom.

Once safely in his bedroom Harry locked the door and put up silencing charms, something that was quite difficult with Severus undoing his trousers and sticking his hand into his pants to discover…

“Naughty boy your not wearing underwear” hissed Severus in his ear. Harry grinned, “Are you going to spank me” he asked. Severus snorted, “Perhaps another time, right now I need to be inside of you.” And with that Harry found himself stripped out of his clothes and being pushed down onto the bed.

Harry could feel Severus gaze on him as his eyes traveled up and down his body. Harry couldn’t resist stretching a bit to show off, he dropped one hand to his erection and let out a strangled moan. “Do you want to fuck me Severus?” he asked. The man nodded, pulling off his shirt quickly and throwing it towards the corner of the room.

Harry bit his lip to keep from coming. Playing with himself while his lover watched was intoxicating. He licked his lips and took it a step further, bringing his fingers up to his mouth before dropping them to his entrance and pushing two past the tight muscle.

In a flash Severus had gotten his pants and boxers off and was straddling Harry. “As amazing as you look doing that” he purred pulling both of Harry’s wrists into a surprisingly strong grip and trapping them above his head, “The only pleasure your going to get tonight will be from me.” Harry whimpered.

Reaching over into Harry’s bedside drawer he pulled out a small jar of lubricant. Setting it next to Harry’s hip he prepared Harry, ignoring the boys pleas to hurry. “What do you want Harry” he asked, three fingers ghosting over his prostate. Harry whimpered.

“You” he moaned. Severus smirked, “I think you can do better than that Mister Potter.” Harry whimpered again, the man was trying to kill him. “IwantyoufuckingmehardfastNOW” he said in a rush as the man pressed down on his prostate firmly.

The fingers where removed to be replaced quickly by the head of Severus cock. The man was still going far to slowly for Harry’s taste and he arched rapping his legs firmly around the mans waist to draw him in quicker. “Harry” he protested. He was already on the edge and didn’t know if he could last much longer trapped in Harry’s tight heat.

“Want it fast, hard, rough. Please Severus” said Harry trying to fuck himself against the mans cock. Then all coherent thought was driven from his mind as Severus did just that.

All two soon Harry felt his climax approaching and without warning he tumbled over the edge, untouched, coming harder than he had ever though possible. He gasped as Severus rode him harder for a few minutes before grunting and coming, empting himself in Harry.

He rolled to the side and spooned Harry up close to him. Harry muttered a cleaning charm, thankful Albus had taught him wandless magic before falling to sleep.


Just Because

The first thing Harry realized when he woke up was it was only seven-thirty. The second was the hard thing nudging him in the ass was most likely not a flashlight. Ginning he turned his head to see Severus was still asleep. Oh he could have some fun with this.

Starting at the mans neck he mapped Severus body using his lips, teeth, and tongue. He paused at the nipples for a long moment, licking and sucking on one then the other, before moving down further. By this time Severus was starting to arch into his touch but judging by the light snores he was still asleep.

‘Only one way to solve that’ thought Harry fastening his lips around the head of Severus cock and sucking strongly.

“Harry!” Severus half shouted, half moaned bucking his hips. Harry smiled up at him around his mouthful before letting go of his prize to put up another silencing charm. He couldn’t risk Logan hearing anything.

Harry lowered his mouth again to run his tongue along the length of Severus member. Severus fingers where curled around the bedspread, obviously trying to control himself. Harry pulled the mans balls into his mouth and sucked gently before removing his mouth from the mans body completely.

“Oh good your up,” Harry smirked before rolling out of bed and heading into his bathroom. He quickly turned on the shower and had just stepped in when Severus was behind him pinning him to the shower wall.

“You’re a tease” he whispered against Harry’s ear causing him to shiver. Slowly the two washed each other, choosing to ignore their morning erections until last.

Harry groaned deep in his throat when Severus hand wrapped around his throbbing cock. Running his thumb over the head with every stroke, the man used his other hand to guide Harry’s own hand to his member.

The two adjusted themselves until they could stroke each other without their hands getting in the way. A few minutes later Harry came, Severus following soon after.

“Brat” he said affectionately. Harry smiled up at him, “Git.” The two shared a sweet kiss before stepping out of the shower to dry off.

“I can’t stay for long,” said Severus pulling his pants up. “I need to start the wolfs bane potion so Lupin has it for the full moon.”

Harry nodded throwing the mans shirt over to him. “Can you stay for breakfast” he asked pulling on his own shirt. “I think I can manage that,” he drew Harry to him for another kiss before they headed down stairs.

The days passed easily after that. When Severus could get away from his work he would come to Harry’s house for dinner and usually stayed till breakfast. The two would go out to dinner on nights Logan was staying with his grandparents or other relatives.

“Max I can’t do it.” Harry propelled himself around the kitchen. He had given the Dobby and Winky the week off so he was making breakfast while Logan sat at the table coloring. Severus was upstairs in the shower.

“Harry, we’ve been trying for months to get Linton Toys to sell out to us so we could expand the business to America. And now the president of the company agrees to a meeting and you want to reschedule!” his vice-president practically screamed the last word. Harry winced, “Max I have a kid, I can’t just take off for a weekend.” As he talked he set pancakes in front of Logan who was looking at him curiously now.

“Come on Harry you could drop him off at his grandparents or something,” said Max agitated. Harry sighed, “All right I’ll try and find a sitter but don’t count on it,” and with that he hung up. “I don’t want to spend the weekend at Luna’s” Logan said looking up in alarm. Harry laughed, “Don’t worry Luna’s in Greece for the weekend.”

Harry tried Molly first but she wasn’t home, the Grangers where at a convention, Ginny could take him Saturday but had plans Sunday that couldn’t be changed. He had just said goodbye to Ginny when Severus came in.

“What’s wrong” he asked taking the pancakes Harry offered him. Logan got up to give Severus a quick hug before he ran upstairs to finish his drawing. “Oh Max wants me to go to America for a business meeting this weekend so I need to find a sitter fo...

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