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Teacher’s Notes
World Carfree Day
by Magdalena Kondro
Type of activity: individual, pair and group work
Focus: vocabulary connected with transportation,
expressions for discussing advantages and
disadvantages of modes of transport; reading,
listening and speaking skills
Level: elementary – intermediate; lower secondary
Time: 30–40 minutes
Preparation: Make a copy of the Student’s Worksheet
for each student. (Optional) Find images of the
vehicles from Activity 3 on the Internet.
5. If you have access to the Internet in class, use a
search engine to fi nd images of each vehicle,
especially of the ones that are new to students.
Show the pictures to the whole class and ask
students what they think of each vehicle, which
ones they have used and which ones they would
like to try.
Alternatively, divide students into pairs, then ask
Student A in each pair to turn their back to the
screen and show Student B an image of one of the
vehicles students may not have seen, e.g. a
Segway. Student B then describes the image in
detail for Student A to draw. When the drawing is
fi nished, Student A compares it with the image on
the screen. Repeat with Student A dictating
another image to Student B.
6. Ask students to imagine that their town authorities
plan to reduce car traffi c in the area in which
they live and want to encourage more eco-friendly
vehicles instead. In the same pairs as in stage 3
above, students should discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of using each form of transport
from Activity 3 in their area. Encourage them to
use the expressions from Activity 4 in their
7. Go through the eight forms of transport with the
whole class and elicit their advantages and
disadvantages from different pairs.
1. Write World Carfree Day on the board and explain
the concept behind the holiday. Divide students
into groups and ask them to make a list of
disadvantages of using a car. To prompt students’
ideas, you can list the following categories to help
them with the task: environment, health, social
life, money. Set a time limit of 3 minutes. Elicit
the ideas proposed by different groups.
2. Give each student a copy of the Student’s
Worksheet. Ask students to fold the worksheet
along the dotted line so that they can only see
Activity 1. Give students 2 minutes to write down
as many forms of transport other than cars as they
3. Students can now complete Activity 2, i.e. they
can compare their lists in pairs and tick all the
forms listed that are eco-friendly. Elicit all the
eco-friendly forms of transport students have
come up with.
4. Tell students to look at the eight eco-friendly
forms of transport in Activity 3 and ask which of
them appear on their lists from Activity 1. Then
students match the forms of transport with their
defi nitions a–h . Pre-teach: vehicle, handlebars,
platform, frame, wheels, preferably by drawing
the pictures of the objects on the board. Encourage
students to begin the matching task with vehicles
they know and to make guesses about the
unfamiliar ones. Check the answers with the
whole class and practice the pronunciations of
the names of the vehicles.
Refer students to the website below and ask them to
choose the vehicle they like best:
b l o g / 2 0 1 0 / 3 5 - c o o l - a l t e r n a t e - m o d e s - o f -
transportation. Students should then write a
description of the vehicle. They can use the
defi nitions from Activity 3 as a model.
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