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Occult Lore
by Keith Baker, Adam Bank, Chris Jones, Scott Reeves, and Elton Robb
AUTHORS: Keith Baker, Adam Bank, Chris Jones, Scott
Reeves, and Elton Robb
EDITOR & DEVELOPER: Michelle A. Brown Nephew
John Nephew
COVER DESIGN: Scott Reeves and John Tynes
INTERIOR ILLUSTRATIONS: Michael Clarke, John Davis,
Brian Figur, Scott Reeves, Steven Sanders, Chris Seaman,
Chad Sergesketter, Helena Wickberg/Phoenix Studios
PLAYTESTERS: William Adley, Michael Babbitt, Tim
Elkins, Jeff Ibach, Bill ‘Urklore’ Schwartz
Knapik, and all the gang over at the Source
The Publisher’s Obvious Disclaimer
This roleplaying game supplement is a work of fiction. The contents may in places be loosely based on
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2001, Wizards of the Coast,
D20 System Rules & Content Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast,
Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on
original material by Dave Arneson and E. Gary Gygax.
Occult Lore Copyright 2002, Trident Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games;
authors Keith Baker, Adam Bank, Chris Jones, Scott Reeves, and
Elton Robb.
e-mail: info@atlas-games.com
visit us on the web: www.atlas-games.com
March 2005
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Hidden Knowledge
What you will find in this book.
The Arcane Healer tends to the sick, while the Grand
Alchemist seeks immortality.
Magic from the heavens; the Computer, the Astrologer,
the Solar Hierophant and the Lunar Mystagogue.
Earth, Air, Fire and Water; the Elementalist is their master.
Learn to tap the currents of magic across the land itself.
Secret powers of plants; the Wylderwitch and the Grand
Magical Imagination
Magical disciplines of memory; the Heraldic Wanderer.
The Oneiromancer is master of the realm of dreams.
Rational Magic
The Skeptic’s disbelief is so passionate that it may
unravel the thread of other magicks.
Spirit Cultivation
The Gleaner harvests what the Grim Reaper leaves
Sympathetic Magic
Occult connections give the Sympathetic Mage an
extraordinary reach.
Byron B. Baird’s
A detailed exposition on the mundane and magical uses of
specific plants; illustrated.
The Grimoire of Occult Lore 214
A collection of new spells, more than one hundred in all.
D20 Material
When tarot cards fail you, turn here to find the answer.
Bountiful Botanical
Hidden Knowledge
In a fantasy world, it’s dangerous to assume you’ve seen
it all. The most powerful occult lore is many times
underestimated ... too often complacent wizards, sorcer-
ers, and clerics believe they have a monopoly on mystical
might. This hubris can be their undoing when they final-
ly come face to face with magic beyond their experience.
plants of the field, when properly prepared, become
healing poultices and powders, magical concoctions that
can extend or shorten life, or even verdex that “bind”
spells for later use. In a special appendix, starting on
page 171, you’ll find Byron B. Baird’s Bountiful
Botanical, a treatise describing twenty mundane and
magical plants and the concoctions skilled herbalists can
distill from them.
Occult Lore opens the gates to a world of alternative
power for D20 System™ players, with in-depth rules for
ten new magical traditions. Whether you’re interested in
a prestige class that lets your character become a celes-
tial creature, or an entirely new system of magic to
dumbfound your players, Occult Lore offers an abun-
dance of secret knowledge.
Magical imagination gives heraldic wanderers the
ability to construct fabulous memory palaces from the
knowledge of the ages.
Oneiromancy grants access to the dream worlds where
id-hounds roam, lucid dreamers manipulate dream reality
to fit their own deepest desires. There, secret knowledge
and transient magic items are the great treasures to pursue.
Alchemy allows the arcane healer to tend to his patients
in the absence of a cleric, and the grand alchemist to
pursue the immortality granted by just a drop of pure
philosopher’s gold.
Rational magic lets science and logic displace the
power of magic. Skeptics ts strip targets of their spells
and special abilities with well-reasoned argument, and
even cancel the effects of magical weapons and armor.
Astrology places the wisdom of the stars into the hands
of mortals; horoscopes can predict a character’s future,
the most auspicious time to explore a dungeon, or let an
astrologer control the subject of a nativity from afar.
Solar hierophants embody the sun itself, becoming celes-
tial creatures, while lunar mystagogues become the mas-
ters of magical secrecy, exerting their dark power over
creatures of the earth and underworld.
Spirit cultivation is the gleaner’s art of capturing the
fleeting remnants of a soul, and slowly teaching it the
ways of power. Gleaners nurture these souls first in a spir-
itstone, then transfer them into reliquaries to invoke the
skills and spells of the spirit, and finally use focal charms
to control spirits with the power of the gods themselves!
Elementalism turns the
forces of air, earth, fire,
and water to the will of
the spellcaster, until final-
ly the elementalist tran-
forms herself into one of
the elemental creatures
she commands!
Open Game Content
Sympathetic magic uses
ritual points to toss spells
across continents — all a
mage needs is a lock of
hair to curse an enemy for
a lifetime!
Occult Lore, like the rest of the Penumbra ™ line of
D20 System™ supplements, is published under the
Open Game License. We hereby identify as Open
Game Content any text that is printed inside parchment-
style boxes like this one. Note too that there are some-
times entire pages of OGC, identified by a full-page
parchment background (e.g., the Appendixes). Text not
on the parchment background and artwork are not
Open, and may not be reproduced without the publish-
er’s or artist’s express permission.
To inspire your GM, each
chapter includes adven-
ture seeds, to help intro-
duce each previously hid-
den tradition to the game
world. These story ideas
may inspire you as a play-
er as well, with character
concepts and motivations.
Geomancy gives magic-
users access to the power
of ley lines, dowsing, and
the innate magic of loca-
tions to enhance their mys-
tic abilities — sometimes
beyond their own control
— or even to create fear-
some zones of antimagic.
If you’re not a publisher, don’t worry about this stuff; you
may still find it handy to notice that boxed text tends to
contain rules details. If you are curious about Open
Gaming, which allows publishers to reproduce and mod-
ify each others’ Open Game Content, we encourage you
to learn more at www.opengamingfoundation.org on
the web.
By picking up this book,
you’ve become the newest
initiate into the secrets of
Occult Lore. Welcome!
Herbalism is the craft of
the wylderwitch and the
grand herbalist — the
Written by Michelle Andromeda Brown Nephew
The young warrior lay stricken in his sickbed.
“Please,” he whispered to the strange doctor. “Please.
Send for a priest.”
The warrior’s eyes crossed watching the rock wobble.
The doctor slapped his knees and stood up. “Now.
Who’s next?”
The doctor scoffed. “Stop being so melancholy or you
really will need one.” He pulled a trundle full of odd
wares to the bedside. “Our hospice deals with camp
fever. I have attended a handful of recoveries. And I’ve
written a treatise,” he added with pride.
Arcane Healers
The society of arcane healers arose in an early age when
the gods disfavored the acts of mortals. According to leg-
end, the demigod Asclepius, half-mortal son of a solar
deity and a powerful oracle, refused the ways of heaven
and walked among mortal-kind. When the other gods
denied the prayers of clerics, Asclepius worked miracles
for the mortals he encountered on his travels. The gods
of fate and the underworld, angered with Asclepius’
interference with death, demanded that the high god of
heaven punish Asclepius. The high god declared that if
Asclepius ever accepted payment for his miracles, the
demigod would lose his powers forever. Many years later,
Asclepius forgot himself and accepted a golden laurel for
resurrecting a mortal king. The high god struck
Asclepius with a thunderbolt, burning away his immor-
tality. Now humbled, Asclepius spent the remainder of
his days dedicated to medicinal — rather than miracu-
lous — healing, refusing recompense except when neces-
sary to continue his practice and research.
As the doctor fished about the trundle, the warrior slow-
ly shook his head. “No, not for final rites. Unction.
Healing … prayer … ”
“I know fighting the heathens commands your full atten-
tion, boy,” the doctor said darkly, “but perhaps you have
noticed that when the Patriarchy declares holy war, mir-
acles are in short supply.”
The doctor produced a fat onion from the trundle, still
flecked with fresh dirt. A blur of the doctor’s bone saw
split the ripe earth-fruit into ragged halves. He uncov-
ered the warrior’s feet. A scalpel appeared in the doctor’s
hand. Before the warrior could even blink in surprise,
blood streamed from the arch of his left foot.
The doctor bound one half of the onion to the left foot
before moving on to the right.
“What madness is this?” the warrior sobbed.
Asclepius became a patron saint of doctors, and suppos-
edly began the tradition of arcane healers. In some
lands, physicians of all sorts are called the “Children of
Asclepius,” and groups of doctors the “Asclepiads.”
Arcane healers organize into cults, colleges, hospices,
and secret societies all over the world, practicing their
strange “science” of alchemical medicine. They are most
prominent in lands lacking the protection of the gods,
and often come into conflict with clerics and religious
groups. While the whims and aides of the gods are fick-
le, arcane healers argue, the science of alchemy remains
the constant protector against mortal injury and disease.
“Medicine,” the doctor grunted, working with some
twine. “Fundamental alchemy, really. Lice spontaneous-
ly generate from the human offal of a war camp. The
camp louse, therefore, is comprised entirely of excreta.
Lice burrow into the skin and reintroduce the expelled
waste back into the body. This imbalances the bodily
humours, which in turn slowly putrefies the blood. The
swiftest remedy is a rebalancing of your humours. Look,
your toes are already gangrenous.” The young patient
sobbed again. “You’re suffering from an obvious over-
abundance of black bile — the melan cholos. By leech-
ing excess melancholy from the blood, I will restore the
balance, and your body will heal. It’s all in my treatise.”
The doctor took a chunk of basalt rock from the trundle
and balanced it on his patient’s forehead. “There, now.
Boy,” he said, “if your black mood doesn’t lift by the end
of the day, let the attendant know and we’ll adjust your
treatment. Otherwise, see you in a few days.”
To learn their secret magic and knowledge, an appren-
tice arcane healer must swear the Healer’s Oath.
Written by Adam Bank • Illustrated by Michael Clarke
chapter one
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