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Prophecy Watch
Behold a Green Horse
World Religion Watch
Will the Real Antichrist
Please Stand Up?
Guest Article
Reinventing Jesus:
A Globalist Fantasy
Endtime Magazine | March/April 2006 | Vol 16/No 2 $3.00
Euphrates River to Be Dried Up ü
I n revelatIon 16:12, the bIble predIcts that the euphrates rIver wIll be
drIed up to prepare the way for the kings of the East to invade Israel. This
will happen at the time of the battle of Armageddon according to verse 16 of
the same chapter. The battle of Armageddon will be the inal battle at which
time Jesus will return and ight on the side of the nation of Israel. Immediately
thereafter He will establish his kingdom and usher in His one-thousand year
reign of peace. On January 13, 1990, the Indianapolis Star carried the headline
“Turkey Will Cut Off Flow of Euphrates for One Month.” The article stated
that a huge reservoir had been built by Turkey. While illing up the reservoir,
the low of the Euphrates would be stopped for one month and a concrete
plug for a diversion channel built. These things have now been done. With this
newly built dam, Turkey has the ability to stop the Euphrates River at will. The
conditions for fulilling this 1,900 year-old prophecy are now in place.
M any have stated that
China Goes to War ü
In revelatIon 9:15-16, the bIble prophesIes that an army of 200 mIllIon
soldIers wIll launch a war which will kill “the third part of men.” Never in
the history of the world until our present generation has there been a power
on earth that could ield 200 million soldiers. However, the late ruler of China
Mao Tse Tung boasted in his diary that he could ield an army of 200 million.
The CIA World Factbook reported that, in the year 2001, it was estimated that
China had 200,866,946 men of military age and that this number is growing
by 10 million per year.
it is impossible to
know whether or
not we are living in the last days
before the Second Coming of
Worldwide Numbering System Predicted ü
In revelatIon 13, the bIble prophesIes that a world dIctator wIll soon rule
over a world government . He will cause all people on the earth to receive
a number without which they will be unable to buy or sell. We are seeing this
prophecy fulilled before our eyes in a most astonishing way. Nearly every
human being in the world has now been assigned a number. In America, it is
our Social Security number. In the past few years, we have seen this number
extended to newborns. A child without a Social Security number cannot be
declared as a dependent on an income tax return. We have seen the emergence
of electronic money, shopping with credit cards, and many people actually
urging the abolition of cash. All of these things could not possibly have been
fulilled until this present time. Only after the invention of the computer could
such a worldwide numbering system be administered.
Jesus Christ. However, there is
dramatic proof that we are living
in the endtimes — proof that
deies coincidence.
The Emergence of a New World Order ü
revelatIon 13:7 and danIel 7:23 prophesy the establIshment of a world
government . The term “New World Order” has become a prevalent phrase
in the world’s political culture. Mikhail Gorbachev made the term famous,
and Pope John Paul II referred to it repeatedly. In the September 12, 1990
issue of the Chicago Tribune, our former president George Bush said, “Iraq
is the irst test for the New World Order.” He emphatically stated that the
Iraq War was Saddam Hussein against the world. The United Nations’ troops
are continually referred to as the multi-national forces. The decision has been
made to establish an interdependent community of nations that will rule the
world under United Nations authority. The Bible says that this will lead us into
a great world government. The formation of this government is at hand.
Coincidence or Divine Providence? ü
Is It coIncIdental that all of these major prophecies pertaining to the last
times are being fulilled simultaneously? Hardly !
02 endtime magazine | March & April 2006
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WE aRE liviNG iN ThE ENDTimE
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i s p r i v a c y a t h i n g o f t h e p a s t ?
I magine a subdermal microchip capable of responding to radio frequency queries for unique identiication code
sweater. Imagine a streamlined digital tracking system continuously monitoring EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE.
Now take a deep breath... the wave of the future is not as far as you think.
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graduate Katherine Albrecht leads the grassroots
consumer resistance to RFID chip implantation. Heard
worldwide on over 1,000 news outlets (including Fox
News, CNN, and Endtime’s own Politics & Religion), her
books and videos contain top-notch research, giving
you the tools and information you need to uncover this
emerging technology. Call 1.800.Endtime to order.
RFID: Tracking Everything, Everywhere. by K. Albrecht
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More Katherine Albrecht from Endtime
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24/7. Imagine a chip half the size of a grain of sand embedded in everything from your PC to your favorite
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March/April 2006
Irvin Baxter Jr.
Editorial Assistant
Partner Relations
Conference Director
Graphic Design
Irvin Baxter Jr.
Ken Raggio
Ginger Boerkircher
Kathy McKinney
Jana Robbins
Kara McPeak
David Novick
Joseph E. Romero
Has the green power of Islam replaced
the red power of Communism as the
most dreaded force on planet earth?
All This Over
statEmEnt oF FaitH We believe that
the Bible is the inspired Word of God, that
Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, and
that He will come again to establish a kingdom
that shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44).
Those who are born again (John 3:3–5) will
have eternal life and rule as kings and priests
with Christ forever.
wHat is endtime ? In 1968, Irvin Baxter
Jr. discovered the United States and other
modern nations in the Bible. He also found
the Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one day
it was to be torn down, re-uniting Germany,
and that event would be the catalyst to spark
an international movement called the “New
World Order.” These things have now come to
pass. Irvin Baxter Jr., a Pentecostal minister,
began Endtime Ministries in 1986 when he
wrote A Message For The President, a book
explaining the major prophecies of the Bible
which he had been teaching since 1968. After
the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic fulfillment
accelerated rapidly. The decision was made
to launch Endtime magazine. The purpose of
the magazine is to explain the prophecies of
the Bible and to show that they are now being
fulfilled in intricate detail. Articles focus on
the soon return of Jesus Christ, the truth of
the Bible, and the need for salvation. Endtime
does not deal with doctrinal controversies, as
valid as they may be. This will be left to other
people rioting, burning and killing over cartoons—especially
when those thousands represent one-fourth of the world’s
population. No matter how many times I am told that Islam
is a religion of peace, I cannot seem to ignore:
1 } All the Islamic suicide bombers.
2 } The crowds chanting “ Death to Israel! Death to the United States!
3 } The burning of embassies.
4 } The fact that 19 out of 19 of the 9/11 hijackers were avowed
Now, Muslim prayer leader Yousaf Qureshi has announced a
million dollar reward to anyone that kills the man who drew the
cartoons! In India, a politician in that nation’s largest state has
offered an $11 million reward for the killing of any of the Danish
cartoonists! What kind of beast is rampaging among us?
In this issue of Endtime, you will learn the implications of Hamas’
takeover of the Palestinian territories. What about Iranian President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s belief that he is the forerunner of the
Muslim messiah, the Twelfth Imam? Ahmadinejad believes that a
time of international chaos will usher in the Twelfth Imam, and that
it should occur within the next two years. And this man wants a
nuclear bomb?
Has the “green power” (Islam) replaced the “red power”
(Communism) as the most dreaded force on planet earth? Is Islam
mentioned in the endtime prophecies of the Bible? Don’t miss the
article in this issue, “Behold, a Green Horse.”
endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 449
Kingsbridge Drive, Garland, TX 75040. Subscription
price is $ 29 for 12 issues. Periodical postage paid
#009267, ISSN# 1066-6885, Garland, TX, and
additional mailing ofices. © 2005 Endtime, Inc. All
rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without
written permission is prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send
address changes to Endtime, PO Box 461167, Garland,
TX 75046-1167. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7
days/week 1-800-Endtime. Other inquiries call 1-972-
531-0100 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Central).
cover : Hamas supporters raise the green lag of
Islam over the Palestinian parliament in Ramallah
1/26/2006 amid clashes with Fatah loyalists. The
two camps threw stones at each other, breaking windows
in the building. ap photo / muhammed muheIsen
irvin baxtEr | Editor-in-cHiEF
04 endtime magazine | March & April 2006
Subscribe Now | Call 1.800. Endtime| www.endtime.com
T here is something quite foreboding about thousands of
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Hamas’ goal... Destroy Israel
As shocking as it is, we must face the reality—
Hamas is in power in the Palestinian territories.
They won four out of East Jerusalem’s six seats
in the Palestinian Parliament. They control eight
major Palestinian cities in close proximity to
Israel. And their goal is to eliminate Israel.
behold a green Horse
Could the green horse of Revelation 6:8 be a prophetic
symbol of Islam?
» Will the U.S. bomb Iran?
» America begins the “long war”
» Japanese kids get RFID
» VeriChip goes public
» Are you being tracked?
» Egypt prepares war with Israel
» High priest’s robes ready
» Iran leader: Islam to rule world
Will the Real Antichrist Please stand up?
The New World Order crowd plainly intends to answer all
the world’s messianic expectations with one man. Who
will he be?
Reinventing Jesus: A globalist Fantasy
Allow me to introduce to you the new Jesus. This isn’t the
Jesus Christ known to us from the pages of the Holy Bible.
Rather, this Jesus is a new version cast into the arena of
global politics and world citizenship. In fact, you wouldn’t
be out of place calling him the political Planetary Savior.
Subscribe Now | Call 1.800. Endtime| www.endtime.com
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