1959_Look! I Am Making All Things New (Oto wszystko nowym czynię).docx

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How tired we all are of the old things! We and our forefathers have suffered because of them for so long! And things keep getting worse. Men are trying to change things for the better. Yet men have nothing new to offer, and they prove themselves unable to wipe out hatred, oppression, poverty, wickedness, suffering and death.

However, the great Creator, who sits on high in the heavens, has observed all this human helplessness. He promises us a real change for the better, yes, for the best. We can believe him when he says to us in his written Word: "Look! I am making all things new." These words have inspired the writing of this beautiful booklet. Your reading it will give you a truly new outlook for the future, which you may live to enjoy. For this reason we take pleasure in publishing it, and we wish you Heaven's blessing in reading it that you may fully enter into the happy new things.







Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
International Bible Students Association
Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.







Made in the United States of America





"Look! I Am Making
All Things New"


SEE the happy people on the cover of this booklet. Would you not like to be one of them? Why, yes, you say. For here is the peace and harmony desired by all mankind. People of all races — the black, the white, the yellow — are mingling as one family. What joy! What unity! Obviously these people are not worrying about nuclear fallouts, or the threat of hydrogen bombs. Jet warplanes do not shatter the peaceful skies above this lovely park. There are no soldiers, no tanks, no guns. Not even a police baton is needed to keep order. War and crime simply do not exist. And no housing shortages; for everyone has a beautiful home to call his own.

2 Just look at those children! Their play is a joy to behold. What animals to play with! No iron bars are needed in this park, for all animals are at peace with mankind and with one another. Even the lion and the lamb have become friends. See those gaily colored birds as they flit hither and thither, and hear their beautiful songs join children's laughter in filling the air. No cages? No, for all is freedom and unrestricted joy in this domain. Just smell the fragrance of those flowers, hear the rippling of the stream, feel the tingling


1-4. (a) What glorious prospect now confronts all mankind? (b) Why should the facts in proof receive serious consideration?




warmth of the sun. Oh, for a taste of the fruit in that basket, for it is the best that earth can produce, the very best, like everything that is to be seen and enjoyed in this glorious parklike garden.

3 But stop, someone says, where are the old people? Should they not share, too, in enjoying this happy society? Actually the old people are right there, but they are growing young again. In this park no one dies from old age. The young now grow up to mature manhood, and grow no older. Whether twenty years old or two hundred years old, each of the millions of persons living in this park rejoices in the zest of youthful living, in perfect health. Millions, you say? Yes, millions, for this park is being extended to the ends of the earth. In it will be all the glories of nature, from Fujiyama to the Himalayas, from Hong Kong to the Mediterranean, and thousands more. For all earth is being transformed into a paradise park. It will be paradise restored earth-wide.

4 Unbelievable, did you say? First, though, consider the facts in proof. It is possible for you and your family to survive the passing of the present troubled world, and to enter the new world represented on our cover.*


5 All these glorious things, and the certainty of them, are explained in a book, the most wonderful book ever written. It is called the Bible. It is the oldest book on earth, its origin stretching back nearly 6,000 years. At the same time, it is the most up-to-date book in presenting sound, prac-


* Bible references in support of the above: (1) Acts 17:26; Psalm 46:9; Micah 4:3, 4, AS; Isaiah 65:21-23; (2) Isaiah 65:25; 11:6-9; Isaiah 55:12, 13; Psalm 67:6, 7; (3) Job 33:25; Isaiah 35:5, 6; Isaiah 33:24; Psalm 104:24; (4) Isaiah 55:11.


5. (a) What book explains these things? (b) In what ways is this an outstanding book?




tical counsel for modern-day living. Its prophecies arouse bright hope for the future. It is the best seller of all history, over 2,000,000,000 copies having been distributed world-wide in more than 1,100 different languages.

6 No other holy book has had so universal a distribution, nor does any have origins even half as old. The Koran of Mohammedanism is less than 1,400 years old. Buddha and Confucius lived about 2,500 years ago, and their writings date from that time. The Scriptures of Shinto were composed in their present form no more than 1,200 years ago. The Book of Mormon is only 140 years old. None of these holy books can accurately trace human history back through 6,000 years, as does the Bible. To understand original religion, we must therefore go to the Bible. It is the only book with a universal message for all mankind.

7 The wisdom and beauty of the Bible message have been acclaimed by thinking men from all nations and from all walks of life. The famous scientist and discoverer of the law of gravity, Sir Isaac Newton, said: "No sciences are better attested to than the Bible." Patrick Henry, the American revolutionary leader famous for the words "Give me liberty, or give me death," also declared: "The Bible is worth all other books which have ever been printed." Even the great Hindu sage Mahatma Gandhi once told the British viceroy of India: "When your country and mine shall get together on the teachings laid down by Christ in this Sermon of the Mount, we shall have solved the problems, not only of our countries but those of the whole world." Gandhi was speaking of Matthew, chapters 5 to 7, in the Bible. Read these


6. What distinguishes the Bible from other holy writings?
7. What do thinking men say of the Bible?




chapters yourself, and see if you do not thrill to their powerful message.


8 Contrary to popular belief, the Bible is not a product of, nor does it glorify, the civilization of the West. Almost the entire Bible was written in Oriental countries. The men who wrote it down were all Orientals. The first human writings were made in the Middle East, nearly 6,000 years ago, by the first man, Adam. Nearly 3,500 years before the birth of Buddha, Adam wrote down "a history of the heavens and the earth in the time of their being created" (Genesis 1:1 to 2:4) and "the book of Adam's history" (Genesis 2:5 to 5:2). The first man knew these things. He had been told them by his Creator, or he himself had experienced them, and so he could record them. However, he proved unfaithful to his Creator. Some 2,500 years later, and still 1,000 years before Buddha, Moses, the man of God, edited Adam's histories and nine other histories by men of ancient times into one continuous record. This record begins the first book of the Bible, called Genesis. From this beginning, the Bible follows one harmonious theme right through to its final book of Revelation. The last book was written about six hundred years after Buddha. Did you know that the Bible is made up of sixty-six different books? Yes, the Bible is a library in itself! Over a period of 1,600 years, from Moses' time on, some thirty-five different men shared in writing the completely harmonious record of the Bible. They testify that their writings were inspired by a Power far higher than mortal man. — 2 Samuel 23:2; 2 Peter 1:21; Luke 1:70.


8. (a) What were the origins of the Bible? (b) What kind of book is the Bible? (c) What did its writers say concerning its authorship?




9 Most remarkable, too, is the way the Bible has come down to this day. For thousands of years, and until the invention of printing about five hundred years ago, copies of the Bible had to be made by hand. It was copied over and over again, but always with great care. Today, there are still in existence about 16,000 handwritten copies of the Bible, or parts of the Bible, some even surviving from the second century before Christ. No other literary work of ancient times was so diligently copied and recopied. By comparing many handwritten copies, it has been proved that the errors made in recopying were very few, and, further, it has been possible to establish the original text of the Bible. A leading authority on Bible manuscripts, Sir Frederic Kenyon, says: "The last foundation for any doubt that the Scriptures have come down to us substantially as they were written has now been removed." Moreover, accurate translations have been made into nearly all of earth's languages, from the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek languages in which the Bible was originally written.

10 Some have tried to discredit the Bible by saying it is inaccurate. However, in recent years, archaeologists have dug into the ruins of ancient cities in Bible lands and have found inscriptions and other evidence proving conclusively that the persons and places mentioned even in the oldest Bible records actually existed. They have unearthed much evidence proving a global deluge, which the Bible says took place more than 4,000 years ago, in Noah's day. On this point, Prince Mikasa, who is well-known as a student of and authority on archaeology, states: "Was there really a Flood? As the result of excavations by


9. (a) How did the Bible come down to our day? (b) What can be said as to the accuracy of modern-day Bibles?
10. How have modern discoveries confirmed the Bible record?




archaeologists in recent years, the fact that the flood actually took place has been convincingly proved."*


11 Just as some people have scoffed about the Bible, others scoff about there being an Almighty God. (2 Peter 3:3-5) They say, "How can I believe in God, since I cannot see him? How is it possible to understand an invisible Creator higher than man? Does not God dwell in everything?" Others say, "There is no God or Buddha." However, the Bible shows that just as all of us receive life through an earthly father, so our original ancestors received life from a heavenly Father or Creator, whose personal name is Jehovah. — Psalm 100:3.

12 Jehovah is the Author of the Bible. He is the Great Spirit, existing through all eternity. (John 4:24; Psalm 90:1, 2) His name Jehovah calls attention to his purpose toward his creatures. It is his purpose to vindicate that great name by destroying the wicked and releasing those who love him for joyous living in his new world. (Exodus 6:2-8; Isaiah 35:1, 2) Being the Almighty God, he has the power to do this. As the Creator of all the universe, he is far above ordinary national gods and idols. — Isaiah 42:5, 8; Psalm 115:1, 4-8.

13 Jehovah has made himself known to mankind through two great books. The greater of these books is the Bible, making known his purposes. (John 17:17; 1 Peter 1:24, 25) The other book is


* Monarchs and Tombs and Peoples — the Dawn of the Orient, page 25.


11. (a) Is there an Almighty God? (b) Does he have a name?
12, 13. What are some outstanding facts about Jehovah God?




the record of creation, to be seen and read in all nature.

14 During recent centuries, men of science have given much time to studying the book of nature. What have they concluded? One of the discoverers of electricity, the famous British scientist Lord Kelvin, declared: "I believe the more thoroughly science is studied the further does it take us from anything compared to atheism." The equally famous European-born scientist Albert Einstein asserted: "It is enough for me to ... reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe, which we can dimly perceive, and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifest in nature." The American scientist and Nobel Prize winner Arthur Holly Compton has said: "An orderly unfolding universe testifies to the truth of the most majestic statement ever uttered   'In the beginning God'." He was quoting the opening words of the Bible.

15 Rulers of mighty nations may boast of their intelligence and scientific accomplishment in throwing Sputnik and its successors into outer space. But how insignificant are their space ships when compared with the moon that orbits the earth, and the planets that orbit the sun! How puny the achievements of these mortal men in comparison with Jehovah's creation of billions of heavenly galaxies, each containing billions of suns like our own, and his grouping and setting them in space for measureless time! (Psalm 19:1, 2; Job 26:7, 14) It is no wonder that Jehovah regards men as mere grasshoppers, and mighty nations as "less than nothing." — Isaiah 40:13-18, 22, AS.

16 Do you live in a house? Probably you did not


14. How has the book of nature testified concerning God?
15,16. (a) How does the universe magnify God's wisdom? (b) Illustrate the foolishness of saying that God does not exist.




build the house yourself, nor do you know who did. However, the fact that you do not know the builder does not prevent you from accepting the truth that some intelligent person built it. To reason that the house built itself would appear very foolish! Since the great universe, and everything in it, required infinitely greater intelligence for its construction, does it not seem foolish to say there is no intelligent Creator? Truly, only the fool would say in his heart, "There is no Jehovah."  — Psalm 14:1.

17 The glorious wonders of nature, the flowers, the birds, the animals, the marvelous creation called man, the miracles of life and of birth — these all testify to the invisible Master Intellect that produced them. (Romans 1:20) Where there is intellect, there is mind. Where there is mind, there is a person. The supreme intellect is that of the Supreme Person, the Creator of all things living, the very Fountain of life. (Psalm 36:9) The Creator is indeed worthy of all praise and adoration.  — Psalm 104:24; Revelation 4:11.

18 There are some whose belief in God was shaken by the hard experiences of World War II. At that time each country called upon its "God," whether of the Catholic or Protestant religions, or of the Oriental religions. Could it be said that "God" gave victory to some of these nations and allowed others to be defeated? The Bible shows that none of these nations were calling on the true God. Jehovah God, the Creator of heaven and earth, is not responsible for the confusion and wars among the nations. (1 Corinthians 14:33) His thoughts are far above those of the political and militaristic nations of this earth. (Isaiah 55:8, 9) Likewise the true religion and worship of Jehovah


17. Show that God is a person, and worthy to be praised.
18. Why does God have no part in the wars of the nations?




has no part with the wars of the nations. Jehovah is far above militaristic gods, and is unique in being the God of. peace-loving men and women in all nations. As the Bible says: "God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him." (Acts 10:34, 35) Men of good will in all nations are now learning the Bible, and embracing the worship of the one true God, the Creator of all mankind.  — Acts 17:24-27.

19 Some people point to the divisions in Christendom, which claims to follow the Bible. They also say, "How can I believe the God of the Bible, when the nations that have the Bible are busy testing atom and hydrogen bombs?" The fact is that, while the Bible remains always true, the nations of Christendom have become as far removed from Bible Christianity as the North Pole is removed from the South. They are hypocritical in professing Christianity. They have the Bible, but they do not obey its teachings. The American president who ordered the first atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima once exclaimed, "Oh for an Isaiah or a St. Paul!" to guide men in this world crisis. Had he believed Isaiah of the Bible, he would never have dropped an atom bomb, for Isaiah advocated 'beating swords into plowshares and spears into pruning shears.' Moreover, it was Paul of the Bible who declared: "We do not wage warfare according to what we are in the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly." (Isaiah 2:4; 2 Corinthians 10:3, 4) However, instead of following the wise counsel of the Bible, the nations of Christendom have become involved in a great armaments race. Their claims to being Bible-obeying Christians are false. They face God's judgment for failing to do his will. — Matthew 7:18-23.


19. What proves that Christendom is unChristian and anti-God?





20 Jehovah creates, and he performs miracles. Have you ever wondered about the turning of water into blood, the parting of the Red Sea, the virgin birth of Jesus, and other miracles in the Bible? Since man is of limited intellectual power, probably he will never understand how some of these miracles happened, the same as he cannot fully understand the miracle of the sun in rising and setting each day. The creation of man was a miracle. Modern man did not see that miracle, but he knows it happened, for he is alive today to prove it. Indeed, all life and all the universe is one perpetual miracle. So are we to doubt when God's Word, the Bible, says that he performed specific miracles for specific times, even though there is no need for the same miracles today?

21 All of Jehovah's creation is miraculous and wonderful! However, of Jehovah's marvelous creations, his very first creation was the most marvelous of all. This was the creation of a spirit Son. Concerning this Son, the Bible says: "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation, because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible . . . All other things have been created through him and for him." (Colossians 1:15,16; John 1:3) This heavenly Son was named "the Word." Countless ages after his creation, he came to this earth, and was called the "man Christ Jesus." (1 Timothy 2:5) Then it was said of him: "So the Word became flesh and resided among us, and we had a view of his glory, a glory such as belongs to an only-begotten son from a father, and he was full of undeserved kindness and truth." — John 1:14.


20. Why is it reasonable to believe God's miracles?
21. Describe God's most marvelous creation.




22 The relationship of the Father and Son may be compared to a business where there is a president and under him an executive who carries out the wishes of the president. The Son is represented in Proverbs 8:22, 30 as saying: "Jehovah himself produced me as the beginning of his way, the earliest of his achievements of long ago. Then I came to be beside him as a master worker." Through this executive Son, Jehovah created many other spirit creatures, sons of God. Later, these rejoiced to see Jehovah's master worker bring forth the material heavens and the earth on which we live. Do you doubt that these things were created? Jehovah asked of ancient Job: "Where did you happen to be when I founded the earth? Tell me, if you do know understanding. When the morning stars joyfully cried out together, and all the sons of God began shouting in applause?" — Job 38:4, 7.

23 In course of time, Jehovah created living, material things on this earth, the plants, the trees, the flowers, the fish, the birds and the animals. (Genesis 1:11-13, 20-25) Then God said to his master worker: "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness . . . And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God's image he created him; male and female he created them." (Genesis 1:26, 27) Being created in the image and likeness of God, with God's great attributes of love, wisdom, justice and power, the original man was much superior to the animals. Man is in a class apart from the animals in that he is able to reason, to plan for the future, and he has the capacity to worship God. Animals do not have intellect to reason with, but they live by instinct.


22. (a) How may the relationship between God and his Son be explained? (b) What proves that God created other spirit sons?
23. What earthly creation of Jehovah is outstanding, and in what respects?




How foolish to say that there is no Creator but that the richly endowed, intelligent creature man evolved upward from unintelligent lower animals!  ...

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