Turn Young_An exploration in to the mind, sex and health.pdf

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Turn Young
An exploration in to the mind, sex and health
T.M Molian. P.T
Copyright © 2009 by Mani Molian Thangasamy
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or
transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or
electronic—without written permission of both publisher and author, except in
the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles ,reviews and Wikimedia
commons images. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is
illegal. For Wikimedia images please refer to Wikimedia commons for copy
right information.
1. Prologue
2. Sexual Attraction and Sex: The Primary Links to the Life
3. Manipulate Your Body through Sexual Activity
4. Mechanisms of Mating
5. Dehypnotize Through Sexual Activity
6. Sex in Microgravity
7. Sex and Athletic Triad
8. Asexuality and Meditation: The Ways to Death and Disease
9. Mind And Meridians: Do They Really Exist?
10. Why Early Men Drilled Holes In Their Skulls?
11. Hypnosis and Sex - The Bible Correlation
12. The Strange Possession
13. Secret of Sex Organ Enlargement Hypnosis
14. The Origin of Abnormal Memory
15. The Origin of Abnormal Sexual Feelings and Behavior
16. The Origin of Mental and Physical Disorders
17. Possession: Is It Metal In The Mind?
18. Freud and Mind
19. Watch Your Thoughts - A Journey Toward Original Mind
20. Sexual Abstinence, Meditation and Dishonesty
21. Sexual Behavior and Traffic Accidents
22. Therapeutics: Future Vision
This is not a how to do manual or professional recommendation. Hypothesis
and discussions mentioned in this book are only based on the author's
intuition, ideas and other existing research information. The author has no
responsibility for the practice of this hypothesis and any consequent
damages or claims (if any) arising out of it.
Every human mind has a deep innate drive for beauty and attraction. This
drive may be willingly enhanced, suppressed or convoluted by learned
behavior. There is an obvious existence of natural, discriminative sexual
attraction which promotes non-promiscuous relationship. It is an
electromagnetic like seductive attraction between male and female
consciousness. At this time there are no separate terms to describe this
natural seductive attraction. This natural attraction is complicated and made
indiscriminate due to the presence of a strange unknown imperceptible
matter in human body. This imperceptible matter is referred by different
names like animal magnetism, hypnotic power, serpent power, Caduceus
power, kundalini power, qi energy, prana power, devil spirit, demon spirit,
alien spirit and etc.
Beauty is the visual signal for health. The natural attraction toward beauty
and cleanliness is actually the attraction toward health. So as to promote
sexual selection of the species the sexual attraction is mentally and
genetically linked with the beauty, health and intelligence. Not only the sex
but any kind of beauty is attractive to humans. It may be a beautiful lawn,
building, cloth, painting and etc. Simply the mind is beautiful. So it gets
attracted to beauty in any way. The beauty in mind indirectly promotes
cleanliness of the surroundings to promote health. Owing to that health
seems to be directly proportional the sexual attraction and beauty.
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