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Thinking in Java, 3rd Edition, Beta
Thinking in Java,
3 rd Edition, Beta
Bruce Eckel, President,
MindView, Inc.
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Note : This document requires the installation of the fonts Georgia,
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Modifications in Revision 3.0 (unreleased)
Reorganized chapters into their final form and numbering. Split
chapter 1 by moving “Analysis and design” to Chapter 16.
Modified the description of the chapters in the introduction. (This
needs to be revisited again.
Finished threading chapter. Dining philosophers problem added
to threading chapter.
Edited/rewrote chapters 1 - 11, 14 and Appendix A, B & D, which
went to production.
Added Applet Signing and Java Web Start sections to “Creating
Windows and Applets.”
Added examples showing threading in “Creating Windows and
Added improved access control to most classes (more private
fields, in particular).
Made general improvements throughout the code base.
Changed cleanup( ) to dispose( )
Changed “friendly” to “package access”
Changed “function” to “method” most places
Added Preferences API section
Removed Microsoft EULA (no longer needed for CD)
Rewrote to use regular expressions;
Renamed “death condition” to “termination condition”
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Modifications in Revision 2.0 (9/13/2002)
Completed part of the rewrite of the threading chapter. This
simplifies the introduction to threading and removes all the GUI
examples, so that the threading chapter may be moved to appear
earlier in the book.
Reorganized material into reasonably final form, and assigned
chapter numbers. Chapters may still migrate.
Finished com.bruceeckel.simpletest framework and
integrated all test-instrumented examples back into the main
book. Added prose for testing system in Chapter 15. Also updated
most examples in book to reflect improvements in testing system.
Note: we are still refactoring this code to make it simpler. Stay
Added sections on JDK 1.4 assertions, including design-by-
contract, to chapter 15.
Added JUnit introduction and example to chapter 15.
Changed “static inner class” to “nested class.”
Modified so it wouldn’t fail on fast machines,
added description.
Moved into the GUI chapter, since the non-
GUI threading chapter will now appear before the GUI chapter.
Modifications in Revision 1.0 (7/12/2002):
Changed to email-based BackTalk system, which is much simpler
to use and may be used while reading the document offline.
Added “Testing and Debugging” chapter, currently numbered 15.
This includes a simple testing system and an introduction to
JUnit, as well as a thorough introduction to Logging and an
introduction to using debuggers and profilers.
Added test framework to examples in the book. Not all examples
are fully tested yet, but most are at least executed. Comment flags
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on examples indicate the testing status of each. Significant change:
program output is displayed and tested directly in the source, so
readers can see what the output will actually be.
Change to Ant as the build tool, added package statements to
disambiguate duplicate names so Ant won’t complain. Running
Ant on the book not only compiles but also runs the
aforementioned tests.
HTML is now generated by a new tool called LogicTran
( ) . Still learning to use this one, so early
versions will be a bit rough.
Replaced Thread Group section in multithreading chapter.
Removed JNI appendix (available in the electronic 2 nd edition on
the CD or via download from
Removed Jini section (available in the electronic 2 nd edition on the
CD or via download from
Removed Corba section (available in the electronic 2 nd edition on
the CD or via download from after talking to
Dave Bartlett (Corba & XML expert), who observed that Corba has
gone quiet and everyone has gone up a level to the use of XML for
system integration instead of Corba.
Made a number of technical corrections suggested over the last 2
years. Most suggestions have been archived but not made yet.
Add “cloud of teachers, mentors, consultants” re: Larry’s
Check for double spaces in text, replace ( ) with ( ), correct em-
dashes – with —
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Third Edition
Bruce Eckel
President, MindView, Inc.
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