The Magnet in YOU Understanding the Law of Attraction.pdf

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The Magnet in YOU
(Understanding the Law of Attraction)
Saturna Brown
At the Beginning…
See things you want as already yours. Know they will come to you at need. Then let them
come. Don’t fret and worry about them. Don’t think about your lack of them. Think of them as
yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession.
Robert Collier
As a child growing up in a rural area in Florida, I had lots of time to sit and
think about the world around me. Sometimes, I imagined being the only person
on Earth and how that felt. In my mind, I traveled through great distances of
colored lights. I did not know I was experiencing deep meditation.
Unaware of the law of attraction, which I will explain later, I did manifest my
dream of getting a bike. My parents were having tough times with paying the bills
and I knew they would never purchase a bike for me. I did not visualize the bike,
but I kept asking for it, pretending it was on the front porch waiting for me.
About a month later, a neighbor gave me a twenty-six inch bike. It was old,
but I loved it immediately. Unfortunately, I did not know how to ride it. Since the
bike was really for an adult, it made the task to learn to ride much harder. For
several nights, I dreamed of riding my bike on the dirt road near my home. I
imagine the wind blowing through my blond hair and the sun on my back as I rode
One day my mother helped me get on the bike and gave me a push. I felt her
hand on the small of my back. I continued down the road wondering how Mother
was keeping up with me. When I glanced over my shoulder, I fell off my bike.
Mother was not with me. She was in the yard watching me. Who had helped
me? At that time, I did not know I had helped myself.
I grew up in a dysfunctional family. My father was World War II disabled
veteran suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. My mother was a war
bride, a native of Canada. She experienced difficulty in understanding the
Southern lifestyle. Mother always said when you understand the climate you can
understand the people. She hated the climate. She disliked most people.
Mother was very thrifty with money. As such, we learned to make do with
what we had. The idea of acquiring something more than what we could afford
was considered ‘wishful thinking’ by Mother. As for Father, he believed in the
impossible. He knew one day he would get better and he did. He just did not
know it would take more than thirty years, because he did not request a time line.
In using the law of attraction, one must be specific in what one wants. One must
be grateful for what one has despite how small or trivial it may seem.
One of the great teachers of the law of attraction is Jack Canfield.
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