Foods That Burn Fat Foods That Turn To Fat [Part 2] - Tom Venuto.pdf

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“Foods That Burn Fat,
Foods That Turn To Fat”
Part 2: Foods That Turn To Fat
By Tom Venuto, Author of
Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle (BFFM)
Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC
All Rights Reserved
Retail Price: $12.95. This is NOT a free e-book.
This e-report is for personal use for Burn The Fat, Feed the Muscle (BFFM) clients only.
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Foods That Turn To Fat
Part one of this special report listed the twelve foods that “burn fat.” This
second installment in the series will teach you which foods “turn to fat.” One of the
best ways to learn what you should eat is to learn what you shouldn’t eat. Then, by a
process of elimination, you’ll be much more likely to eat the foods that will give you
the best results.
In this report, you’ll discover that the foods that “turn to fat” all tend to have
certain things in common:
X High total calories
X High calorie density per unit of volume
X High total fat
X High in unhealthy saturated and trans fats
X High in refined sugar.
X Low in nutritional value (low nutrient density)
X Flavor enhancers, fillers and other chemicals
X Artificial colors and flavors
X High sodium
It only gets worse. Many of these fat and sugar filled “junk foods” have
negative nutritional value. They subtract from the good you’re doing when you pick
the right foods. For example, anything high in white sugar is going to leach minerals
from your body. None of the foods on this list should ever be eaten as a part of your
regular daily diet. It’s wise to allow yourself one or two cheat meals per week, but
save the “junk foods” on this list for the very occasional cheat day. If and when you
do eat them, make sure you continue to obey the law of calorie balance (too much of
anything gets stored as fat and small amounts of bad foods usually won’t get stored
as fat)
1. Ice Cream
I’m sure a lot of people will be mad at me when they see their beloved ice cream as
number one on the hit list of the foods that turn to fat, but here goes: Ice cream is
Bad news with a capital B! Ice cream is loaded with fat, sugar and way more calories
than you need; an evil fat-storing triad. Not to mention, the artificial colors, artificial
flavors, preservatives, emusifiers and stabilizers.
Now let’s talk about the fat. One cup (that’s a pretty small serving you know),
contains approximately 350 calories and 20 grams of fat – mostly saturated. And
that’s just regular premium vanilla ice cream. A cup of Haagen Dasz Belgian
Chocolate has 660 calories and 36 grams of fat. But that’s nuthin! Ben & Jerrys has
them all beat! A cup of wavy gravy ice cream has 660 calories and …. Gulp…. 48
grams of fat – 20 of them saturated!
There are so many delicious alternatives to ice cream like fruit sorbet or even sugar
free, low fat frozen yogurt, it boggles the mind that more fitness conscious people
don’t make the switch. Are you a Ben & Jerry’s freak? Skip the wavy gravy or
chunky monkey and have the Cherry Garcia Yogurt instead (if you must)… it’s only
340 calories and six grams of fat. Healthy Choice makes a Low fat chocolate mint
chip ice cream with only 200 calories per cup and just four grams of fat. Best of all,
Kemp’s makes a sugar free non fat frozen yogurt that contains only 240 calories and
zero grams of fat. It’s made with skim milk and is sugar free.
You can have your ice cream and eat it too, you just have to watch your portion
sizes, read labels, choose your brand carefully, and go with a reduced fat or even a
fat free version. Usually I hear, “but it just doesn’t taste the same.” Maybe true,
but if regular ice cream is a regular item in your weekly or daily menu, you can rest
assured that a lot of those calories will be turning to fat.
2. Fried Foods
All fried foods are really BAD NEWS! (with all capitals!) Fried foods are harmful in
more ways than one. First of all, they are high in calories and mostly fat. Take a
McDonald’s super size fries, for example. Polish off the whole batch and you’ve got
yourself 610 calories and 29 grams of fat, 10 of them saturated. Large Burger King
hash browns – 390 calories and 25 grams of fat, 15 of them saturated. KFC fried
chicken breast (extra tasty crispy) – one serving alone sets you back 470 calories
and 25 grams of fat.
Second, the type of fat is highly saturated and/or trans fat. Frying destroys essential
fatty acids (EFA’s) by twisting their molecules from the cis-configuration in which
they’re normally found to the unnatural trans shape. To make matters worse,
shortening and margarines have replaced the lard that was traditionally used for
frying. These contain large amounts of chemically altered trans fatty acids to begin
with, so you get a double whammy of artery clogging, health destroying “funny fats.”
According to Udo Erasmus, the world’s foremost expert on fats, there is no such
thing as safe frying. “Safe frying is a contradiction in terms,” says Erasmus. “When
foods turn brown, they have been burned. The nutrients in burned material have
been destroyed. Proteins turn into carcinogenic acrolein. Starches and sugars are
browned through molecular destruction. Fats and oils are turned to smoke by
destruction of fatty acids and glycerol.”
Folks, stay the heck away from anything fried! (By the way, did you know that
“sauté” is the French word for “fry?”)
3. Donuts and pastries
Like ice cream, doughnuts are one of the all time no-no’s when body fat reduction
and good health are your goals. Doughnuts contain that king of fat storing
combinations: refined sugar and saturated fats.
A small plain or powdered donut contains about 170 calories and 10 grams of fat (by
the way, that’s over 50% fat by calories). Your larger donuts contain anywhere from
200 to 420 calories and up to 22 grams of fat – much of it saturated.
The flour in donuts, of course is white flour – stripped of any nutritional value with
no trace of the original whole grain left intact. And heaps and heaps of sugar are
added on top to add insult to injury.
Donuts also contain chemical agents designed to keep them soft, mono and
diglycerides, propylene and glycol mono and diesters, coloring agents including FD &
C yellow, number 5 and preservatives such as BHT and BHA.
If you want a chemical cocktail loaded with fat, sugar and calories, donuts fit the bill
nicely. By the way, did you know they deep-fry those things? And one more thing;
did you know a Cinnabon has 670 calories and 34 grams of fat? Stay away from
Cinnabons, pastries, éclairs and anything else in the “donut family.”
4. White sugar, Candy, Chocolate and sweets
One of the biggest misconceptions in weight loss is that carbohydrates make you fat.
This is an incorrect statement. A correct statement would be; refined carbohydrates
make you fat… and that means white sugar, candy and sweets. Of course, calories
are the bottom line… it’s not necessarily sugar that makes you fat, it’s too many
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