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The Ultimate Guide
to Massive Arms:
Escalating Density Training
Volume I: Arms
By Charles Staley
Please note that the author and publisher of this book are NOT RESPONSIBLE in any manner what-
soever for any injury that may result from practicing the techniques and/or following the instructions
given within. Since the physical activities described herein may be too strenuous in nature for some
readers to engage in safely, it is essential that a physician be consulted prior to training.
First published in 2002 by Integrated Sport Solutions, Inc.
©2002 by Integrated Sport Solutions, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without prior written
permission from Integrated Sport Solutions, Inc.
Distributed by:
Integrated Sport Solutions, Inc.
P. O. Box 370022
Las Vegas, NV, 89137
(800) 519-2492
First edition
Printed in the United States of America
To Rebecca & Ashleigh
The Two Girls That Changed My Life
In Wonderful And Unexpected Ways...
What People Are Saying About EDT
“Just wanted to let you know that while I haven’t done an EDT
arms specialization, I did modify workout #1 into an upper and
lower body split routine. The results I got in 3 weeks—actually,
probably less than that—were stunning!!! My arms grew about
3/8" without any direct work in that time! I’m a little reluctant
about specializing on them at this point, because I might have to
invest in a new wardrobe! Thank you for making training fun
again! And simple!
—Chris Merrow, Portland, OR
“Hi Charles,
Me and two training partners recently did a four week mesocy-
cle of EDT, as a test to see how it affected us we didn’t alter any
diet or cardio regimes that were in place. Following the four
weeks we had all gained the following:
Myself : 6/8 inch each arm (eating for mass)
Training Partner 1: 1 inch each arm (eating for mass, obviously
more effectively than me!)
Training Partner 2 : 2/8 inch each arm (while severely DIETING!)
None of us where using any supplements apart from protein
shakes/MRPS. I have to say I am incredibly impressed, and it has
made me believe that this is the ONLY way to train arms. Thanks
for your program...”
—Anthony Ball, Merseyside, UK .
“I just completed my 6 week mesocycle of the EDT Arm
Specialization plan. I realize that the article recommended only 4
weeks, but after 4 weeks my arms were still growing like crazy so
I kept going! At the end of 4 weeks, my upper arm measurements
had increased from 16 inches to about 16 1/2 inches. After 6
weeks they are now close to 17 inches! Although my arm meas-
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The Ultimate Guide To Massive Arms
urements aren’t huge compared with most bodybuilders, the 3/4
inch or so that I gained has a huge visual difference. My arms
now look much bigger than before—my gym buddies have seen
my results and they have already started on their EDT mesocycle!
Just a note of advice to anyone who does this training, make sure
you get enough Vitamin C like Charles recommends. Also the
post workout ice massage works like a charm for decreasing some
of the DOMS you will get in your arms from EDT!”
—David Liu, Auckland, New Zealand
“Once again your methods blow me away in their simplicity yet
their incredible effectiveness. The best part is every workout is a com-
petition to perform better than the last workout and that is tremen-
dous for motivation. My trainers are psyched with their results and
our clients see progress every time they complete a workout.
Although I mainly train to increase combat performance, EDT is a
great cycle to use for body composition. Thanks again, Coach!”
—Tim Larkin, Master Close Combat Trainer
and Creator of Target Focused Training.
After two EDT cycles, I am a believer. The first ended abruptly
on the third session due to injury, but it was not related to EDT.
The impression that was made during the three sessions was,
“Hey what the heck, even if I don’t really gain ANYTHING, it is
still a very fun way to train. Fun in an odd way.
I didn’t really start EDT up after injury healed, wanted to crawl
back in. The “burn” hunger returned and what a return on my
Five weeks in, second go ‘round, and although I haven’t done
any arm specialization as it was presented, only tweaked it mildly,
and I am up from 16 1/4”, with a little bit of slack, (ego thing) to
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