60 for Balance, Joy and Fulfillment Tips.pdf

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6 0 Tips
for Balance, Joy
and Fulfillment
Deborah Deras
Speaker • Author • Coach
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Deborah developed the C.H.E.E.R.S.
SYSTEM ™ to assist her client to achieve
balance in their busy lives.
Most of us spend the majority of our time on
our Careers and Family and all the other areas
seem to fly out the window. A passionate life
is a balanced life. In order to create this, you
will need to take small baby steps every day.
The following tips booklet is laid out using
these six life areas giving you 10 tips in each
area. Select one or two areas that need
nurturing such as Ego and Health and commit
to taking at least one action from the booklet
each day for the next 21 days. It takes 21 days
to change a habit and by committing to using
this booklet as a guide you will be able to
experience the balance, joy and fulfillment
which is Passionate Living NOW!
C areer: identify your purpose
H ealth: create energy and vitality
E go: nourish your self
E comics: enjoy prosperity
R elationships: unconditionally love
S pirituality: inner fulfillment
What are you passionate about? Most of
us choose a career because someone told
us we would be good at it, or we fell into
it because the money was good. It is
never too late to discover your passion.
Write a list of everything you would
love to do even if you were not paid for
it. Start spending time visualizing,
writing, or meditating to get clarity. How
would it feel to be living on purpose?
Law of Belief: the only thing standing in
the way of having all you want in your
career if your perception of what you
believe you deserve. To the degree you
are believing and acting like you are a
worth a million bucks will be the level of
opportunities that will come your way.
Say your affirmations daily. See
www.passionatelivingnow.com for
affirmations to shift your beliefs.
Say affirmations about your ideal job.
Affirmations our positive, purposeful
statements made in the present tense. It
is best to same them out loud or with
passion. Many times in my workshops I
have people stand up and say them out
loud on the stage on a microphone which
is much more impactful than reading
them on a piece of paper. Another
suggestion is to record them on a audio
tape and listen to them while your
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driving, jogging or better yet before you
go to sleep to get into your subconscious
mind. I am successful in my career.
Opportunities flow to me easily and
effortlessly. Everything I touch is a
success. I love my job and it satifies me.
In working for many years as an
Employment Consultant assisting
Human Resource Managers meet their
hiring needs I learned that Soft Skills
were more important to them than Hard
Skills. Soft Skills are personality traits,
characteristics that are required to excel
in the work place. Soft skills include:
adapting to change, being a team player,
and getting along with others (to name a
few). Hard Skills are your certificates or
degrees, which are important, but if you
are not a team player you won’t even get
through the interview.
Remember when times are tough and
you feel like you are between a rock and
hard place with nowhere to turn. There is
only one real employer that is your
higher power, God, Jesus, Buddha,
Spirit, The Light, or Allah. It is the
source and supply that bring the sun and
moon up that is the infinite abundance of
the grains of sand on the beach and
drops of water in the ocean. It is in this
awareness that you can release the angst
about hating your boss or company. You
can go in with a state of gratitude to be
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of service for a higher authority. When
you do you will find a shift in the
reactions and responses you get from
people in your workplace and will find it
easier to move up or move on.
Take as many training courses,
workshops and seminars to develop your
hard and soft skills. One thing I have
found has helped me tremendously in
my career is my tenacity for knowledge
but more than that my willingness to
apply the new things I learn. You can
very inexpensively learn new skills at a
local adult school or the learning annex.
Applied knowledge is power.
There is no employee handbook to teach
you how to maneuver around office
politics, avoid gossip or learn the
unwritten rules. The best way to get
ahead in the workplace is to acquire a
Mentor. How do you get a mentor?
Simply observe people in your company
or in your field that you respect, admire
and are respected. Simply ask them if
they will be your mentor? You will be
surprised how flattered most people will
be. If one person says no don’t take it
personally simply ask someone else. Be
sure to make it a win-win so they benefit
from the time they spend with you.
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