The Extrasensory Potentials of Mind.pdf

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– Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya
Spiritually enlightened mind is said to be a source of divine potentials. Hidden beneath the core of
the conscious mind, there lie the prodigious powers of the unconscious mind. Activation of the
subtle centers in the brain and the endocrine system helps expression of the miraculous powers of the
inner mind and manifestation of its extrasensory faculties in the gross world. Clairvoyance,
precognition, knowledge of the hidden or the unseen, realization of the distant past or the future as
happening in the present, extrasensory perceptions beyond the barriers of space-time constraints,
are among the much talked of supernatural experiences. These also constitute the major cause of
common curiosity on the one front and the focus of meticulous scientific inquisitiveness on the
The present book has brought in-depth details on the myths and realities of the extrasensory
perceptions, supramental talents and supernormal experiences. It is compiled from the translation of
the Chapter 6 of the Volume 18 of ‘Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya’ series. The author has
thoroughly attended to multiple aspects of the cosmic evolution of consciousness in the human
body, spiritual transmutation of hidden intellect and activation of the extrasensory power centers
like the and the by different kinds of with adept guidance.
He has also discussed – along with evidential examples – the possibilities of sudden arousal of
supernatural faculties because of the intrinsic mental tendencies and spiritual assimilation since past
live(s), and the use of hypnotism and
in psychic healing, understanding the complexities
of human mind and awakening of latent talents.
Several sections are devoted here to the riddles of Nature posed by the mysterious experiences
ranging from – the recurrence of past events at specific places, sudden appearance of a ruined
kingdom, etc, to – the esoteric existence of
(aroused hermitages) in the impregnable
domains of the Himalayas, journey of the other worlds through the black holes , etc.
The author provides a marvelous combination of rare information and references from the ancient
scriptures and modern scientific research findings. The ample collection of authentic examples on
each topic adds to the lucidity and liveliness of the book. The perspicuous explanation and scientific
elucidation of the
forms of Nature, matter and anti-matter, realization of time as the
fourth dimension, horizons of existence beyond the three dimensional space, etc presented here are
truly remarkable. The book also offers us a unique opportunity of elevated scientific thinking and
spiritual illumination of our mental realms. We certainly can’t afford missing an engrossed reading of
this peerless piece of knowledge.
– Dr. Pranav Pandya, MD
The Wonders Of The Negligible
Cosmic Evolution In The Human Body
The Seeds of Super Knowledge Lie In Every Brain
Arcane Energy Centers In Human Body
The Source Of Eminent Talents
The Core of Infinite Potentials
Riddles of Nature – Challenges For The Intellect!
Hypnotism May Help Unfolding Of The Unconscious
Human Mind Or A Living Encyclopedia?
Vision Of The Hidden Eye
The Key Of Total Health Folded In The Neuronal Network
So Wonderful Is Our Mental Communication!
The Unique Power Of Thoughts
Telepathy Is Real And Feasible
The Multipurpose Instrument Of Human Body
Photographing The Imaginary
Our Prodigious Subliminal Powers
The Magical Effects of Brain-Activities
Mental Strength For Desired Success
Accidental Emergence Of E.S.P.
Decipher The Hidden Treasures
The Complexity Of Mind
Attainment Of Divine Potentials By Stimulation Of
The Amazing And Unknown World Living In The Human Body
Arousing The Dormant Might
The Linkage Of The Subtle With The Gross Body
Human Mind – Coherence Of Infinite Energy
The Latent Roots Of Powers
Know Your Future
Horizons Of Consciousness Beyond The Sensory Functions
Keep Your Mind Open – Know The Unknown
The Radio-Communication And Television Of The Brain
Scientific Investigations On Supernormal Faculties
Expression Of Hidden Talents
A Repository Of Supernatural Attainments
The Riddhis - Siddhis Endowed in The Inner Mind
Emergence of Siddhis In The Inner World By Yoga
Radiance Of Inner Strength
The Extra-terrestrial Voyage Of The Subtle Body
The Secrets Entangled In Obscurity
The Mystic Experiences In Awakened Hermitages
Live Experiences Of The Distant Past
Precognition – Philosophical Vision and Scientific Reality
The Other World – Some Unresolved Riddles
Hello, Planet Mars! One Second….., I Am Just Arriving…
Timeless Existence
Time Machine Could Be Real!
Omnipresence Of Supreme Consciousness
Science In The Field Of Consciousness
Occult Facets Of Life In New Scientific Light
The Individual Mind Vs The Cosmic Mind
Commingling Of The Individual And The Cosmic Consciousness
Footnotes – Explanation of some terms of shastrik literature.
–– Translated by:
Dr. Rajani Joshi
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
The Wonders Of The Negligible
The bigger need not always be mightier. Rather, it is often experienced by those who can think deeper that –– the
subtler forms of matter and energy, and the subliminal currents of conscious force are exponentially more powerful
than their gross manifestations. Equally noticeable is the fact that this power needs to be concentrated and used
cautiously in a focused manner.
One kilogram of soil cannot do what an atom of its negligible particle could. What is an atom? An ensemble of
orbiting electrons and the nuclear protons and neutrons or still subtler particles? Whatever be its decomposition,
this subtle unit of matter is indeed a source of immense energy. All activities of the material world exist and are
regulated by this atomic energy at the root.
The potency – the energy, of the drug constituents are given maximum importance in Homeopathy. Dr. Henimann,
the founder of this system of medicine had pioneered the potency theory. Later on, Dr. Schussler had also emphasized
similar facts in the principle of “Tissue Remedies”.
Darwin, the father of the “Theory of Evolution” was also interested in the subtler fields of energy. Once a Dutch
scientist had appraised him of the finding that even a one hundred thousandth fraction of a grain of Atropine affects
the eyes… Darwin described his experience in affirmation, saying –– “In one experiment, I have seen how a millionth
part of a milligram of Ammonia could stimulate an artery. A hundred and twenty millionth fraction of a tiny crystal
of common salt also causes similar effects”.
Dr. A. Singer had shown that whatever effect a milliliter of an acid would cause on the healthy body, similar would
be the reaction of its two hundred thousandth milliliter. Dr. Schussler had shown that if one eats large quantity of
salt, it would have instant negative reaction and also cause giddying heaviness and other harmful effects because
only a negligible amount of salt is sufficient for normal activation of the cells. Larger concentrations of the same
disturb the trans-membrane ionic currents along with other negative effects on the harmony of cellular and biochemical
If the ratio of hydrochloric acid in water is 1:100 at the body-temperature, then it would help easy digestion of the
gluten of the pulses and fibril of other grains…But little rise in its concentration would rather suppress the digestive
power instead. Still larger amount would be damaging… The iron content of milk is a very important factor in its
being a healthy food. How much is this content? Almost a millionth fraction of a milligram of iron in 250 grams of
milk! It sounds negligible. But nature has adjusted everything so optimally. A little more of this amount would, on
the contrary, make milk too heavy to be digested.
The vital role of the red blood corpuscles (RBC) in healthy maintenance of life is well known. The ideal component
of iron in these cells is a major factor that accounts for the power of hemoglobin in the RBCs. This content also is
very small. One RBC is about twelve millionth of an inch in size. A small drop of blood is constituted by about 0.3
million of such particles. How much iron could this tiny particle contain? Here again the subtle amount makes all
the difference…
The root of manifestation of life in a human form is also so subtle… The zygote formed by conceiving of the sperm
by the ovum is about a millionth of a cubic millimeter in size. Isn’t it surprising that the marvelous creation of the
human body is contained in such a microstructure – which can’t even be seen without an electronic microscope?
The amount of radium available in the world might be around four to five ounce only. This element plays a key role
in nuclear medicine and is crucial in some scientific and technological experiments. Its tiny amount, available on
the earth so far, is estimated to be sufficient for all these applications for not less than next twenty five hundred
years. Now, we can easily imagine how much of it is required for the crucial applications?
The bottle containing saffron smells of its heavenly incense even if emptied since long… The fragrance remains
strong even if the bottle is washed several times. This again reflects the significant impact of the subliminal power
of matter.
The gross world, the visible facts of life appear quite familiar, sundry, ordinary and unattractive. We hardly find
anything special or important or exceptional here. But, if we pay a little attention and think little deep, we would
find the excellence of order, inexplicable perfection, and absolute art of Nature in it. A new world, a new experience
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