Mind Control Seduction & Beyond by Gary Brodsky.pdf

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Un-leash hell
Edited by Gary Brodsky
This book is compiled in no specific order, just like the human mind or
situation follows no specific order. This book is powerful, frightening and
deadly effective. CIA and other mind control experts works are all gathered
here, they work- with no option of failure.
Tell the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth.
This can be highly effective and very convincing, if you know your subject
material well, and are a good speaker.
... And IF the truth is really what you want your audience to hear and
The Truth, as a matter of habit, has some disadvantages: You have to learn
and remember a whole lot of facts, and keep them straight in your head. The
facts might not always be what you wish them to be. And, alas, the truth is
sometimes very boring...
This one is simple, straight-forward, and obvious. Just lie and say whatever
you want to. It has the advantages that you don't need to memorize so many
facts, and you can make up new facts when the currently-existing ones don't
suit your purposes. The disadvantages are that you might get caught in a lie,
and that would destroy your credibility.
"You're never going to make it in politics. You just don't know
how to lie."
Richard M. Nixon
Secret Lives of the U.S. Presidents , Cormac O'Brien, page 228.
Lie By Omission and Half-Truths
This is also known as Suppressed Evidence .
This one is more subtle. It has the advantage that you can't get caught in a
lie, because everything that you say is true. You just happily fail to mention
all of those bothersome little facts that do not support your point of view.
Should a critic point out one of those annoying undesired facts, you can at
least feign innocent ignorance, or claim that the fact is really just an
unimportant, trivial detail, not worth mentioning.
For example: In 1908, the Lutheran minister Dr. Frank Nathan Daniel
Buchman got into a squabble over money with the trustee committee of their
hospice for young men in Philadelphia, and in an angry huff, Buchman
resigned and got on a boat for Europe. He ended up at a large religious
convention in Keswick, England, where he felt that he had a spiritual
transformation. He felt moved to write letters of apology to all six of the
trustees with whom he had squabbled, humbly asking their forgiveness.
Buchman said that none of them even bothered to answer his letters.
That was rather unkind of them, wasn't it? No wonder Buchman had a
disagreement with them, if they were really so haughty and so inconsiderate
that they would not even acknowledge a man's humble apology and request
for forgiveness...
There is just one small detail that Frank Buchman left out in his telling of
that story: Buchman didn't put any return address on the envelopes that he
mailed back to Philadelphia.
Vice President Dick Cheney told CNN on May 8, 2001, that nuclear energy
"doesn't emit any carbon dioxide at all."
That is lying by omission. It is true that nuclear reactors do not create carbon
dioxide while burning their nuclear fuel, but the process of mining the
uranium is done by machines like bulldozers that create lots of carbon
dioxide and air pollution. And so does the process of refining the ore and
converting it into usable nuclear fuel, and transporting it to the reactor. And
then there is the problem of disposal of the nuclear waste. That's another
giant hole to be dug with diesel-powered machines. If the whole fuel cycle is
taken into account, then nuclear power creates several times as much CO 2 as
renewable energy sources. ( The Party's Over: Oil, War, and the Fate of
Industrial Societies , Richard Heinberg, page 135.)
Bill Wilson gave us lots of good examples of that technique. In chapter 8 of
the Big Book , "To Wives", the wives of the recovering alcoholics seem to
give advice to the wives of other alcoholics:
As wives of Alcoholics Anonymous, we would like you to feel
that we understand as perhaps few can. We want to analyze
mistakes we have made.
A.A. Big Book , 3rd Edition, William G. Wilson, Chapter 8, To Wives ,
page 104.
Sometimes there were other women. How heartbreaking was
this discovery; how cruel to be told that they understood our
men as we did not!
A.A. Big Book , 3rd Edition, William G. Wilson, Chapter 8, To Wives ,
page 106.
We wives found that, like everybody else, we were afflicted with
pride, self-pity, vanity and all the things which go to make up
the self-centered person; and we were not above selfishness or
dishonesty. As our husbands began to apply spiritual principles
in their lives, we began to see the desirability of doing so too.
      At first, some of us thought we did not need this help. We
thought, on the whole, we were pretty good women, capable of
being nicer if our husbands stopped drinking. But it was a silly
idea that we were too good to need God. Now we try to put
spiritual principles to work in every department of our lives.   ...
We urge you to try our program, for nothing will be so helpful to
your husband as the radically changed attitude toward him
which God will show you how to have. Go along with your
husband if you possibly can.
A.A. Big Book , 3rd Edition, William G. Wilson, Chapter 8, To Wives,
page 116.
Yes, Bill Wilson really would like you to feel that the wives understand as
perhaps few can.
The big problem with those quotes is that the To Wives chapter of the Big
Book was not written by Lois Wilson or any of the other wives of the
alcoholics -- Bill Wilson wrote it all. Lois wanted to write it, but Bill didn't
trust his wife to say the right things, or to get the "style" the way he wanted
it, he said, so he wrote the whole chapter himself, while pretending to be his
own wife.
What a huge difference that one tiny little fact makes. That chapter reads
entirely differently, it becomes a sick twisted joke, when you know who the
real author was.
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