The.Naked.Kitchen.2009. DVDRip.txt

(32 KB) Pobierz
00:01:35:Are you up?
00:01:37:What are you doing?
00:01:40:Forgot again?
00:01:41:That's why I have you.
00:01:45:- Mo-rae.|- Yes?
00:01:47:- Need to wash?|- Uh?
00:01:53:Hey. You come here.|Stay still.
00:02:01:Did I mention,|I was thinking about going to this?
00:02:08:- Heremes, why's this out?|- The wedding anniversary!
00:02:14:With this?
00:02:18:How is it?
00:02:22:What's gotten...
00:02:28:AHN Mo-rae. Behave.
00:02:31:Want to have you,
00:04:21:The clear blue sky|brightens any mood.
00:04:31:Not raining,
00:04:36:but your business seems...
00:04:40:I'm just worried.
00:04:42:It's going to be sunny.
00:04:43:There should be|more customers.
00:04:51:Can I exchange this|for an umbrella?
00:04:56:But we only carry parasols.
00:05:12:My assistant took off again.|Sorry for me?
00:05:15:Just for today, please!
00:05:17:I'm meeting my husband today.
00:05:19:I am paying you this time.
00:05:20:No. No no no no!
00:05:22:Please, you're an angel,|aren't you?
00:05:27:Ok? Ok?
00:05:29:Can't see the groom's face.
00:05:32:Do it towards the camera.
00:05:34:Yes. Perfect.
00:05:37:The bride, see here too.
00:05:43:- Assistant.|- Yes?
00:05:48:Look beautiful.|Smile.
00:05:59:You can't distinguish|your hobby and profession.
00:06:02:Frankly, you don't look like|a chef at all,
00:06:05:the epitome of a stock manager.
00:06:08:Make sure|you'll be the first customer.
00:06:15:I'm tired of talking about money|all the time.
00:06:17:I like when you talk business.
00:06:26:When's the last time|you've seen a sky like this?
00:06:29:I told you|this is not you.
00:06:31:Life's too short.|Let me live my passion.
00:06:40:Can you be any louder?
00:06:42:You act as if you were|the only one working today.
00:06:48:Actually I'd rather work alone.
00:06:50:Go away.
00:06:53:- What?|- My pay.
00:07:01:- Where are you going?|- A present. Something he'll love.
00:07:08:Want to drop me off?
00:07:52:Do Not Touch the Glass
00:09:23:Are you ok?
00:09:29:You scared me to death.
00:09:34:Same here.
00:09:35:Are you ok?
00:09:47:Bad feeling.
00:09:49:Did I break it?
00:09:55:Pay me instead?
00:10:02:One second.
00:10:08:Now, check.
00:10:24:Are you done?
00:10:27:Please get this done today.
00:10:35:Hey. Turn it around.
00:10:39:No I said 'Turn it'.
00:10:41:Turn the other way around.
00:10:46:That's fragile.|Be gentle, please.
00:10:51:Don't make it so close to wall.|It can be broken.
00:13:33:I have a confession to make.
00:13:37:I quit the job.|Starting new with Joo-hyuck.
00:13:42:Already got the investor.
00:13:44:Actually, it's been prepared|for a long time.
00:13:48:I thought I'd rather ask for|forgiveness than understanding.
00:13:51:You in shock?
00:13:55:I knew what you really like.
00:13:59:You feel happiest|when you cook.
00:14:04:Am I forgiven?
00:14:06:I dare to,|it's not a big deal.
00:14:12:Thank you.
00:14:16:I think I have the best wife.
00:14:19:I like when you smile.
00:14:22:I like when you're like this.
00:14:32:At the exhibition,
00:14:39:I met a guy.
00:14:41:A guy?
00:14:43:I don't even know where|he lives, number, or name.
00:14:49:That's it?|Why didn't you ask for it?
00:14:58:Tasted strange.
00:15:04:Bro.|He came out of nowhere,
00:15:08:and it just happened.
00:15:11:Sunlight was stinging, woozy,|and being dazed.
00:15:16:I would've not told you|if it was serious.
00:15:22:Who's the asshole?
00:15:25:No idea.
00:15:28:an asshole.
00:15:40:I'm sorry.
00:15:53:Let me finish|what I was saying.
00:15:54:Besides Joo-hyuk,|there's one more partner.
00:15:56:He's more like a mentor,
00:16:00:a Korean-French I met in Paris.
00:16:03:He's been helping me with|the menu for the restaurant.
00:16:06:Not much time has left|until the opening,
00:16:09:I asked him to stay with us,|to learn as much as I can.
00:16:13:Is it ok?
00:16:16:It's not?
00:16:20:And you?
00:16:23:Are you ok?
00:16:25:What if not?
00:16:29:Let's not talk about it.
00:16:37:it's he or she?
00:16:41:A kid, 23 years old.
00:16:55:Was it easy to find?
00:16:57:- Was it easy to find.|- Say hello to...
00:17:02:Must be AHN Mo-rae.
00:17:17:Used to be my mother's.
00:17:21:You need anything else?
00:17:28:Anything need?
00:17:35:Let's celebrate.|Why don't you stay.
00:17:38:- Spend the night here?|- Yes.
00:17:42:I have a wife.
00:17:56:For you to be comfortable,|although it'll stink.
00:18:02:Of who?
00:18:04:You don't have any other bags|but this?
00:18:07:One other suitcase outside.|The rest will be in your hands.
00:18:12:You certainly learned how to be|effortless from frequent traveling.
00:18:44:I need to talk.
00:18:47:- The guy I met today.|Stop.
00:18:53:Don't say it.
00:18:55:If it isn't now,|I won't be able to say again.
00:19:09:Was there more than|what you told me?
00:19:12:No, it's not that.
00:19:14:- But...|- Enough, then.
00:19:22:Listen to me carefully,|Mo-rae.
00:19:27:Don't you ever,|and never mention it.
00:19:32:I'll forget it after tonight,|and you will, too.
00:19:36:It never happened.|Got it?
00:19:41:I feel so uneasy.
00:19:53:You wanna kill me|to ease your feeling?
00:19:57:You're wounded, and it hurts.
00:20:06:So lets not discuss it.|It'll only get worse.
00:20:14:I'm sorry.
00:20:20:Let's sleep.|So the night will pass quickly.
00:20:48:- What's matter?|- Bro.
00:20:51:Only the cold water is working.
00:20:57:- That's strange.|- It's freezing.
00:21:00:What did you do?
00:21:10:What are you doing here?
00:21:12:Forgot today's game?
00:21:15:Everyone was upset...
00:21:21:Is everything ok?
00:21:23:It's getting so close|to the date.
00:21:27:Wanna try?
00:21:28:Drinking this early|in the morning?
00:21:36:Wow. Awesome.
00:21:40:Can't wait to see|how they'd react.
00:21:47:You say one thing,|and you act differently.
00:21:51:That's cheating.
00:21:53:Have you seen me doing that?
00:21:56:Haven't right?
00:22:01:Did he come?|The genius chef, PARK Du-re?
00:22:31:Are you really the Mo-rae?
00:22:41:AHN Mo-rae.|You are crazy.
00:22:44:You've really done it.|Never would I have imagined.
00:22:49:I am really glad|to hear that, though.
00:22:52:Sang-in has been the only man|since you were a kid, until now.
00:22:58:Having no experience|is so unfair.
00:23:02:You, naughty girl.
00:23:05:It's a gift from God.
00:23:08:A new option before|you get any older.
00:23:11:Don't worry.|It's only between you and me.
00:23:16:I'm so envious.
00:23:17:He knows, too.
00:23:19:Hello.|This is KIM Sun-woo.
00:23:22:I mean...|he knows.
00:23:27:You stupid girl.|Are you committing suicide?
00:23:34:AHN Mo-re. You!
00:23:36:You not thinking?|Or no brain to think?
00:23:39:Don't you know|what's to tell and not to?
00:23:42:You're making me crazy.
00:23:47:- Only a week left.|- Do it again?
00:23:55:- Ok. It's time.|- Wait a sec. Give me...
00:24:13:- Opening, less than a month now.|- I know. But, these pictures...
00:24:19:These photographs are strange.|Who took them?
00:24:27:Hey, Du-re PARK.
00:24:32:He did only French cooking.
00:24:34:And I did only|property managing.
00:24:40:Shouldn't be that hard...
00:24:55:He is something.
00:24:59:My whole life is|relying on you two.
00:25:02:Failing will burn|myself to death.
00:25:07:What do you mean?
00:25:11:- He meant baking.|- Baking?
00:25:15:How much is this?
00:25:30:Thought you were a customer.
00:25:33:Oh yeah?
00:25:35:I'll buy one then.
00:25:40:I like this.
00:25:43:I wasn't expecting you.
00:25:47:Feel like crying.
00:25:49:How much you saying?
00:25:51:I'm saying thank you.
00:26:03:He's holding|a newcomer party.
00:26:57:Very delicious.
00:27:01:Saffron sauce is perfect.
00:27:05:- Isn't it?|O Yes, really soft.
00:27:11:More to eat?
00:27:15:- I'm so full, not any more.|- Me, neither.
00:27:18:For man, for woman.
00:27:22:Like restroom?
00:27:44:So good.
00:27:50:Born to be a chef.
00:27:53:How could it come out|with so simple touch?
00:27:59:He must've lived a chef|in another life.
00:28:06:I began to believe Mozart's talent|because of this guy.
00:28:13:Someone like me,
00:28:15:try so hard to make one|by memorizing recipe.
00:28:19:But this guy doesn't even read,|and makes real good.
00:28:27:Would you know|how I'd feel?
00:28:37:He's always like this.|This means he's drunken.
00:28:41:Delivery is available.
00:28:45:Always acting like a man.
00:28:48:But look cute, Sang-in.
00:28:53:My mom in the grave|would kill me
00:28:56:for starting this business.
00:28:59:Hope she never finds out.
00:29:02:His mom?
00:29:04:No. Her favorite song|by SHIM Soo-bong.
00:29:09:So both he and I|like her, too.
00:29:14:Please be kind to|this disciple.
00:29:18:I want to learn from you.
00:29:23:Let's go, bro.
00:29:31:You said|the delivery is available.
00:29:39:I want to live like|this forever.
00:29:43:I promised to him|not to talk about it again.
00:29:47:Then what about my guilty?
00:29:49:Are you going to tell him?
00:29:54:Afraid he'll get hurt?
00:29:57:I don't want that either.
00:30:00:Cuz I like him, too.
00:30:10:But what if I like you|as much as him?
00:30:34:Why didn't you ask me?
00:30:36:I could've made this.
00:30:44:What is that?
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