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Sons of Gruumsh
D ESIGNER : Christopher Perkins
A DDITIONAL D ESIGN : Will Littrell, Stephen Schubert
D EVELOPER : Stephen Schubert
D ESIGN M ANAGER : Christopher Perkins
S ENIOR A RT D IRECTOR RPG R&D: Stacy Longstreet
D IRECTOR OF RPG R&D: Bill Slavicsek
P RODUCTION M ANAGERS : Josh Fischer, Randall Crews
F ORGOTTEN R EALMS A RT D IRECTORS : Mari Kolkowsky, Robert Raper
C OVER A RTIST : Todd Lockwood
I NTERIOR A RTIST : Mike Dubisch
C ARTOGRAPHERS : Dennis Kauth, Robert Lazzaretti
Based on the original D UNGEONS & D RAGONS ® rules created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the
new D UNGEONS & D RAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.
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9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 First Printing: September 2005
ISBN-10 : 0-7869-3698-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-7869-3698-4
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This adventure takes place in the Moonsea region of Faerûn, an
inhospitable land marked by seafaring city-states. The Moonsea
offers much to anyone wanting to earn a reputation or a fortune.
Nearly every type of creature, monstrous and humanoid, lives in
this region. The machinations of Zhentil Keep and the other cities
are numerous and deadly. What no one in the city-states realizes is
that an orc horde is massing in the land of Thar north of the city
of Melvaunt. Properly led and organized, this army could put the
entire area to the torch.
Meanwhile, the city of Melvaunt has a crisis of its own. Several
scions of the great families have disappeared, and the player charac-
ters have been recruited to fi nd and rescue them. Their investigation
leads deep into the rugged wilderness of Thar where, of course, they
discover the dire orc threat.
Sons of Gruumsh is a D UNGEONS & D RAGONS ® adventure designed for
four 4th-level characters. Player characters should advance at least one
level in the course of the adventure and perhaps two by its conclusion.
As Dungeon Master, you need four books to run this adventure: the
Player’s Handbook , the Dungeon Master’s Guide, the Monster Manual ,
and the F ORGOTTEN R EALMS ® Campaign Setting . Monster Manual III,
Monsters of Faerûn, and Races of Faerûn might also be useful.
If you are planning to run this adventure in the Moonsea region,
review the information presented on pages 159–165 of the F ORGOT -
TEN R EALMS Campaign Setting. Otherwise, feel free to modify the
adventure to suit a different location.
The encounters in Sons of Gruumsh are designed for use with D UN -
GEONS & D RAGONS miniatures. In some cases, a miniature represents
a character or creature perfectly; in others, the adventure suggests an
appropriate miniature when a perfect match isn’t possible. This informa-
tion is presented as part of the creature’s statistics block.
Paragraphs in italic type should be read aloud to the players or
paraphrased at the appropriate times. Sidebars contain additional in-
formation for the DM.
Adventure Background
Deep in the wastes of Thar, an orc adept named Jurrg received a dream
from her deity, the great one-eyed Gruumsh: A leader would soon
emerge from the Underdark and lead her people into glorious battle
against the humans, sweeping their cities into the sea. Her dream told
her to wait at the ruins of the once mighty orc bastion of Xûl-Jarak,
the Gray Citadel. Jurrg and her brother Rûlgar made their home in
the ruins, and after months of waiting, heard something other than
moaning Tharan winds. Three massive orogs emerged from deep below
the citadel and approached them.
Jurrg prostrated herself before the orogs. To her, these enormous
orcs, with their luminescent eyes, elongated ears, and massive bodies,
represented the epitome of orckind. She asked Thrull, the leader of
these “sons of Gruumsh,” to command her. He sent the siblings back
into the wilderness to gather other worthy followers. Five years have
passed since that fateful encounter, and many orcs have gathered at
Xûl-Jarak. They have begun to rebuild the citadel and, more important,
the large dungeon complex the citadel is designed to protect.
Compounding the orc threat, a few months ago Rûlgar found the
fabled Hammer of Gruumsh , great maul of the Tharan orc kings, in
the foothills of the Galena Mountains. Jurrg and the orogs view its
discovery as a sign of Gruumsh’s favor, and continue their efforts to
unite the various orc tribes of Thar and expand their army in prepa-
ration for a march against the human cities.
The people living in Melvaunt, distracted by the affairs of Zhentil
Keep and other evils, pay little heed to the orcs of Thar. Oreal Nanther,
the scion of an infl uential noble family in Melvaunt and a relatively
inexperienced adventurer, fi lled his head with childhood stories about
the great battles fought in Thar and the even greater artifacts said to lie
there, waiting to be discovered in the tombs of fallen kings. He shared
these dreams with several companions, including other noble youths.
For months, the companions have secretly embarked on adventures in
Thar. Tragically, none returned from their most recent outing. Few in
Melvaunt know what has happened to the scions, and their disappear-
ance threatens a bloody civil war.
Adventure Synopsis
The adventure begins as the PCs arrive in the city of Melvaunt (they
are assumed to be visitors; if natives, the text must be adjusted in
places). Believing the PCs are eager for gold and politically impartial,
Woarsten Nanther, patriarch of House Nanther and father of Oreal,
has called them to the city to locate his errant son and bring him home.
It is up to the PCs to discover and follow Oreal’s trail, while avoiding
as much of the intrigue-laden politics of the city as possible.
The search for the noble heirs eventually leads the characters into
the wilds of Thar. There they confront treacherous terrain and savage
denizens. They discover an ambush site and one of the companions dead.
The orc signs are clear, and the trail leads to the citadel of Xûl-Jarak.
The orog leader Thrull has declared himself warlord of Thar. To
mark this mighty event, Jurrg has contrived a ritual to give Thrull
the blessing of Gruumsh himself. Representatives from various tribes
that have not pledged fealty to the orogs have come to witness the
occasion and determine whether Thrull is worthy to command them.
More important to the PCs, the ritual execution of the captured scions
is an integral part of Jurrg’s ceremony. The PCs must negotiate the
citadel of Xûl-Jarak and the dungeon complex beneath it to reach
the scions, and then pry the captives from Thrull’s clutches. If they
succeed, they stave off civil war in Melvaunt and undermine, if not
destroy, Thrull’s plans of conquest.
Even after returning to Melvaunt, the PCs are not safe. A band
of orc cutthroats have successfully infi ltrated Melvaunt! Gruumsh
hungers for the heroes’ blood, and the orcs want to please their god.
About Orogs
Orogs (also known as deep orcs) are the best and brightest
among orckind. They are descendants of a large orc tribe
that fled into the Underdark thousands of years ago. Though
slightly shorter than their mountain orc cousins, orogs are
much stronger, more intelligent, and show greater initiative.
Orog weapons are on par with those of dwarven make. No
orog fighter wears armor or wields weapons of anything less
than masterwork quality.
Orogs, with individual exceptions, worship Gruumsh alone,
ignoring the remaining deities of the orc pantheon.
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Part 1
The Lost Scions
The fi rst part of Sons of Gruumsh sees the PCs navigate the ruth-
less politics of Melvaunt to fi nd the trail of the lost scion of House
Nanther and his adventuring companions.
Arrival in Melvaunt
Read or paraphrase the following text to the players:
The fi rst two stories are seamless stone, 5 feet thick. The next
three stories are made of newer wood and house meeting rooms and
bedrooms of various sizes and luxuriousness. They are all available
for rent (2 sp per night for a cheap bedroom, 5 sp per night for a
modest bedroom, and 1 gp per night for a luxurious bedroom). The
fi rst fl oor holds a main dining room and taproom separated by the
entryway “reception” room, where the bouncer, Ongom (NG male
human warrior 6), welcomes guests. Behind him, down a hallway, is
a fl ight of stairs to the upper stories and beyond that, an enormous
kitchen. The second story houses longtime residents and special
guests as well as a separate common room. Access to this fl oor is
gained via a locked door (Open Lock DC 30) on the second fl oor
Pluarty Crow (NG male human bard 6) is the latest in a long line
of Crows to run the place. He has a mixed heritage and knows people
in all social circles. He treats everyone equally, from the saltiest sailor
to the best-dressed merchant-noble, and he tries not to embroil himself
in Melvaunt’s cutthroat politics. He is willing to make introductions
to nearly anyone in town if the PCs ask, but remains strictly neutral.
His favorite pastime is telling scary pirate tales to children around
bonfi res behind The Nest.
Meeting Lord Nanther
Whether they stop at an inn or make their way directly, the PCs
should visit Lord Nanther’s estate as soon as possible. When they
arrive, their seal is inspected carefully, but then they enjoy all of the
hospitality the staff can muster. In short order, Woarsten Nanther
himself appears.
You have arrived in the city of Melvaunt, which sits on the north-
western shore of the Moonsea. Melvaunt has a reputation for being
a place rife with danger and intrigue, and ripe with potential for
adventure, wealth, and fame. You carry with you the seal of Woarsten
Nanther, patriarch of a powerful and infl uential noble Melvaunt
family. The seal has gained you free passage into the city, though not
without a thorough inspection by the town watch (they seem particu-
larly suspicious). Once inside, you observe that Melvaunt is a dirty
city with labyrinthine streets, smoke-clogged air, and grumpy locals.
Best be on your guard!
The PCs can make Gather Information, Knowledge (local), or bardic
knowledge checks to learn more about Melvaunt, either as they’re
making their way through the city streets or once they reach a tavern.
Natives to the city gain a +10 circumstance bonus to this check.
DC 5: Melvaunt is often referred to as the merchant capital of
the Moonsea. Bitter rivalries plague the city’s merchant families,
the most powerful of which are the houses of Bruil, Nanther, and
DC 10: Although the city itself is dirty and inhospitable, the inns
and taverns are usually clean and relatively safe—no surprise, really,
since much of the city’s business is handled within their comfortable
walls. The Crow’s Nest tavern has the best food and coziest cots in
the city.
DC 12: The city is usually raucous and dangerous to lone or un-
armed travelers. At present, it seems subdued and guarded. The people
eye each other warily, and hurry about their business.
DC 15: The scions of the great houses of Melvaunt are missing.
Paid toughs wander the streets looking for them, but mostly just
cause trouble.
DC 18: Orcs have been attacking outlying farms and trade roads,
occasionally kidnapping folk before withdrawing into the foggy depths
of Thar.
DC 20: Two Melvauntian diplomats died recently in the city of
Mulmaster, both under mysterious circumstances. This could be a
sign that Mulmaster is preparing a fl eet to attack Melvaunt.
The Crow’s Nest
The biggest and most prominent tavern in Melvaunt is the Crow’s
Nest. The PCs may travel there fi rst or stop in at any other inn.
With small adjustments, the details presented here can describe any
tavern they choose.
The Nest is popular with merchants and sailors, and is always a
hotbed of rumor and speculation. The building appears very old; a
few local scholars debate whether this round tower of stone and wood
actually predates the founding of Melvaunt.
Woarsten Nanther enters the room, leaning heavily on a gold-tipped
ivory cane with a handle shaped like an ibis head. He has the slightly
disheveled appearance of a man who hasn’t slept in days, although
he is well dressed and capable of feigning a smile. After dispensing
with introductions, he collapses into a large padded chair and fi xes
his steely gaze upon each of you.
“I wish to pay you 1,000 platinum pieces to fi nd my son, Oreal.
While he’s a grown man and I don’t follow his activities on a daily
basis, he hasn’t been seen for fi ve days—far too long. Worse, rumors
abound that other noble scions are missing. I’ve exhausted all prudent
avenues of investigation, but with the increased orc raiding of late
and the heightened tension caused by the missing sons, I’m afraid I
have little to show. I am certain you, as neutral operatives, will have
better fortune. I must warn you, as the lord of this great house, I have
many enemies, both within the city and without. Some no doubt seek to
take advantage of this distraction to undermine my authority. House
Nanther’s utter destruction is not beyond the pale. Such is the politics
of this wretched city.
“Please bring my son back to me, forcibly if need be, safely and
soundly. If you fi nd the other scions, please return them as well—surely
the other great houses will blame House Nanther for any death or
harm infl icted upon their kin. Just to be clear, however, the platinum
I am paying you is for Oreal’s safe return alone.”
If the PCs haggle, he agrees to cover their basic expenses in Melvaunt
without too much fuss. However, it takes a successful DC 30 Diplo-
macy check to persuade him to increase the reward, and he will not
pay them any more than 1,500 pp regardless.
Woarsten can provide a picture sketch of his son, Oreal. He knows
the following additional information:
After agreeing to help House Nanther, the PCs can spend time in
Melvaunt unearthing information about the situation. The follow-
ing information can be discovered through roleplaying, or with DC
20 Gather Information, Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility and
royalty), or bardic knowledge checks.
C OUNCIL OF I RON : Seven Council members rule Melvaunt: the lords
of the three Great Houses (Woarsten Nanther, Dornig Leiyraghon,
and Vanth Bruil), three rotating guild leaders (currently the Armor-
ers’ Guild Master, the Weavers’ Guild Master, and the Smiths’ Guild
Master), and the elected Despot, Peuter Marsk.
House Bruil: The fi erce Vanth Bruil currently leads House Bruil,
even though well into his sixth decade. He had a nasty falling-out with
his son, Halmuth, now Lord of Keys, and the two are barely civil to
each other. Desperate for a new heir and not above causing his son
heartache, Vanth proclaimed his bastard grandson Argens as heir.
Vanth will meet with the PCs, but other than blaming Halmuth for
a lack of activity, he knows little more about the disappearances than
Lord Nanther. Argens has quietly undergone paladin training at a
small temple to Tyr, and spent the days before his disappearance help-
ing to rebuild a local hostelry that had been destroyed by fi re several
months ago. He was last seen in his chambers. With a DC 15 Bluff,
Diplomacy, or Intimidate check, Argens Bruil’s elderly chambermaid
reveals that at least once a month for the past several months, the
scion would not return home for up to three days. More than once,
upon his return, his clothes had odd stains and tears, and sometimes
dried blood. The maid assumed these were simply the byproducts of
youthful indiscretions.
House Leiyraghon: This great family has a dark reputation. Lei-
yraghon was a minor house that achieved greater status by bringing
down the Marsk and Natali families and breaking the stalemate
that had allowed civil unrest to torture the city. Immediately after
securing the status of a great house and on the verge of dominat-
ing the city, Dornig Leiyraghon solidifi ed his family’s position by
sponsoring the idea of an elected ruler, a Despot of Melvaunt. Each
despot would lead the city’s Council of Iron for two years and then
step down. This magnanimous gesture helped temper Dornig’s and
his family’s otherwise unsavory reputation. Bremen Leiyraghon is the
Leiyraghon heir and has been assuming greater responsibility over
the house. He is a dashing, no-nonsense fi gure apparently destined
for greatness. Kalman Leiyraghon, Bremen’s younger brother, is a
wastrel who spends more time in the city’s taverns than home, much
to the chagrin of his family. The Leiyraghons refuse to speak with
the PCs, suspecting them of Nanther treachery.
House Marsk: House Marsk seems to be trying to gain support
in the city by winning the hearts and minds of the populace. Ruled
by Peuter Marsk, the house currently oversees many of the city’s
municipal improvements, including a troubled sewer project. The fact
that the building contracts are almost all going to Marsk allies has
not gone unnoticed and limits the good will generated. Peuter is the
current Despot of Melvaunt, further adding to his family’s prestige.
Just before his disappearance, Elaint had been training vigorously at
the local temple to Oghma and picked up a new suit of masterwork full
plate armor. He has also been seen in the company of Kara Calaudra
of late. Peuter warned him of the intrigues of House Calaudra, but
Elaint would hear none of it. If things had continued, Peuter would
have been forced to act to “ensure his House’s security.”
House Calaudra: Presided over by Andros Calaudra, this moon
half-elf house has grown steadily but kept its ambitions carefully in
check. Its long-term strategies have served the Calaudras well, but they
understand that theirs will never be more than a minor house. The
prejudice engendered by their mixed heritage ensures that. Andros is
aware of his daughter’s infatuation with Elaint Marsk, and he would
not object to an alliance by marriage to House Marsk. Still, he warned
Kara that humans usually cannot be trusted, and that she should be
prepared for disappointment. Kara had been sponsoring an adventur-
ing party of late, and had withdrawn relatively small sums of money
from the family coffers for horses, supplies, and other expenses. So
far, she had little to show for her investments, but as long as the sums
were minor, House Calaudra could be patient. All Calaudra family
members train as wizards, and Kara is no exception. She has a raven
familiar named Esselios.
House Natali: Vagr Natali presides over the largest of the minor
houses. Although his holdings are much reduced since the Leiyrag-
hon coup, he continues to seek revenge against his enemies. Having
recently inherited the leadership of his family, Vagr publicly competes
with the great houses and has loudly blamed Dornig Leiyraghon
for the death of his father. The noble agrees to see the PCs but only
to make it clear that he had nothing to do with the missing scions.
His own son Brin is safely at home, but is of weak intellect and has
a withered leg. Vagr offers the PCs 500 gp to secure proof that he
is not responsible. With slight adjustments, the PCs fi nd a similar
reception (though without the offer of a reward) at any of the other
minor houses in Melvaunt.
Lord of Keys: Halmuth Bruil was the true heir of House Bruil, but
he couldn’t stand his father and gave up his birthright. He has since
secured the position of Lord of Keys, commanding Melvaunt’s army
and city watch. His ruthless brutality leads many to underestimate
his cunning and skill at strategy as well as tactics. Halmuth couldn’t
care less about the noble “brats,” particularly Nanther’s and his own.
Still, he is concerned about the distraction the disappearances have
caused, particularly given the increased orc raids going on outside the
city walls. He meets with the PCs but offers little at fi rst, gauging
their mettle. In the end, he informs them that the guard captain of
the northern gate reported a party of six heavily cloaked adventurers
leaving that gate late at night fi ve days ago. Judging by their supplies,
—The other missing youths are Argens Bruil, Kalman Leiyraghon,
Elaint Marsk, and Kara Calaudra.
—Oreal has some ranger training but is carefree, spoiled, and reck-
less. He also is far too trusting. He has even gone so far as to argue
that peace between the great houses is possible, perhaps among the
younger generation. Woarsten forbade him from pursuing any liaisons
that would undermine House Nanther’s security or position.
—The greatest enemies of House Nanther are Lord Dornig
Leiyraghon, a “rotten man with a vicious temper,” and the Lord
of Keys, Halmuth Bruil. Not surprisingly, Lord Leiyraghon has re-
fused to meet with Woarsten or respond to his missives. Lord Bruil
is purportedly conducting an investigation but has sent no report to
House Nanther.
—The Bruils and lesser houses of Melvaunt wouldn’t dare raise a
fi nger against House Nanther. It’s very unlikely they had any hand
in Oreal’s disappearance.
—Assassins from Zhentil Keep or Mulmaster are always a concern,
but they probably had no hand in the disappearances.
—Orc raids on the infrequent caravans to the northern settlement
of Glister and on outlying farms have become much more pronounced
lately. Still, the city is safe from their depredations and no orc would
dare attack a noble family.
The Melvaunt
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