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Teacher’s Notes
Buy Nothing Day
by Magdalena Kondro
Type of activity: whole-class and pair work
Focus: vocabulary connected with shopping; listening
and speaking skills
Level: elementary – pre-intermediate; grades 4-6
Time: 30 minutes
Preparation: Make a copy of Student’s Worksheet
for each student.
7. When the students have finished, they decide on
the basis of the answers if their classmate should
or should not buy the product. They must be able
to justify their decision. Give them 4 minutes to
prepare what they are going to say. Then ask each
student to say to the class what product their
classmate chose and to present their own decision.
Encourage them to use the expressions from
Activity 2. If you have a large class, put the
students into groups of 5-6 for this activity and
ask them to present their decision to the group.
1. Explain the idea of Buy Nothing Day to the
students. Depending on the level of the class, use
L1 or L2 to tell the students that, while it is
impossible to live without buying anything in our
lives, we should think carefully about what we
buy and how much we buy in order to save the
limited resources of our planet.
2. Elicit from the students examples of things they
have bought but never use. Write the ideas on the
board. Find out why they bought these objects in
the first place.
3. Explain that in today’s lesson the students are
going to learn the questions they should be asking
themselves before they decide to buy something,
so that they can make smart and environmentally
friendly choices.
4. Ask the students to imagine that they have won
€100 in a school competition and they can buy
anything they want for this money, other than
food and drink. They cannot save the money. If
they choose a few products within the limit, ask
them to pick one of those for the next stage of
the activity.
5. Give a copy of Student’s Worksheet to each
student. Go through the questions with the whole
class and explain any words the students do not
know. Elicit or explain why the origin of the
product (question 8) is important: if we buy locally
produced goods, we save money on transportation
and there is less pollution related to fuel as they
travel a shorter distance.
6. Divide the students into pairs and ask them to
interview each other about their products. They
should ask the questions and write down the
answers in note form in Activity 1.
Tell the class that you have a niece and nephew
(twins) who are exactly of your students’ age. Their
birthday is on Buy Nothing Day and you would like to
give them a present but you do not want to buy
anything. Ask the students to work in pairs and make
a list of presents you could give that do not require
any money. Suggestions may include cooking
something, creating something by hand, etc. Set a
time limit. The pair with the longest list and the pair
with the idea you like best win.
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