Aspects and Issues in the History of Children's Literature (M. Nikolajeva).pdf

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Aspects and Issues
in the History of
Children's Literature
Recent Titles in
Contributions to the Study of World Literature
Writing and Reality: A Study of Modern British Diary Fiction
Andrew Hassam
Shakespeare's Proverbial Themes: A Rhetorical Context for the
Sententia as Res
Marjorie Donker
Promptings of Desire: Creativity and the Religious Impulse in the
Works of D. H. Lawrence
Paul Poplawski
The Second Best Bed: Shakespeare's Will in a New Light
Joyce E. Rogers
Literary Selves: Autobiography and Contemporary American
James N. Stull
Storied Cities: Literary Imagining of Florence, Venice and Rome
Michael L. Ross
Women Writers in Russian Literature
Toby W. Clyman and Diana Greene, editors
Writing the Good Fight: Political Commitment in the International
Literature of the Spanish Civil War
Peter Monteath
Money: Lure, Lore, and Literature
John Ljouis DiGaetani, editor
Smollett's Women: A Study in an Eighteenth-Century Masculine
Robert D. Spector
English Country Life in the Barsetshire Novels of Angela Thirkell
Laura Roberts Collins
Bakhtin, Stalin, and Modern Russian Fiction: Carnival, Dialogism,
and History
M. Keith Booker and Dubravka Juraga
Aspects and Issues
in the History of
Children's Literature
Edited by Maria Nikolajeva
Published under the auspices of
the International Research Society for
Children's Literature
Contributions to the Study of World Literature,
Number 60
Westport, Connecticut • London
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Aspects and issues in the history of children's literature / edited by
Maria Nikolajeva ; published under the auspices of the International
Research Society for Children's Literature.
p. cm.— (Contributions to the study of world literature,
ISSN 0738-9345 ; no. 60)
Selection of papers originally presented at the 9th Congress of
the International Research Society for Children's Literature which
was held in Salamanca, Spain in 1989.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-313-29614-6
1. Children's literature—History and criticism—Congresses.
I. Nikolajeva, Maria. II. International Research Society for
Children's Literature. III. International Research Society for
Children's Literature. Congress (9th : 1989 : Salamanca, Spain).
IV. Series.
PN1009.A1A77 1995
809'. 89282—dc20
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available.
Copyright © 1995 by the International Research Society for Children's Literature
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be
reproduced, by any process or technique, without the
express written consent of the publisher.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 94-43041
ISBN: 0-313-29614-6
ISSN: 0738-9345
First published in 1995
Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881
An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
Printed in the United States of America
The paper used in this book complies with the
Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National
Information Standards Organization (Z39.48-1984).
10 98765432
Copyright Acknowledgments
The editor and publisher gratefully acknowledge permission for use of the following material:
Figures reprinted from O'Sullivan, Emer, Friend and Foe: The Image of Germany and the Ger-
mans in British Children's Fiction from 1870 to the Present. Tubingen: Narr (Studies in English
and Comparative Literature, Vol. 6), 1990. Reprinted with permission.
Essay by Karen Nelson Hoyle, "Three Scandinavian Contributions to American Children's
Literature" in Journal of Youth Services in Libraries, vol. 3 (Spring 1990), pp. 219-225. Re-
printed with permission of the American Library Association, from Journal of Youth Services in
Libraries, Spring 1990. Copyright © 1990.
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