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Teacher’s Notes
World Carfree Day
by Magdalena Kondro
Type of activity: individual and pair work
Focus: making suggestions, vocabulary connected
with the environment and transportation; listening
and speaking skills
Level: pre - intermediate – upper-intermediate;
upper secondary
Time: 45 minutes
Preparation: Make a copy of the Student’s Worksheet
for each student.
Suggested answers:
1. petroleum dependency – being dependent on
petroleum as a fuel, 2. greenhouse emissions
greenhouse gases that trap heat in the
atmosphere and contribute to the greenhouse
effect, 3. air pollution –pollution of the
atmosphere which occurs when the air contains
gases, fumes or odours in harmful amounts,
4. noise pollution – harmful levels of noise,
5. traffi c congestion - a condition when cars
can scarcely move because there are too many
of them on a road, 6. automobile crashes
violent collisions of one or more cars with each
other or with a different obstacle.
4. Students can now read task 2 and decide how they
would reduce the use of cars in their country.
Encourage them to consider each point on the list
and make notes about their ideas. They should
make sure the suggestions take into account the
environment, the people as well as the economy
of their country and are not harmful to any of
those. You may need to pre-teach the following
terms: carpooling (an arrangement between two
or more people to make a regular journey in a
single car to reduce costs, typically with each
person taking turns to be the driver) and
commuting (traveling some distance between
one’s home and the workplace on a regular
5. In pairs, students present their suggestions to
each other, using the expressions in the box.
Review or introduce the structures following the
verbs suggest, propose, recommend before
students begin their task.
6. Elicit suggestions for each point from different
students. Ask the class which of the proposed
solutions are the easiest to introduce and which
are improbable.
1. Tell students about the last time you travelled by
car as a driver or a passenger. Mention where you
were going and why. Say whether you could have
used a different, more eco-friendly transportation
in that situation or not. Then ask students to work
in groups of 3–4 and to talk about their last
experience of travelling by car. Find out how many
students had the option of using a different form
of transport on that journey but did not choose it.
2. Explain that in today’s lesson students are going
to talk about reducing the use of cars. Ask students
to work in the same groups as in stage 1 and to
come up with a list of problems generated by the
use of cars. They can think of environmental,
social, health and any other kinds of problems.
Give students 5 minutes for this activity. The
group with the longest list reads out the problems
they have identifi ed. The other groups listen and
add any problems that have not been mentioned.
3. Hand out the copies of the Student’s Worksheet.
Explain that the fi rst task includes 6 problems
connected with cars, but some letters are missing.
Ask students to try to complete the words. Check
the answers with the whole class. Then tell
students to write their own defi nitions of the
problems and then ask them to compare these in
pairs. Elicit the defi nitions proposed by different
students. With a lower level, instead of having
the class write defi nitions, read the suggested
defi nitions below for students to match with the
correct terms.
Students choose one of the suggestions made for
reducing the use of cars and write a for and against
essay on this topic, e.g. Should petrol and diesel
cars be banned from all cities?
© Macmillan Polska 2011
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