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The Crab Nebula:
An Astrophysical Chimera
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J. Jeff Hester
School of Earth & Space Exploration, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287;
Key Words
pulsar wind nebulae, supernova remnants, historical supernovae
Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 2008. 46:127–55
First published online as a Review in Advance on
May 19, 2008
The Crab Nebula, henceforth the Crab, the remnant of the historical super-
nova of 1054 AD, has long been of intense interest. The pulsar at the center
of the Crab has a spin-down luminosity
The Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics is
online at
This article’s doi:
10 5 times that of the Sun. The
outer nebula holds several solar masses of material ejected by the explosion.
Between the two lies the trapped pulsar wind, visible as synchrotron radia-
tion at radio wavelengths through X-ray wavelengths. Recent observations
with the Hubble Space Telescope , the Chandra X-ray Observatory , and a host
of other instruments have provided a wealth of information about the ex-
traordinary structure and dynamics of the Crab. Understanding those data
requires thinking of the Crab not in terms of its individual components, but
instead as a single interconnected physical system formed as the axisymmet-
rical wind from the pulsar pushes its way outward through a larger freely
expanding supernova remnant.
Copyright c
2008 by Annual Reviews.
All rights reserved
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The Crab Nebula is the remnant of a supernova explosion witnessed by Chinese astrologers on
July 4, 1054 AD. Even at a distance of
2 kpc (Trimble 1968), the Chinese astronomer Wang
Yei-te reported that the “guest star” was visible during the daytime for three weeks, and was
visible at night for 22 months (Clark & Stephenson 1977). Following its rediscovery in 1731 by
the English astronomer John Bevis, the Crab Nebula was observed in 1758 by Charles Messier
and became the first object in his famous catalog of nebulous noncometary objects. The Crab was
given its name circa 1850 by William Parsons, third Earl of Rosse, who observed the appearance
through his 72-inch reflecting telescope. Lundmark (1921) suggested a connection between the
Crab Nebula and the event of 1054 AD, but it was not until 1942 that Duyvendak (1942) and
Mayall & Oort (1942) presented complete studies of modern observations of the expanding nebula
and of the early Chinese records. It was this work that established unambiguously that the Crab
is the remnant of SN1054.
Today the Crab Nebula ( Figure 1 ) is perhaps the most observed object in the sky beyond our
own solar system and is related to almost every branch of astrophysics. This review of the Crab
is timely given the amount of recent observational work on the object using facilities such as the
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) (Hester et al. 1995, 1996; Blair et al. 1997; Sankrit & Hester 1997;
Hester 1998; Sankrit et al. 1998; Loll et al. 2007; Hester, 2007), the Chandra X-ray Observatory
( Chandra ) (Weisskopf et al. 2000; Hester et al. 2002; Mori et al. 2004; Seward, Gorenstein & Smith
2006; Seward, Tucker & Fesen 2006) the Spitzer Space Telescope ( Spitzer ) (Temim et al. 2006), and
the Very Large Array (VLA) (Frail et al. 1995; Bietenholz, Frail & Hester 2001; Bietenholz et al.
2004). The current importance of the Crab Nebula to astrophysics stems from the quality of
these observations, because they allow perhaps a more complete and detailed comparison between
theory and observations than is possible with any other nonstellar astrophysical object.
The volume of the literature on the Crab Nebula is large. An ADS abstract search on the name
turns up over 5000 references. A comprehensive review of this wealth of literature is virtually
impossible and would do little to clarify understanding of this remarkable object. (For that reason
references in this review are often representative rather than exhaustive. I apologize in advance
to those whose excellent work may not be cited.) As a consequence of the wealth of observational
and theoretical work on the Crab, what is often missing is synthesis. Observers and theorists
who are working on one aspect of the Crab or related topics may be unaware or unfamiliar with
aspects of the remnant that are relevant to their studies. With this audience largely in mind, this
review approaches the literature with an eye toward forming such a synthesis. It offers an overall
physical description of the Crab, which, even where it turns out to be incomplete or incorrect,
might still provide a common physical context in which current and future work can be discussed.
That picture will not be of a freely expanding remnant of a possibly underluminous explosion, as
is often proposed. Instead, this review concludes that the Crab is best thought of as a pulsar wind
nebula (PWN) confined by and pushing out into a much larger, freely expanding remnant, as first
proposed by Chevalier (1977). It is likely that this larger but almost unseen remnant contains most
of the mass and kinetic energy of the explosion. Were it not for the spin-down luminosity of the
pulsar, the pressure of the PWN that has compressed some of the ejecta into dense filaments, and
the synchrotron radiation from the PWN that photoionizes that ejecta, the Crab Nebula might
be known today by little more than obscure historical references to an especially bright “guest
star” observed in 1054 AD.
To avoid confusion it is worth prefacing a review of the Crab with a few notes on the nomen-
clature that has grown up around the object. Moving from the inside out, the Crab consists of the
Crab pulsar, the Crab synchrotron nebula, a bright expanding shell of thermal gas, and a larger
Figure 1
A composite Hubble
Space Telescope image of
the Crab Nebula.
Thermal filaments
composed of ejecta
from the explosion
appear around the
outer part of the
nebula. [O III]
is shown in red,
[S II]
6717,6731 in
green, and [O I]
in blue. Note that
much of the structure
breaks up into inward
pointing fingers of
emission. Note also
the increasing
ionization moving
outward and the
scalloped appearance
of the nebula. The
visible synchrotron
nebula filling the
interior of the remnant
is shown in blue. The
synchrotron nebula is
bounded and confined
by the thermal ejecta.
Note the presence of a
red [O III] “skin”
around the SE portion
of the remnant, which
is interpreted as
emission behind a
shock driven by the
pressure of the
synchrotron nebula
into a larger, freely
expanding remnant
surrounding the Crab.
very faint freely expanding supernova remnant. By convention, features in the synchrotron nebula
are referred to as wisps. Structures seen in the light of emission lines from thermal gas are referred
to as filaments. The wind shock is located at the interface between the wind and the synchrotron
nebula. There is a second shock at the outer boundary of the synchrotron nebula driven by the
pressure of the synchrotron nebula into surrounding thermal gas. The synchrotron nebula and
thermal filaments lie within a larger freely expanding supernova remnant. All of these components
have been observed either directly or indirectly. An as yet unseen outer shock presumably lies well
beyond the visible boundary of the Crab at the leading edge of the expanding cloud of ejecta.
2.1. The Crab Pulsar Powers the Nebula
The Crab Nebula consists of four observable components. At the center of the Crab lies the Crab
pulsar. Since its discovery at radio wavelengths (Staelin & Reifenstein 1968, Comella et al. 1969),
The Crab Nebula
the Crab pulsar has been studied intensively in all wavelength regimes from gamma rays to radio.
It was the first pulsar to be observed at visible wavelengths (Cocke, Disney & Taylor 1969).
The Crab pulsar has a period of 33 ms, and
10 −13 . Assuming a uniform sphere
with a radius of 10 km and a mass of 1.4 M , the moment of inertia of the pulsar is I
P 3
10 45
gcm 2 . The pulsar then has a spin-down luminosity of L spin =
2 I
10 38
erg s −1 ,or
130,000 L . Using a braking index n
51 (Lyne, Pritchard, & Smith 1988), Bejger & Haensel
2003 estimate that the pulsar was born with a period of
19 ms, so it has lost
10 49
since its birth. This corresponds to an average luminosity of
10 39 ergs s −1 over the lifetime
of the remnant, or about twice the current value. Although a small fraction of this energy goes
into pulsed emission, the majority of the pulsar’s spin-down luminosity is carried away by some
combination of magnetic dipole radiation and an ultrarelativistic wind. Kennel & Coroniti (1984a)
point to the high efficiency with which this energy is converted into synchrotron emission in the
Crab. Since this work, it has typically been assumed that the pulsar’s spin-down luminosity is
carried for the most part by a highly magnetized pair plasma, perhaps with some admixture of ions
from the surface of the neutron star itself (Gallant & Arons 1994). (This review makes the same
assumption throughout.) This is the source of the energy that powers the Crab.
2.2. The Shocked Pulsar Wind Fills the Crab Synchrotron Nebula
The pulsar’s ultrarelativistic wind is confined by the thermal ejecta from the explosion into which it
is expanding. Little or no synchrotron emission is seen from the wind in the volume immediately
surrounding the pulsar (Schmidt, Angel & Beaver 1979), indicating that the wind itself is not
luminous. The transition from this cold fast wind (dominated by the kinetic energy of the flow)
to the hot plasma that fills the nebula occurs in a shock. Momentum balance between the wind
and the synchrotron nebula suggests that the shock should be located about 3
10 17 cm from
the pulsar (Rees & Gunn 1974, Kennel & Coroniti 1984a), and it is often pointed out that this is
roughly the projected distance between the pulsar and the wisps observed by Scargle (1969). As
discussed below, more recent imaging of the Crab synchrotron nebula shows that this picture is
overly simplistic and that the pulsar wind is far from spherically symmetrical. Even so, there are a
number of quasi-stationary features (e.g., the X-ray ring from Weisskopf et al. 2000 and the sprite
and halo from Hester et al. 2002) that are plausibly identified with the shock. In no direction does
the energy flow from the pulsar appear unconfined.
In the simple model, the wind shock thermalizes flow energy, accelerating electrons and
positrons to energies as high as
10 4 TeV. It is this magnetized relativistic plasma that gives
off the synchrotron emission that we see. Alfv en & Herlofson (1950) were the first to suggest
synchrotron emission as a mechanism for bright radio emission from radio stars. The Crab syn-
chrotron nebula was the first confirmed astrophysical source of synchrotron radiation (Shklovsky
1953, Dombrovsky 1954) and is the defining member of the class of center-filled flat spectrum
supernova remnants called plerions (Weiler & Panagia 1978). Although the term plerion remains
a morphological designation, most plerions are now identified with PWN. The Crab synchrotron
nebula fills a roughly ellipsoidal volume with a major axis of 4.4 pc and a minor axis of 2.9 pc,
tilted into the plane of the sky by 30
(Lawrence et al. 1995, Loll et al. 2007), and fills a volume
30 pc 3 .
The Crab Nebula is remarkably efficient at converting the energy of the shocked pulsar wind
into synchrotron emission. The synchrotron emission from the Crab Nebula has an integrated
luminosity of
10 57
cm 3
10 38 ergs s −1 currently being injected
into the nebula by the pulsar. A comparable fraction of the energy lost by the pulsar has gone into
PV (pressure-volume) work done on the filaments, leaving perhaps half of the energy lost by the
10 38
ergs s −1 , or about 26% of the 5
Figure 2
The integrated
spectrum of the Crab
synchrotron nebula,
from Atoyan &
Aharonian (1996),
assembled from
sources cited in that
paper. The electron
energies shown
correspond to peak
synchrotron emission
assuming a magnetic
field of 300 μ G. Most
of the emission from
the Crab is emitted
between the optical
and X-ray bands. The
highest energy γ -rays
are due to inverse
Compton radiation.
10 38
Soft X
10 37
10 36
10 35
10 GeV
300 GeV 10 TeV
Electrons responsible for the radiation
100 TeV
3 × 10 3 TeV
10 34
10 33
log ν Hz –1
pulsar (
10 49 ergs) still resident within the synchrotron nebula. Averaged over the volume of
the synchrotron nebula, this energy density corresponds to a pressure of
dyne cm −2 ,
10 −9
very close to the canonical value assuming equipartition and B
300 μ G (Trimble 1968).
The overall spectrum of the Crab Nebula peaks in the range between 10 14 –10 18 Hz in the
optical through the X-ray part of the spectrum (see Figure 2 , from Atoyan & Aharonian 1996).
Assuming a magnetic field of 300 μ G, this radiation is associated with emission from electrons with
energies between a few hundred GeV and a few tens of TeV. The very highest energy emission
from the Crab above frequencies of
10 23 Hz is thought to be due to inverse Compton radiation
(Atoyan & Aharonian 1996). The bump around 10 13 Hz in the far infrared part of the spectrum is
the result of thermal emission from dust in the nebula. This dust, which condensed from material
ejected in the explosion, is heated to a temperature of about 80 K (Marsden et al. 1984).
Figure 3 shows a color composite image of the Crab synchrotron nebula. An X-ray image
of the Crab obtained with Chandra is shown in blue. An optical continuum image is shown in
green. Red shows a radio image of the Crab obtained with the VLA. The first thing that is
immediately apparent in these images is the difference in spatial extent of the Crab synchrotron
nebula when viewed at different wavelengths. The nebula is smallest in size when viewed at
high energies, and grows progressively larger when viewed at lower energies. This basic trend is
relatively easy to understand. High-energy particles injected into the nebula at the wind shock
experience both synchrotron burn off and energy loss owing to adiabatic expansion as they move
outward through the nebula. Even so, faint X rays are still seen close to the boundary of the nebula
(Hester et al. 1995; Seward, Tucker & Fesen 2006), indicating that the real situation is more
The synchrotron nebula shows a wealth of fine-scale structure that can be extraordinarily
dynamic, varying appreciably on timescales of days. The standard nomenclature for these features
comes from Scargle (1969), who identified a number of arcuate features or wisps located along and
generally perpendicular to a line going from the SE to the NW through the pulsar. (By convention,
features in the Crab synchrotron nebula are referred to as wisps, while the term filament is reserved
The Crab Nebula
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