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Conditionals Type 1


    A - Comment on the situations. Use if+ the present tense + will/can.             


>       It might rain. If it does, everyone can eat inside.
// it rains, everyone can eat inside.

>       The children mustn't go near Nick's dog. It'll bite them.
If the children go near Nick's dog, it'll bite them.


1         Rachel might fail her driving test. But she can take it again.

2         United might lose. If they do, Tom will be upset.

3         The office may be closed. In that case Mark won't be able to get in.

4         Nick may arrive a bit early. If he does, he can help Tom to get things ready.

5         The party might go on all night. If it does, no one will want to do any work tomorrow.

6         Emma may miss the train. But she can get the next one.

7         Is Matthew going to enter the race? He'll probably win it.


Conditionals - Type 2

    B - Comment on these situations. Use a type 2 conditional with would or could.


>■   Andrew is such a boring person because he works all the time.

You know, if Andrew didn’t work all the time, he wouldn't be such a boring person.

>■   You can't take a photo because you haven't got your camera.

How annoying. If I had my camera, I could take a photo.


1              You can't look the word up because you haven't got a dictionary.

I'm sorry.             

2              You don't write to your friends because you're so busy.

I’ve got so much to do             

3              You can't play tennis because your back is aching.

It's a nuisance             

4              Claire won't marry Henry because she doesn't love him.

Of course,             

5              Nick can't find the way because he hasn't got a map.

Nick's lost, but             

6              David has so many accidents because he's so clumsy.

You know,             

C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Os meus documentos\As minhas imagens\frames1\BD03258.WMF

C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Os meus documentos\As minhas imagens\CLIPS EFEIT G\visconde1.gif

Conditionals - Type 3

C - Comment on each situation using a type 3 conditional with if. Use would have, could have or might have.


>■   In a bookshop yesterday Daniel saw a book he really wanted. The only problem was that he didn't have any money.     

Daniel would have bought the book if he had had any money.

>■   Rita often goes to concerts at the town hall, although not to every one. There was one on Saturday, but she didn't know about it.    

Rita might have gone to the concert if she had known about it.


1        On Sunday the guests had to have their lunch inside. Unfortunately it wasn't warm enough to have it outside                           

2        There was a bomb scare last Tuesday. Sarah wanted to fly to Rome, but she wasn't able to. The airport was closed             

3        Laura has only met Nick once, and it's possible she wouldn't recognize him. He passed her yesterday, but he had a crash-helmet on             

4        Sarah has been quite busy, and she hasn't watered her plants for some time. As a result, they’ve died……………………………………………………………….

Nick likes ice hockey, but he didn't have a ticket to the game last week, so unfortunately he wasn't able to get in             

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