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Teacher’s Notes
Back to school
by Magdalena Kondro
Type of activity: individual and group work
Focus: deinitions, vocabulary connected with
summer festivals, listening, reading and writing
skills, spelling
Level: elementary – pre-intermediate; grades 4–6
Time: 45 minutes
Preparation: Bring two monolingual dictionaries,
preferably simpliied ones for learners, such as
Macmillan’s Essential Dictionary. Make one copy of
Student’s Worksheet 1 for each student and four
copies of Student’s Worksheet 2 for the whole class.
4. Teams take it in turns to choose a word and say
whether it is correct or not. If the word is misspelt,
they must be able to write the correct version on
the board. They get a point for each correct
answer and then all teams cross the word out. If
they give a wrong answer –, e.g. say a word is
correct when it is not or vice-versa or are unable
to correct the mistake if it is misspelt – they lose
all their accumulated points. The word can then
be chosen by another team. The team with the
most points at the end wins.
Answers: the correct versions of all the words
are underlined in the article.
1. Give each student a copy of Student’s Worksheet 1.
Pre-teach the following words: mud, slide,
ireworks display, kite, tail, bucket, battle,
ireighters, hose. Students then read about
unusual summer festivals around the world and
choose their favourite event. Have the class vote
for their favourite festival by raising their hands.
Ask a few students to justify their choices.
2. Have the students read the article again and
answer the questions. Explain any words they ind
dificult. In pairs, students compare their answers.
Check the answers with the whole class.
Answers: 1. On the beach in Boryeong, South
Korea. 2. There is a irework display. 3. Strong
winds blow across the country. 4. Ten or more.
5. Pirate costumes. 6. They eat nice food at
restaurants and go dancing. 7. Goggles and gloves
for protection. 8. Fireighters.
3. Students put away their Student’s Worksheets 1
and are not allowed to use them in the next stage.
Divide the class into 4 teams and give each one a
copy of Student’s Worksheet 2. Explain that it
contains 16 words from the article about the
summer festivals, but some of the words are
misspelt. The teams then have 4 minutes to decide
which words are correct and which are not, as
well as to correct the mistakes.
Students choose a summer festival in Poland and
write a short description of it modelled on the article
from Student’s Worksheet 1. They should include
information on when and where the festival takes
place, what happens during the event and any other
interesting details. Encourage them to do their
research on the Internet. You can suggest the
following festivals to write about: Wolin Slavs and
Viking Festival (Festiwal Słowian i Wikingów w
Wolinie), Sail Szczecin (Dni Morza), Brave Festival in
Wrocław, Festival of Ancient Culture ‘Common
Cultural Heritage’ in Malbork (Festiwal Kultury
© Macmillan Polska 2011
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