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Covers C # 4
Jon Skeet
Praise for the First Edition
The best C# book available for intermediate to expert developers. Experienced .NET
developers who think they know everything there is to know about the C# language will
almost certainly learn more than a thing or two in this book. It is an interesting cover-
to-cover read, and will be a handy desktop reference as well. I recommend this book to
anyone who wants to become a C# expert.
—Alvin Ashcraft, DZone review
Simply put, C# in Depth is perhaps the best computer book I’ve read.
—Craig Pelkie, Author, System iNetwork
I have been developing in C# from the very beginning and this book had some nice sur-
prises even for me. I was especially impressed with the excellent coverage of delegates,
anonymous methods, covariance and contravariance. Even if you are a seasoned devel-
oper, C# in Depth will teach you something new about the C# language... This book
truly has depth that no other C# language book can touch.
—Adam J. Wolf
Southeast Valley .NET User Group
I enjoyed reading the whole book; it is well-written—the samples are easy to understand.
I actually found it very easy to engage into the whole lambda expressions topic and
really liked the chapter about lambda expressions.
—Jose Rolando Guay Paz
Web Developer, CSW Solutions
This book wraps up the author’s great knowledge of the inner workings of C# and
hands it over to readers in a well-written, concise, usable book.
—Jim Holmes
Author of Windows Developer Power Tools
Every term is used appropriately and in the right context, every example is spot-on
and contains the least amount of code that shows the full extent of the feature...this
is a rare treat.
—Franck Jeannin, Amazon UK reviewer
If you have developed using C# for several years now, and would like to know the inter-
nals, this book is absolutely right for you.
—Golo Roden, Author, Speaker, and
Tra i n e r f o r . N E T a n d r e la t e d t e c h n o l o g ie s
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More Praise for the First Edition
If there’s one must-have book for .NET developers, this is it. Jon Skeet provides every-
thing you need to know about C# mazes, with particular attention to LINQ. The
author really knows his stuff and provides invaluable comments about C# features.
—Luigi Zambetti, Developer, Milan
This book is the best C# reference money can buy at the moment.
—Jan Van Ryswyck,
Jon Skeet’s writing style is clear and concise and he’s got lots of great examples.
—Peter Kellner, Blogger
A first-class book about C#.
—Teemu Keiski, ASP.NET MVP, AspInsider
Become a C# 3 maestro!
—Fabrice Marguerie, C# MVP, author of LINQ in Action
The best C# book I’ve ever read.
—Chris Mullins, C# MVP
Clear and concise.
—Robin Shahan,
A treat!
—Anil Radhakrishna, ASP.NET MVP
Reveals C#’s powerful mysteries.
—Christopher Haupt,
So good, it hurts my head.
—J.D. Conley, Hive7 Inc.
Enriches the beginner, polishes the expert.
—Josh Cronemeyer ThoughtWorks
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C# in Depth
(74° w. long.)
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ISBN 978-1-935182-47-4
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